AODL example 9

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Accessing and manipulating common styles (style templates)

TextDocument document = new TextDocument();
//Find a Header template
IStyle style = document.CommonStyles.GetStyleByName("Heading_20_1");
Assert.IsNotNull(style, "Style with name Heading_20_1 must exist");
Assert.IsTrue(style is ParagraphStyle, "style must be a ParagraphStyle");
((ParagraphStyle)style).TextProperties.FontName = FontFamilies.BroadwayBT;
//Create a header that uses the standard style Heading_20_1
Header header = new Header(document, Headings.Heading_20_1);
//Add some text
header.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(document, "I am the header text and my style template was modified :)"));
//Add header to the document
//save the document

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