Log Mac Meeting 14th April 2007

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[15:00] ericb2 I propose to wait a bit before to start

[15:00] ericb2 the meeting

[15:01] shaunmcdonald ericb2: ah, ok

[15:01] shaunmcdonald ericb2: how long?

[15:01] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: 5-10 min ?

[15:01] shaunmcdonald ericb2: ok

[15:08] ericb2 Let's start ?

[15:08] shaunmcdonald ericb2: is anyone else here, other than just us?

[15:08] shaunmcdonald 1. Welcome new devs (if any)

[15:08] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: looks like saturday is not the best day

[15:09] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: ismael_ is present

[15:09] ericb2 mikesic: too

[15:09] shaunmcdonald IZBot: ping

[15:09] IZBot pong

[15:09] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: lol

[15:09] shaunmcdonald ericb2: :D

[15:09] mikesic hi

[15:09] shaunmcdonald oobuildbot: ping

[15:09] shaunmcdonald hello mikesic

[15:09] ismael_ hi

[15:10] shaunmcdonald ericb2: maybe we need mid afternoon during the week ;-)

[15:10] shaunmcdonald hello ismael_

[15:10] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: IMHO, if people are willing to attend, the are present ;)

[15:10] shaunmcdonald we have 4 people here just now: shaunmcdonald ericb2 ismael_ and mikesic

[15:10] shaunmcdonald maybe others will join us later

[15:11] shaunmcdonald lets start

[15:11] shaunmcdonald 1. Welcome new devs (if any)

[15:11] * shaunmcdonald doesn't see any new developers

[15:11] shaunmcdonald 2. Latest Aqua news

[15:11] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: younker was here ~20 minutes

[15:11] ericb2 Last changes are :

[15:11] ericb2 Pavel resynch'ed aquavcl01 with m208

[15:12] ericb2 The wiki page has been updated : http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/AquaBuild

[15:12] ericb2 Native menus are now default

[15:13] ericb2 Pavel fixed a serious breaker for m208

[15:13] ericb2 we do not build psprint, and some parts for fonts are needed. the current fix is a hack

[15:14] ericb2 We need volunteers for a correct solution

[15:17] shaunmcdonald seems no one here is volunteering to help

[15:17] ericb2 I propose to ask on mac@porting

[15:18] shaunmcdonald ericb2: good idea, there is a wider audience there

[15:18] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: at least we send 148 mails :)

[15:18] mikesic ericb2: Maybe you could explain a little why this is important - if we don't use psprint?

[15:19] ericb2 mikesic: I'll try

[15:19] mikesic ericb2: at least in the mail ...

[15:19] mikesic ericb2: not in the meeting

[15:19] ericb2 mikesic: in psprint are a lot of helpers to use cups

[15:19] ericb2 mikesic: ok

[15:19] ericb2 mikesic: and fonts

[15:19] ericb2 mikesic: just in some words :

[15:20] ericb2 if we use native printing, we don't need all those helpers anymore

[15:20] mikesic ericb2: thanks

[15:20] ericb2 mikesic: Oliver Braun know more than me about that

[15:24] ericb2 no other changes ?

[15:25] ismael_ i started implementation of mouse cursors (the SetPointer function). I implemented 18 out of 94 mouse pointers, but they are the most used. If you want to test, i made a patch http://lebasket.free.fr/OOo/14_04_07/patchMousePointer14_04_07.diff

[15:25] shaunmcdonald ericb2: what is the status of the build product changes

[15:25] shaunmcdonald ?

[15:25] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: build product ?

[15:25] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: e.g. 2.3 ?

[15:25] shaunmcdonald ericb2: so that the app will run out the box

[15:26] shaunmcdonald issue 73693

[15:26] IZBot porting DEFECT STARTED aquavcl01->modify Bundle tree for native version http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=73693

[15:26] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: I just proposed a patch, after Mox fixed an issue with versioning

[15:27] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: IMHO, Oliver changes are not the correct one : we *must* modify the tree

[15:27] mikesic ericb2: I tested Mox patch, and still the debug issue :(

[15:27] mikesic ericb2: -1 for me

[15:27] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: not gdb nor XCode work, and this is is because no change in the tree loooks like a hacked Mac Application

[15:28] shaunmcdonald so we need to modify the tree for debugging

[15:28] ericb2 mikesic: I agree. The only correct fix is Pavel modification

[15:28] mikesic ericb2: +1

[15:28] mikesic ericb2: Any proper fix will work out of the box with Finder and gdb

[15:29] ericb2 mikesic: I'll have a look and if I can, I'll try to modify the bundle like Pavel does with his patch

[15:29] ericb2 mikesic: this is IMHO the correct way

[15:29] mikesic ericb2: I have been testing - the three key points are

[15:30] mikesic ericb2: 1. move executable files to MacOS dir (for Finder)

[15:30] mikesic mystic_ca

[15:30] mikesic ericb2: 2. Move " mv THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html help presets share .." for OOo

[15:30] * sparcmoz has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

[15:31] mikesic ericb2: ln program "ln -sf MacOS program"

[15:31] ericb2 mikesic: another issue is the dot in the name

[15:31] mikesic ericb2: for me - it works in Finder and gdb then (with other changes already in the patch)

[15:32] ericb2 mikesic: ok

[15:32] mikesic ericb2: the dot is an issue for xcode - true

[15:32] mikesic ericb2: I agree - it is better to work with xcode out of the box

[15:33] mikesic ericb2: so four changes

[15:34] ericb2 mikesic: the problem is : the name in the Info.plist will provide the Application name

[15:34] shaunmcdonald please remember that THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.html should after the integration of pj76 be in the license folder in the root of the disk image

[15:35] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: can we consider this issue as fixed ?

