ReleaseStatus Minutes 2010-05-31 IRC log

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(14:52:55) Das Thema für #oooreleases ist: Release-Stauts-Meeting, every monday at 15:00 Hamburg Time (13:00 UTC in summer)
(14:54:02) rtimm [~Ruediger@nat/sun/x-gxqxkqamczektywc] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:58:08) ja_: Hello everybody!
(15:00:04) kai_a [~ka@nat/sun/x-jiybjglvcccaqaub] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:12) ml1 [~ml93712@nat/sun/x-glpvhbqnmrceoypy] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:17) ml1: hi
(15:00:42) rafaella [~Rafaella@nat/sun/x-zjyovtzyuzwypdes] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:13) UweL [~chatzilla@nat/sun/x-flprfmzzffleppwo] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:02:47) of_sun: Hi
(15:03:18) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:03:31) blauwal [~jr93709@nat/sun/x-ilgcrcwrroncdmgc] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:03:37) MechtiIde: hello
(15:03:51) wope: Hi
(15:04:07) rafaella: hi
(15:04:20) mdamboldt: OOo 3.2.1 RC2
(15:04:33) mdamboldt: so far no further stoppers have been raised
(15:04:44) mdamboldt: looks promissing for a GO tomorrow
(15:05:09) mdamboldt: I've heard rafaella already received a couple of L10N approvals
(15:05:32) rafaella: mdamboldt, yes from 13 teams!
(15:05:48) mdamboldt: great
(15:06:10) ml1: thats really great news :-)
(15:06:24) ja_: We have to make sure these approvals are for RC2. Some of them are for RC1 when looking at
(15:06:52) rafaella: ja_, they are for RC2!
(15:07:00) mdamboldt: So in tomorrows RSM (same time and place as today) we will hopefully see RC2 approved to be released.
(15:07:18) mdamboldt: Anything else related to 3.2.1 release for todays meeting?
(15:09:17) 13WAAX2VK [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:11:32) mdamboldt: Ok, so let's talk about 3.3 release. As already noted in last meetings, we need to talk about the 3.3 schedule. Since the 3.2.1 is nearly finished, this is a good starting point to have a branch off date for the 3.3 date in the near future. From my point of view June 24th 2010 can be a good branch off date for 3.3 release.
(15:12:43) mdamboldt: This can be followed with a L10N translation handover on 1st July 2010.
(15:13:05) mdamboldt: A first langues handback till 15th July 2010.
(15:13:41) mdamboldt: And finally a L10N TCM testing on L10N CWS builds with focus on new features of 3.3 from 22nd July till 29th July 2010
(15:13:49) rafaella: mdamboldt, prioritizing the UI translation over the help....
(15:14:13) mdamboldt: rafaella: good point
(15:16:18) MechtiIde: so we olan the release of 3.3 mid of august before OOoCon2010
(15:16:21) MechtiIde: ????
(15:16:26) MechtiIde: we plan
(15:16:42) gibi33 [~gibi@] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:16:52) _rene_: I've no illusion that it'll slip behind it anyways ;-)
(15:17:13) MechtiIde: that is the problem of plans ;-)
(15:17:16) rafaella: also, note that as soon as the 3.2.1 is officially released, we can update Pootle and I can start announcing the translation schedule.
(15:17:39) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: you mean beta, right?
(15:18:09) MechtiIde: I think beta would be at feature/code freeze
(15:18:54) MechtiIde: that can be the mid of June
(15:18:59) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: no, those are different items/dates
(15:19:23) MechtiIde: fbut for the beta version we don't need the translation
(15:19:32) MechtiIde: or are there new decisions?
(15:19:34) MechtiIde: ?
(15:20:15) _rene_: hell, not that discussion again. beta has nothing to do with translations
(15:20:27) MechtiIde: yes
(15:20:29) _rene_: en-US for betas is perfectly ok
(15:20:43) MechtiIde: so the beta version should be at the beginning of the branch
(15:21:10) MechtiIde: and mdamboldt named 24. of june as the date
(15:21:18) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: yes, might need to include som beta stoppers
(15:21:27) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: During 3.2 release we learned that more time is needed between branch off and beta. Additional there were requests during 3.2 phase to have the beta transla�ted.
