OOXML Issues

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Section break properties allowed in style?

Since sections breaks are paragraph properties the question is whether a sections break can really be applied using a style? In other words are the following style definitions valid?

<w:style w:type="paragraph" w:customStyle="1" w:styleId="MyStyle">
  <w:name w:val="MyStyle" /> 
  <w:basedOn w:val="Normal" /> 
      <w:pgSz w:w="12240" w:h="15840" /> 
      <w:pgMar w:top="1417" w:right="1417" w:bottom="1134" w:left="1417" w:header="708" w:footer="708" w:gutter="0" /> 
      <w:cols w:space="708" /> 
      <w:docGrid w:linePitch="360" /> 

The answer discussed in the TC was "no" --- section break properties should not appear in styles. So the schema needs to be fixed here.

Merge consecutive tables?

Consecutive tables (tables which follow each other) are automatically merged (if they have the same style). The questions is whether this is a Word bug or actually intended (for backward compatibility this is the right behavior).

Unicode BIDI algorithm.

Clarify how w:rtl, w:ltr is related to the Unicode BIDI algorithm ([[1]]).

Unicode Breaking Rules

Specify the line breaking rules used similar to [[2]], i.e. specify what wordWrap=”True” ( cf. wordWrap (Allow Line Breaking At Character Level)) means. Fragments have already been described in “ kinsoku (Use East Asian Typography Rules for First and Last Character per Line)”.

For example


will be displayed by WW as



whereas according to [[3]] the text should be (IMHO) displayed as



Clarify character classes Complex (resp. Non-Complex), East Asian.

Clarify the Unicode ranges of the terms “Complex Script”, “Non-Complex Script” and “East Asian” script used in the OOXML spec.

Clarify to which character classes w:b and w:bCS (and w:i resp. w:iCS, etc. ) is applied.

Especially it is not defined whether w:b or w:bCS will be applied to “shared characters”.


Specify the WMF, EMF, EMF+ file formats. (I understand the argumentation of the TC that specifying graphics format is currently not in the scope of the TC --- however maybe this is an item for the future...)

Graphics properties override


Keep-Next in tables


Evaluation order of DO/Shapes/etc.


Use printer metrics

It is specified what a turned-on compatibility option usePrinterMetrics means. It is yet unspecified which metrics are used when the compatibility option is turned-off.

Specify Transitions (#403)

Currently the OpenXML specification, part 4, specify a "transition" element in for PresentationML. This transition element can contain 0 or 1 transition child elements, to define the transition itself, amongst a list of 21. None of these 21 elements actually explain the visual effect of the slide transition effect it describe.

The consequence is that with only the specification, it is impossible to implement the slide transition effect, even approximately.

Something like this: [[4]]

Languages in field commands

Similar to problems already reported in Excel.

Form fields can not appear in shapes?

Is this valid wrt. to the schema?

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