Renaissance:Status Meetings:2009-03-02

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Meeting Details

  • 2009-03-02, 4:00 PM CET
  • IRC details:

In Attendance

  • (IRC: ApOgEE-)
  • (IRC: ambrin)
  • Frank Loehmann (IRC: frankl)
  • Andreas Bartel (IRC: Andreas_sun)
  • Christoph Lukasiak (IRC: clu_sun)
  • (IRC: danielbw)
  • Elizabeth NMatthis (IRC: lizm)
  • Martin Damboldt (IRC: mdamboldt)
  • Matthias Mueller Prove (IRC: mprove)
  • Ruediger Timm (IRC: rtimm)
  • Thomas Thym (IRC: ungethym)
  • (IRC: Vince42)


  • Review of old action items
  • Round Table

Action Items

Date Description Owner Status
2009-01-19/1 ODF document analyzer Andreas Stalled
2009-01-19/2 User survey 2009 Frank Done
2009-02-02/1 Usage Tracking marketing text lizm In progress
2009-01-19/3 User Tracking Functionality Andreas In progress
2009-01-19/4 Compatitive Analysis Frank Stalled
2009-01-19/5 Ethnographic research Andreas In progress

Comments on Action Items

  • 2009-01-19/1: Still stalled. Christoph Noack will try to promote it on CeBit at least he plans to talk about the idea in his presentation.
  • 2009-01-19/2: The OOo User Survey 2009 is online:
  • 2009-02-02/1: Liz will work on this to have the text at hand in time for the 3.1 release
  • 2009-01-19/3: In progress, Andreas just talked to Bjoern last week and it seems that the difficulties with automated testing have been resolved.
  • 2009-01-19/4: Frank just took over this item from Bettina.
  • 2009-01-19/5: Andreas is going to start planning the interview and focus group for Munich this week.

Round Table

  • lizm: I just wanted to point out that I got the wiki usage survey up and running last Friday. Now there are 54 responses and more keep coming in. Not as big a deal as the user surveys, of course, but I'm happythere are at least 54 people using the OOowiki.:-)
  • frankl: Some words about the OpenOffice User Survey 2009: Users are asked to take the survey, if they chose register from the help menu. More than 10.000 users took that survey since February 20! We hope to have stable results within the next 3 week.
  • frankl: frankl: and we had the State of the Project presentation last Thursday. Please find the presentation here: We will blog about this later today.
  • lizm: lizm: Plus I finished proof-reading and retranslating the IsoL survey last week for Andreas to go ahead with the English version
  • lizm: BTW, I blogged on GullFOSS and UX about the wiki usage survey, but if anyone knows of more places I should ask for participants, please let me know of feel free to post the link yourself. Thx!
  • ambrin: Introduced himself as a Designer/Project Manager from Atlanta who plans to join the project. Further information to come. -> Big WELCOME to ambrin!!!

mdamboldt: I will be out of the office next Monday. Thanks to Andreas who will run next weeks meeting.


