ReleaseStatus Minutes 2010-10-25 IRC log

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(14:55:25) Das Thema für #oooreleases ist: Release-Stauts-Meeting, every monday at 15:00 Hamburg Time (13:00 UTC in summer)
(14:57:10) ml1 [~ml93712@nat/sun/x-oabimdbdmvcaxtyj] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:57:17) ml1: hi
(14:58:05) paveljanik: Moin
(14:58:07) ja_: Welcome!
(15:00:14) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:00:15) wope_away [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:17) stefan_b: HI!
(15:00:36) mdamboldt: Welcome to todays releases status meeting.
(15:00:37) rtimm [~rt94443@nat/sun/x-kctgqjlttwklzmdy] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:01) mdamboldt: RC2 has been published last weekend. (OOO330m12)
(15:01:19) mdamboldt: A couple of additional stoppers have been raised in the meantime.
(15:01:40) mdamboldt: Some of them have already been addressed, others are in progress, some are under evaluation.
(15:02:10) kai_a [~kai_a@nat/sun/x-bizpveysezqwyion] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:02:13) mdamboldt: We need to have an RC3 build to address them.
(15:04:26) mdamboldt: Are there any specific stopper (candidates) to talk about in todays meeting?
(15:05:39) UweL [~chatzilla@nat/sun/x-vfuudhlitbokcfyk] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:05:49) ja_: not from my side
(15:07:35) mdamboldt: Depending on when the last stopper fixes become ready, we will start an RC3 build mid to end of this week. (OOO330m13)
(15:07:51) rtimm: OK
(15:08:40) ja_: +1
(15:08:54) blauwal: OK
(15:09:33) ml1: OK
(15:11:01) mdamboldt: Ok. So this already all I've for todays meeting.
(15:11:06) mdamboldt: Anything else for today?
(15:11:15) ja_: Oliver Bolte will care about OOO330m13 and Vladimir Glazunov will care about DEV300m91
(15:15:44) mdamboldt: Sounds there is nothing else for today....
(15:15:46) mdamboldt: ...bye

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