(15:22:13) MechtiIde: mdamboldt, please no transaltion before beta
(15:22:31) MechtiIde: what should be the time between beta and final then
(15:22:44) MechtiIde: I think eight weeks is a good time
(15:23:22) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: rc1 or rc7 ? :-)
(15:23:25) MechtiIde: _Nesshof_1, OOO330_m2 or m3 is ok for beta ;-)
(15:23:33) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: yes
(15:23:50) MechtiIde: _Nesshof_1, i hope not as much RCs as for 3.2 :(
(15:23:59) MechtiIde: and not about christmas(14:52:55) Das Thema für #oooreleases ist: Release-Stauts-Meeting, every monday at 15:00 Hamburg Time (13:00 UTC in summer)
(14:52:58) Mitschnitt gestartet. Zukünftige Nachrichten dieser Unterhaltung werden mitgeschnitten.
(14:54:02) rtimm [~Ruediger@nat/sun/x-gxqxkqamczektywc] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:58:08) ja_: Hello everybody!
(15:00:04) kai_a [~ka@nat/sun/x-jiybjglvcccaqaub] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:12) ml1 [~ml93712@nat/sun/x-glpvhbqnmrceoypy] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:17) ml1: hi
(15:00:42) rafaella [~Rafaella@nat/sun/x-zjyovtzyuzwypdes] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:13) UweL [~chatzilla@nat/sun/x-flprfmzzffleppwo] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:02:47) of_sun: Hi
(15:03:18) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:03:31) blauwal [~jr93709@nat/sun/x-ilgcrcwrroncdmgc] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:03:37) MechtiIde: hello
(15:03:51) wope: Hi
(15:04:07) rafaella: hi
(15:04:20) mdamboldt: OOo 3.2.1 RC2
(15:04:33) mdamboldt: so far no further stoppers have been raised
(15:04:44) mdamboldt: looks promissing for a GO tomorrow
(15:05:09) mdamboldt: I've heard rafaella already received a couple of L10N approvals
(15:05:32) rafaella: mdamboldt, yes from 13 teams!
(15:05:48) mdamboldt: great
(15:06:10) ml1: thats really great news :-)
(15:06:24) ja_: We have to make sure these approvals are for RC2. Some of them are for RC1 when looking at
(15:06:52) rafaella: ja_, they are for RC2!
(15:07:00) mdamboldt: So in tomorrows RSM (same time and place as today) we will hopefully see RC2 approved to be released.
(15:07:18) mdamboldt: Anything else related to 3.2.1 release for todays meeting?
(15:09:17) 13WAAX2VK [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:11:32) mdamboldt: Ok, so let's talk about 3.3 release. As already noted in last meetings, we need to talk about the 3.3 schedule. Since the 3.2.1 is nearly finished, this is a good starting point to have a branch off date for the 3.3 date in the near future. From my point of view June 24th 2010 can be a good branch off date for 3.3 release.
(15:12:43) mdamboldt: This can be followed with a L10N translation handover on 1st July 2010.
(15:13:05) mdamboldt: A first langues handback till 15th July 2010.
(15:13:41) mdamboldt: And finally a L10N TCM testing on L10N CWS builds with focus on new features of 3.3 from 22nd July till 29th July 2010
(15:13:49) rafaella: mdamboldt, prioritizing the UI translation over the help....
(15:14:13) mdamboldt: rafaella: good point
(15:16:18) MechtiIde: so we olan the release of 3.3 mid of august before OOoCon2010
(15:16:21) MechtiIde: ????
(15:16:26) MechtiIde: we plan
(15:16:42) gibi33 [~gibi@] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:16:52) _rene_: I've no illusion that it'll slip behind it anyways ;-)
(15:17:13) MechtiIde: that is the problem of plans ;-)
(15:17:16) rafaella: also, note that as soon as the 3.2.1 is officially released, we can update Pootle and I can start announcing the translation schedule.
(15:17:39) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: you mean beta, right?