[15:35] shaunmcdonald nominated

[15:36] shaunmcdonald It was nominated on the 10th

[15:36] ericb2 mikesic: .. and this is mandatory to use OpenOffice.org as aplication name

[15:36] shaunmcdonald http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=SRC680%2Fpj76

[15:37] mikesic ericb2: and the latest existing patch by you does that - no?

[15:38] ericb2 mikesic: if you have it on your disk, just don't delete it : I have removed it from my server

[15:38] ericb2 mikesic: the aquabudle5.diff I provided you yesterday uses OpenOffice instead of OpenOffice.org

[15:39] mikesic ericb2: No - I have Mox patch - but the to Max patch is just CFBundleName - I think.

[15:39] mikesic ericb2: the change to Mox patch - that is

[15:41] ericb2 mikesic: does this patch verify everything you need : http://eric.bachard.free.fr/mac/i73693/aquabundle6.diff

[15:41] ericb2 ?

[15:42] ericb2 mikesic: Mox's changes and corect name for gdb /XCode , but IMHO, it won't work

[15:47] shaunmcdonald +BUNDLEEXECUTABLE=program/OpenOffice looks rather strange

[15:47] shaunmcdonald shouldn't it be +BUNDLEEXECUTABLE=program/soffice or +BUNDLEEXECUTABLE=program/soffice.bin ?

[15:48] * mikesic_ (n=mikesic@cpe-70-122-225-9.houston.res.rr.com) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:48] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: no, there is a symlink between OpenOffice and soffice.bin

[15:48] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: in the same patch

[15:48] shaunmcdonald ericb2: ah ok

[15:48] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: just the two names must match

[15:49] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: the problem is caused by the tree

[15:49] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: and I don't see another solution than the one we use in Pavel's script

[15:50] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: a bad tree means the Finder don't see anything, and XCode /gdb either

[15:50] shaunmcdonald what about ln -s program/soffice.bin droplet?

[15:50] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: droplet will become the application name

[15:51] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: just try

[15:51] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: the most simple should be : OpenOffice.org 2.3.app, and we launch OpenOffice.org

[15:52] * shaunmcdonald looks at the Adium bundle

[15:52] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: the version does appear with the splashscreen

[15:52] shaunmcdonald it has 1 entry binary in MacOS

[15:52] shaunmcdonald and other binaries and resources in the Resources folder

[15:53] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: this is another tree :)

15:54] shaunmcdonald ericb2: so there are many posibilities

[15:55] ericb2 shaunmcdonald: indeed. We have to verify: OpenOffice.org does appear in the folder, and XCode and gdb work

[15:56] ericb2 Next point ?

[15:56] shaunmcdonald I have had problems before if I have changed an application, the Finder wouldn't update its library of Applications a restart was generally required to update its self

[15:56] shaunmcdonald I think the problem is with Launch Services

[15:57] mikesic_ shaunmcdonald: Yes, there is a cache of some info in Info.plist

[15:57] shaunmcdonald If you are producing a whole new app or moving it to some other location each time, this is unlikely to be an issue

[15:57] shaunmcdonald mikesic_: I just want to check that this isn't the problem

[15:57] mikesic_ shaunmcdonald: You can move the app to a different folder after the change to get a new cache entry.

[15:58] * mikesic has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

[15:58] shaunmcdonald mikesic_: +1

[15:58] mikesic_ shaunmcdonald: It was confusing me yesterday - I was changing Info.plist but no change was effective.

[15:58] * ismael_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))

[15:58] shaunmcdonald mikesic_: yeah I've been caught out with it before

[15:59] * ismael_ (n=ismael@86.75.102-84.rev.gaoland.net) has joined #ooo_macport

[15:59] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to ismael_

[15:59] mikesic_ shaunmcdonald: next point?

[16:00] shaunmcdonald 3. Top 10 Status

[16:00] shaunmcdonald partly discussed already re the bundle

[16:00] <ismael_> mikesic_: i had a look at the tooltip bug

[16:01] <mikesic_> ismael_: :)

[16:01] <ismael_> mikesic_: the problem is that it needs timers to be implemented and i don't know if they are implemented

[16:02] <ericb2> ismael_: new timers ?

[16:02] <mikesic_> ismael_: please describe the problem you see on the screen ...

[16:02] <ismael_> mikesic_: i agree with Pavel, i don't think we should remove some eventhandlers

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