(16:00:18) mdamboldt: Hi
(16:00:25) frankl: Hi, all!
(16:00:30) clu_sun: moin
(16:00:39) lizm: howdy
(16:01:49) mdamboldt: Will Andreas join today, too?
(16:02:21) lizm: I'm at home, so I don't know
(16:02:38) frankl: Yes he will. He has some probs with the software.
(16:02:47) ungethym hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Remote closed the connection).
<connection lost>
(16:03:36) mdamboldt: Hi (again)
(16:03:38) ungethym [] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:03:46) ***mdamboldt seems Andreas is not the only one with trouble....
(16:04:03) mdamboldt: So let's start with the action items review:
(16:04:24) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/1  ODF document analyzer   Andreas  Stalled 
(16:04:39) ***mdamboldt maybe we wait for Andreas and go the next ones...
(16:04:46) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/2  User survey 2009  Frank  Running 
(16:04:54) frankl: The OOo User Survey 2009 is online:
(16:05:03) mdamboldt: So I will close this AI
(16:05:21) mdamboldt: Or is there any need to continue tracking it as AI?
(16:05:30) frankl: No.
(16:05:33) mdamboldt: Next one:
(16:05:33) mdamboldt: 2009-02-02/1  Usage Tracking marketing text  lizm  In progress 
(16:05:46) lizm: Still in progress
(16:06:21) mdamboldt: lizm: Is there a due date or similar to enable other to promote in time for 3.1 release?
(16:06:57) lizm: Tell me the 3.1 release date and I'll get it done by then ;-)
(16:07:35) mdamboldt: lizm: Well it was just shifted again. How long do you think you need to finish it?
(16:07:52) lizm: a week
(16:07:55) rtimm [n=Ruediger@nat/sun/x-795714d901815bdf] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:08:07) mdamboldt: Ok
(16:08:08) lizm: But that means I can do nothing else that week
(16:08:42) mdamboldt: Next:
(16:08:43) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/3  User Tracking Functionality  Andreas  In progress 
(16:09:43) ***mdamboldt just noticed Andreas still not here.....
(16:09:52) mdamboldt: Another one:
(16:09:53) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/4  Compatitive Analysis  Frank  In progress 
(16:10:01) frankl: No, stalled.
(16:10:08) mdamboldt: Ok
(16:10:14) frankl: I took that one over from Bettina.
(16:10:41) mdamboldt: So we would already be at the round table (may be we skip back to AI's later to get status from Andreas)
(16:11:02) Andreas_sun [n=Andreas@nat/sun/x-8cb73ae2ee13ee0a] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:11:09) mdamboldt: Hi Andreas :)
(16:11:12) Andreas_sun: finally. I made it
(16:11:26) Andreas_sun: thank god xchat exists
(16:11:39) mdamboldt: Andreas: There were two AI's noted with your name:
(16:11:46) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/1  ODF document analyzer   Andreas  Stalled 
(16:12:08) Andreas_sun: still stalled. I think Christoph will promote it on CeBit
(16:12:16) ambrin [] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:12:34) ambrin: morning!
(16:12:46) mdamboldt: Next one is:
(16:12:46) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/3  User Tracking Functionality  Andreas  In progress
(16:12:46) Andreas_sun: at least he will talk about the idea in his presentation
(16:12:53) Andreas_sun: Hi
(16:12:53) mdamboldt: Hi ambrin
(16:13:27) Andreas_sun: I talked to Bj?rn last week and it seems that the difficulties with automated testing have been resolved
(16:13:42) Andreas_sun: so I think we're making progess
(16:14:03) mdamboldt: Good!
(16:14:03) mdamboldt: Just noted there is a third one for you Andreas:
(16:14:03) mdamboldt: 2009-01-19/5  Ethnographic research  Andreas  In progress
(16:14:24) Andreas_sun: I will start planning the interview and focus group for Munich this week
(16:15:01) mdamboldt: So thats all on AI's.
(16:15:09) mdamboldt: Open for round table.
(16:15:12) lizm: RT? I just wanted to point out that I got the wiki usage survey up and running last Friday. Now there are 54 responses and more keep coming in. Not as big a deal as the user surveys, of course, but I'm happythere are at least 54 people using the OOowiki.:-)
(16:15:48) frankl: Some words about the OpenOffice User Survey 2009: Users are asked to take the survey, if they chose register from the help menu. More than 10.000 users took that survey since February 20! We hope to have stable results within the next 3 week.
