API Overview

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The OOoBean offers methods that can be applied to all Apache OpenOffice document types.

Methods of com.sun.star.comp.beans.OOoBean
OOoBean() constructor - creates an OOoBean with an implicit connection
OOoBean(OfficeConnection) constructor - creates an OOoBean with an explicit connection
setOOoStartTimeOut(...) void - sets the timeout for methods which start Apache OpenOffice
setOOoCallTimeOut(...) void - sets the timeout for other methods
SetOOoCheckCycle(...) void - sets repeat period for cyclic Apache OpenOffice alive check
setOOoConnection(...) void - sets an explicit connection to a Apache OpenOffice instance
startOOoConnection(...) void - starts a connection with an explicit connection URL
isOOoConnected() boolean - returns whether the OOoBean is connected to a Apache OpenOffice
stopOOoConnection() void - stops the current connection to Apache OpenOffice
getOOoConnection() OfficeConnection - returns the current connection to Apache OpenOffice
getMultiServiceFactory() XMultiServiceFactory -- returns the service factory of the connected Apache OpenOffice
getOOoDesktop() XDesktop - returns the desktop object of the connected OpenOffice.org
clearDocument() void -- resets the Bean to an empty document
clear() void - removes the document from the Bean
aquireSystemWindow() void - has to be called when the Bean has a parent component which has a valid system window
releaseSystemWindow() void -- has to be called before the parent component loses its system window, e.g. before it is removed from its parent component
loadFromURL() void -- loads a document into the Bean
loadFromStream() void -- loads a document from a Java stream int o the Bean
loadFromByteArray() void -- loads a document from a byte array into the Bean
storeToURL() void - stores the document in the Bean to an URL
storeToStream() void - stores the document in the Bean to a stream
storeToByteArray() void - stores the document in the Bean to a byte array
getFrame() Frame -- returns a wrapper for Frame
getController() Controller -- returns a wrapper for Controller
getDocument() Document -- returns a wrapper for OfficeDocument
setAllBarsVisible() void - sets visibility of all tool bars, known by this Bean
set...BarVisible() void - sets visibility of a specific tool bar
is...BarVisible() boolean - returns visibility of a specific tool bar
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