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Apache OpenOffice



Dim MyArray(3)


Dim MyInteger(3) As Integer

Dim MyInteger(5 To 10) As Integer

Dim MyInteger(-10 To -5) As Integer

Dim s(-53000 to 89000) As String
s(-52000) = "aa"
s(79999) = "bb"
print s(-52000), s(79999)

Documentation note.png


Option Base 1

Apache OpenOffice

Option Base 1

Option Base 1
' ...
Dim MyInteger(3)


Documentation note.png Apache OpenOfficeOption Base 1Apache OpenOfficeMyInteger(3)Apache OpenOfficeOption CompatibleApache OpenOffice


Apache OpenOffice

Dim MyIntArray(5, 5) As Integer


Apache OpenOffice


Apache OpenOffice

ReDim MyArray(10)

Documentation note.png Dim MyArray()Apache OpenOfficeReDim

Dim MyArray(4) As Integer ' Declaration with five elements 
' ...
ReDim MyArray(10) As Integer ' Increase to 11 elements
' ... 
ReDim MyArray(20) As Integer ' Increase to 21 elements


Dim MyArray(10) As Integer ' Defining the initial 
' dimensions
' ... 
ReDim Preserve MyArray(20) As Integer ' Increase in 
' data field, while
' retaining content


Documentation note.png PreserveApache OpenOffice



Dim MyArray(10) As Integer
' ... some instructions
Dim n As Integer
n = 47 ' could be the result of a computation
Redim MyArray(n) As Integer
MsgBox(LBound(MyArray))  ' displays : 0
MsgBox(UBound(MyArray))  ' displays : 47

Dim MyArray(10, 13 to 28) As Integer
MsgBox(LBound(MyArray, 2))  ' displays : 13
MsgBox(UBound(MyArray, 2))  ' displays : 28


Dim s() As String ' declare an empty array
' --- later in the program ...
Redim s(13) As String

Dim MyArray() As Integer
MsgBox(LBound(MyArray))  ' displays : 0
MsgBox(UBound(MyArray))  ' displays : -1






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