Documentation/How Tos/Calc: DAVERAGE function

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Returns the average of values in a column of a Calc 'database' table, in rows which meet specified criteria.


DAVERAGE(database_table; field; criteria_table)


database_table is a range defining the data to be processed.
field is the column to examine. It may be a column number (1 is the first column of the database table, 2 is the second ...) or a column header (enclosed in quotation marks ””) or a cell referring to a column header.
criteria_table is a range containing criteria, which are used to select which rows of the database_table to examine.

The Database functions overview fully describes the use of these parameters.


In this spreadsheet:

  A B C D E
1 Name Grade Age Distance to School Weight
2 Andy 3 9 150 40
3 Betty 4 10 1000 42
4 Charles 3 10 300 51
5 Daniel 5 11 1200 48
6 Eva 2 8 650 33
7 Frank 2 7 300 42
8 Greta 1 7 200 36
9 Harry 3 9 1200 44
10 Irene 2 8 1000 42
13 Name Grade Age Distance to School Weight
14   2      

DAVERAGE(A1:E10; "Distance to School"; A13:E14)

returns the average distance to school that children in the second grade have to travel (650).

DAVERAGE(A1:E10; 4; A13:E14)

returns the same result.

DAVERAGE(A1:E10; D1; A13:E14)

also returns the same result.

See also:

Database functions overview

DCOUNT function, DCOUNTA function, DSUM function, DPRODUCT function,

DMAX function, DMIN function,

DSTDEV function, DSTDEVP function, DVAR function, DVARP function,

DGET function

AVERAGE function,


The OOo2.3 Help implies that 0 as a field will include the entire database table. This seems to be wrong - only the average of a single column can be found.

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