Currently open documents

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The following function returns an array of the currently open documents. It calls fnWhichComponent which is available from Currently active document.

function fnCurrentDocuments(optional sType as string)
dim oEnum as object, oPosDoc as object, i as integer
dim oListboxDocs as object
oEnum = StarDesktop.getComponents.createEnumeration
'Count windows
i = -1
while oEnum.hasMoreElements
        oPosDoc = oEnum.nextElement
        ' The check for interface XserviceInfo necessary as some windows, e.g. Help
        ' don't have the interface and need to be excluded anyway.
        If HasUnoInterfaces(oPosDoc, "") Then
                if isMissing(sType) then
                        i = i + 1
                elseif  fnWhichComponent(oPosDoc) = Stype then
                        i = i + 1
                end if
        end if
if i = -1 then
        'no documents of specified type currently open
        exit function
end if
dim mDocs(i)
i = -1
oEnum = StarDesktop.getComponents.createEnumeration
while oEnum.hasMoreElements
        oPosDoc = oEnum.nextElement
        If HasUnoInterfaces( oPosDoc, "") Then 
                If isMissing(sType) then
                        i = i + 1
                        mDocs(i) = oPosDoc
                elseif fnWhichComponent(oPosDoc) = Stype then
                        i = i + 1
                        mDocs(i) = oPosDoc
                end if
        end if
fnCurrentDocuments = mDocs()
end function

An example of calling the above function. This function returns an array of the titles for the currently open documents.

function fnCurrentDocTitles(optional sType as string)
if isMissing(sType) then
        mDocs = fnCurrentDocuments()
        mDocs = fnCurrentDocuments(SType)
end if
if isEmpty(mDocs) then
        exit function
end if
nDocs = uBound(mDocs)
dim mTitles(nDocs)
for i = 0 to nDocs
        mTitles(i) = mDocs(i).getCurrentController.getFrame.getPropertyValue("Title")
fnCurrentDocTitles = mTitles()
End function

An example of displaying the titles of the currently open documents:

sText = "Text"
mCurTitles = fnCurrentDocTitles(sText)
if not isEmpty(mCurTitles) then
        msgbox join(mCurTitles, chr(10)), 0, "Currently open " & sText & "documents."
        msgbox "No Text documents currently open."
end if
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