Talk:Java/Java Media Framework

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I'm an Ubuntu user and would very much like to use OpenOffice 3.x with fully supported media types. I write presentations for use in schools and elsewhere regarding climate change and its mitigation. The instructions here worked great - thanks for that! Up till the last, that I need a JMF wrapper: "Extending JMF: Sun's Java Media Framework comes with support for few formats. You can extend it by installing Fobs4JMF, which is a JMF wrapper for the popular ffmpeg, it can play the most common formats and codecs (ogg, mp3, m4a, divx, xvid, h264, mov, avi, etc): "

But ... "Please refer to for more details." "Unfortunately there are no recent binaries for Linux (see, so you will have to compile it from the sources." .... and ... "Building Fobs4JMF, the JMF wrapper for ffmpeg, requires some knowledge on building (and programming: I had to correct some errors in five files to compile). They have a deb pkg for Ubuntu but it's old." The code is C++

That's a bit intimidating for an Ubuntu type like me and I'm not going to proceed until someone puts a DEB distribution together with working binaries.

PLEASE! I have working OpenOffice 2.4 Impress presentations that are broken on all links to movie objects. This is MUST have for lots of people. We're dependent on the smart folks who build our working systems, really grateful for the work. I'm begging for it, willing to grovel if it would help. Thanks! Regards.

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