<connection lost>
(16:16:45) Andreas_sun: I got nothing actually
(16:16:48) frankl: and we had the State of the Project presentation last Thursday. Please find the presentation here: We will blog about this later today.
(16:17:04) lizm: Plus I finished proof-reading and retranslating the IsoL survey last week for Andreas to go ahead with the English version
(16:17:24) Andreas_sun: right, thanks Liz!
(16:17:46) frankl hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
(16:17:53) frankl [n=fl93699@nat/sun/x-eb0613bd2b2da109] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:17:53) Modus (+o frankl ) von ChanServ
(16:18:44) mdamboldt: Anything else somebody wants to mention in todays round table?
(16:19:03) lizm: BTW, I blogged on GullFOSS and UX about the wiki usage survey, but if anyone knows of more places I should ask for participants, please let me know of feel free to post the link yourself. Thx!
(16:20:04) lizm: Could I put a link right on the main wiki page?
(16:20:35) Andreas_sun: OOo Wiki?
(16:20:44) lizm: Ooo wiki, yes.
(16:20:51) Andreas_sun: why not
(16:20:54) ambrin: Hi everyone. I am new here. I am a Designer/Project Manager from Atlanta. Work a lot with UX/UI. I went through the sign up process just have to catch up on the reading now.
(16:21:07) Andreas_sun: welcome!
(16:21:17) lizm: Of course I'd take the link to the survey away as soon as the survey is over. Welcome Ambrin!
(16:21:52) Andreas_sun: you didn't introduce yourself on the ux/ui lists yet, did you ambrin?
(16:22:30) ambrin: No -- I just signed up this weekend -- and that is on my list of things to do
(16:22:54) lizm: Hey Ambrin, Do you like analyzing data or would you rather use pixels? ;-) We would love to have you involved in any capacity you feel comfortable.
(16:23:05) rtimm: lizm: a link at the wiki entry page sounds fine. Just that the page is a bit chaotic - where to best put it?
(16:23:37) lizm: rtimm: yes, that is a problem. Hmmm. We'll have to look and see.
(16:24:37) lizm: ambrin: how is the weather in Atlanta? My parents are in CT and have snow.
(16:25:14) ambrin: lizm: They both sound appealing to me. We had snow yesterday -- it was nice.
(16:26:27) lizm: Snow in Atlanta, huh. I've got Georgia on my mind ;-) Seriously, the UX team is short-handed so we can use lots of hands. Hope you have two. ;-)
(16:27:26) lizm: After you introduce yourself on the list we'll know more about your areas of interest and enjoy throwing tasks your way. If you pick em up and run that's great. You choose what you want to do.
(16:28:05) ambrin: lizm: You are lucky I do. Okay great I will get that done today.
(16:28:09) lizm: Naturally you can also invent tasks for yourself and join in other already existing efforts. There is soooo much to do. You won't be bored!
(16:28:32) mdamboldt: Ok, anything else for the round table?
(16:28:32) mdamboldt: ambrin: I'm eager to read more from you. Hopefully you like this project and like spend some time on it with us.
(16:28:47) lizm: Great. Good to have you aboard! Ahoy!
(16:29:06) lizm: no, I'll be quiet now.
(16:29:32) mdamboldt: Ok, silence is taken as "nothing else for today" :)
(16:29:42) lizm: bye
(16:29:42) mdamboldt: So talk to you all again latest next week.
(16:29:45) Andreas_sun: bye
(16:29:48) frankl: bye
(16:29:51) Andreas_sun hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Verlassend").
(16:29:55) mdamboldt: Oh, by the way, next monday I will be on vacation
(16:30:05) mdamboldt: bye
(16:30:13) lizm: we'll miss you Martin. Who should officiate?
(16:30:36) mdamboldt: lizm: The one who asks :) - No, I'm kidding.......
(16:30:44) mdamboldt: May be Andreas as he did last time.....
(16:30:44) clu_sun hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(16:30:50) mdamboldt: Need to ask him....
(16:31:02) lizm: Hopefully you'll put up the agenda and then it'll run by itself
(16:31:22) mdamboldt: lizm: Andreas just confirmed that he will run the meeting next monday....
(16:31:48) lizm: Thanks as always for keeping  us in line, Martin. Have a good day off.
(16:32:17) lizm: See you the week after, then. Ciao!
== IRC Log ==
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