(15:18:09) MechtiIde: I think beta would be at feature/code freeze
(15:18:54) MechtiIde: that can be the mid of June
(15:18:59) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: no, those are different items/dates
(15:19:23) MechtiIde: fbut for the beta version we don't need the translation
(15:19:32) MechtiIde: or are there new decisions?
(15:19:34) MechtiIde: ?
(15:20:15) _rene_: hell, not that discussion again. beta has nothing to do with translations
(15:20:27) MechtiIde: yes
(15:20:29) _rene_: en-US for betas is perfectly ok
(15:20:43) MechtiIde: so the beta version should be at the beginning of the branch
(15:21:10) MechtiIde: and mdamboldt named 24. of june as the date
(15:21:18) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: yes, might need to include som beta stoppers
(15:21:27) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: During 3.2 release we learned that more time is needed between branch off and beta. Additional there were requests during 3.2 phase to have the beta transla�ted.
(15:22:13) MechtiIde: mdamboldt, please no transaltion before beta
(15:22:31) MechtiIde: what should be the time between beta and final then
(15:22:44) MechtiIde: I think eight weeks is a good time
(15:23:22) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: rc1 or rc7 ? :-)
(15:23:25) MechtiIde: _Nesshof_1, OOO330_m2 or m3 is ok for beta ;-)
(15:23:33) _Nesshof_1: MechtiIde: yes
(15:23:50) MechtiIde: _Nesshof_1, i hope not as much RCs as for 3.2 :(
(15:23:59) MechtiIde: and not about christmas
(15:25:06) MechtiIde: ok if branch is at 24th June 2010 may be the Beta version in the first half of July
(15:25:24) MechtiIde: but not later
(15:26:23) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: very optimistic, but yes
(15:26:26) ja_: If we want to do a developer snapshot called beta then I would expect it at the beginning of July earliest
(15:26:37) mdamboldt: I will go ahead and add those dates to the wiki page.
(15:28:26) _rene_: ja_: +1
(15:28:39) _rene_: June is far too early
(15:30:50) ml1: beta between july 1st and 14th sounds good, +1
(15:31:15) MechtiIde: for me too
(15:32:03) mdamboldt: Ok, anything else for todays meeting?
(15:33:22) ja_: RE duties DEV300_m80 by Vladimir Glazunov (vg)
(15:33:47) rtimm: Nothing more from my side.
(15:34:22) rafaella: mdamboldt, will there be another meeting tomorrow? At what time?
(15:34:32) ja_: 15:00 Hamburg time
(15:34:37) mdamboldt: rafaella: yes, same time
(15:34:46) rafaella: ok, thanks.
(15:35:09) dtardon hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Quit: this parrot is dead).
(15:35:28) ja_: nothing else from my side
(15:25:06) MechtiIde: ok if branch is at 24th June 2010 may be the Beta version in the first half of July
(15:25:24) MechtiIde: but not later
(15:26:23) mdamboldt: Mechtilde: very optimistic, but yes
(15:26:26) ja_: If we want to do a developer snapshot called beta then I would expect it at the beginning of July earliest
(15:26:37) mdamboldt: I will go ahead and add those dates to the wiki page.
(15:28:26) _rene_: ja_: +1
(15:28:39) _rene_: June is far too early
(15:30:50) ml1: beta between july 1st and 14th sounds good, +1
(15:31:15) MechtiIde: for me too
(15:32:03) mdamboldt: Ok, anything else for todays meeting?
(15:33:22) ja_: RE duties DEV300_m80 by Vladimir Glazunov (vg)
(15:33:47) rtimm: Nothing more from my side.
(15:34:22) rafaella: mdamboldt, will there be another meeting tomorrow? At what time?
(15:34:32) ja_: 15:00 Hamburg time
(15:34:37) mdamboldt: rafaella: yes, same time
(15:34:46) rafaella: ok, thanks.
(15:35:09) dtardon hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Quit: this parrot is dead).
(15:35:28) ja_: nothing else from my side
(15:37:46) ml1: should be all for today
(15:38:17) mdamboldt: bye

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