Mapping of Simple Types

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In general, the Apache OpenOffice Basic type system is not rigid. Unlike C++ and Java, Apache OpenOffice Basic does not require the declaration of variables, unless the Option Explicit command is used that forces the declaration. To declare variables, the Dim command is used. Also, a Apache OpenOffice Basic type can be optionally specified through the Dim command. The general syntax is:

  Dim VarName [As Type][, VarName [As Type]]...

All variables declared without a specific type have the type Variant. Variables of type Variant can be assigned values of arbitrary Basic types. Undeclared variables are Variant unless type postfixes are used with their names. Postfixes can be used in Dim commands as well. The following table contains a complete list of types supported by Basic and their corresponding postfixes:

Type Postfix Range
Boolean True or False
Integer  % -32768 to 32767
Long & -2147483648 to 2147483647
Single  ! Floating point number

negative: -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45

positive: 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38

Double # Double precision floating point number

negative: -1.79769313486232E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324

positive: 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308

Currency @ Fixed point number with four decimal places

-922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807

Date 01/01/100 to 12/31/9999
Object Basic Object
String $ Character string
Variant arbitrary Basic type

Consider the following Dim examples.

  Dim a, b ' Type of a and b is Variant
  Dim c as Variant ' Type of c is Variant
  Dim d as Integer ' Type of d is Integer (16 bit!)
  ' The type only refers to the preceding variable
  Dim e, f as Double ' ATTENTION! Type of e is Variant!
  ' Only the type of f is Double
  Dim g as String ' Type of g is String
  Dim h as Date ' Type of h is Date
  ' Usage of Postfixes
  Dim i% ' is the same as
  Dim i as Integer
  Dim d# ' is the same as
  Dim d as Double
  Dim s$ ' is the same as
  Dim s as String

The correlation below is used to map types from UNO to Basic and vice versa.

UNO Basic
void internal type
boolean Boolean
byte Integer
short Integer
unsigned short internal type
long Long
unsigned long internal type
hyper internal type
unsigned hyper internal type
float Single
double Double
char internal type
string String
any Variant

The simple UNO type type is mapped to the interface to retrieve type specific information. For further details, refer to UNO Reflection API.

When UNO methods or properties are accessed, and the target UNO type is known, Basic automatically chooses the appropriate types:

  ' The UNO object oExample1 has a property "Count" of type short
  a% = 42
  oExample1.Count = a% ' a% has the right type (Integer)
  pi = 3,141593
  oExample1.Count = pi ' pi will be converted to short, so Count will become 3
  s$ = "111"
  oExample1.Count = s$ ' s$ will be converted to short, so Count will become 111

Occasionally, Apache OpenOffice Basic does not know the required target type, especially if a parameter of an interface method or a property has the type any. In this situation, Apache OpenOffice Basic mechanically converts the Apache OpenOffice Basic type into the UNO type shown in the table above, although a different type may be expected. The only mechanism provided by Apache OpenOffice Basic is an automatic downcast of numeric values:

Long and Integer values are always converted to the shortest possible integer type:

  • to byte if -128 <= Value <= 127
  • to short if -32768 <= Value <= 32767

The Single/Double values are converted to integers in the same manner if they have no decimal places.

This mechanism is used, because some internal C++ tools used to implement UNO functionality in Apache OpenOffice provide an automatic upcast but no downcast. Therefore, it can be successful to pass a byte value to an interface expecting a long value, but not vice versa.

In the following example, oNameCont is an object that supports and contains elements of type short. Assume FirstValue is a valid entry.

  a% = 42
  oNameCount.replaceByName( "FirstValue", a% ) ' Ok, a% is downcasted to type byte
  b% = 123456
  oNameCount.replaceByName( "FirstValue", b% ) ' Fails, b% is outside the short range

The method call fails, therefore the implementation should throw the appropriate exception that is converted to a Apache OpenOffice Basic error by the Apache OpenOffice Basic RTL. It may happen that an implementation also accepts unsuitable types and does not throw an exception. Ensure that the values used are suitable for their UNO target by using numeric values that do not exceed the target range or converting them to the correct Basic type before applying them to UNO.

Always use the type Variant to declare variables for UNO Basic objects, not the type Object. The Apache OpenOffice Basic type Object is tailored for pure Apache OpenOffice Basic objects and not for UNO Apache OpenOffice Basic objects. The Variant variables are best for UNO Basic objects to avoid problems that can result from the Template:V Basic specific behavior of the type Object:

  Dim oService1 ' Ok
  oService1 = CreateUnoService( "" )
  Dim oService2 as Object ' NOT recommended
  oService2 = CreateUnoService( "" )
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