Saving spreadsheets

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Spreadsheets can be saved in three ways and they are listed below. You can also save a file as a CSV file.

From the menu bar

Click File and then select Save (or Save All or Save As).

From the toolbar

Click on the Save button Save-icon.jpg on the Function bar. If the file has been saved and no subsequent changes have been made, this button is grayed-out and unselectable.

From the keyboard

Use the key combination Control+S.

If the spreadsheet has not been saved previously, then each of these actions will open the Save As dialog. Here you can specify the spreadsheet name and the location in which to save it.

Documentation note.png If the spreadsheet has been previously saved, then saving will overwrite the existing copy without opening the Save As dialog. If you want to save the spreadsheet in a different location or with a different name, then select File > Save As.

Save As CSV File

To save a spreadsheet as a comma separate value (CSV) file:

  1. Choose File > Save As.
  2. In the File name box, type a name for the file.
  3. In the File type list, select Text CSV and click Save. You may see the message box shown below. Click Keep Current Format.
Save As CSV file prompt dialog box
  1. In the Export of text files dialog (below), select the options you want and then click OK.

Choosing options when exporting to Text CSV
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