Moderation Instructions

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You will receive all messages to be moderated via e-mail. If you do NOT react, after 7 days, the message will be dropped and the sender will be informed that he has to send it again. So, if you forget one message, that's no problem.

To moderate a message through, i.e. to let it pass to the list, simply reply to the moderation e-mail, which will result into a recipient of

You do NOT need to reject a message. If a message is spam, simply ignore it.

Nevertheless there are two possible reasons to reject a message (depending on your mail client either use REPLY ALL and delete "*-accept-*@" and "*-allow-*@" addresses or just send an empty mail to "*-reject-*@"):

  • You spent some time on evaluating the relevance of the mail and want to avoid another moderator to let it pass (in this case just add the other moderators to CC:).
  • You want to notice the sender why you rejected his or her mail (private information included, large attachments etc.). In this case add an area starting with "%%%" to the mail followed ny the text you want to send and end it with another "%%%". The list server will pass this part of the mail to the sender.

If more than one moderator approves the message, this is no problem either, as it will only be sent to the list once.

Sometimes, people do not recognize that they are sending to a mailing list, and than the e-mail contains private information like phone numbers. In such a case, feel free to ask the sender first if he wanted to send it to a public viewable mailing list. (See example by Bernhard Dippold here.)

If you moderate a message through, it would also be good if you sent a short notice to the list, telling that the message has been moderated. This way, people know they must copy the original sender in all replies.

Oh, and of course, you don't need to look into all messages. The more, the better, but due to the amount of spam it's totally normal that we miss some messages to be moderated, so don't worry about that.

There's also a mailing list for moderators. Feel free to subscribe via an e-mail to to discuss with moderator colleagues.

If you want to filter the moderation requests, you can do so using your e-mail client. Possible rules are:

  • IF from = *-reject-*
  • IF from = *-reject-*@*

Please do not moderate messages through that are in a language different to the list's language (very often, this is English). There might be exceptions to this rule, but these should be rare.

Please also make sure that your vacation autoreply does not reply to moderation messages, as you might unwantedy moderate messages through by replying to the -accept address. It depends on your autoreply software if this works out of the box. If in doubt, either filter moderation requests away before the autoreply kicks in, or use a different e-mail account solely for moderation messages.

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