Changing Between Blowfish and AES Encryption
Who needs this macro
- If you do not use file passwords, or use them only to protect your own files on one computer, then you do not need this macro.
- If you share password-protected files with other users and/or other computers, you may need this macro.
- If you want or need to use the new encryption feature described below, you will need to activate the feature; this macro is one of several ways to do that.
- If you want to switch back and forth between encryption methods, then this macro is probably the most convenient way to do that, for the time being.
Files saved with a password are further protected by encryption. In 3.3 and earlier versions, and in some other ODF editors, the methods of key application and encryption are known as “SHA1 / Blowfish”. Apache OpenOffice 3.4 also offers a new pair of methods, known as “SHA256 / AES”. Because the new methods may be required by some organizations, the capability was added as soon as possible, and without the normal GUI enhancements.
The following macro is provided as a workaround for AOO 3.4, and possibly for subsequent versions, until the GUI is implemented. The changes it makes are persistent, and will remain in effect until a subsequent change. All file types (password-protected) will be stored with the selected encryption.
AOO 3.4 will automatically select the proper encryption for opening existing files. However, a subsequent save will use the globally chosen method, rather than the original. 3.3, and other editors of similar vintage, will not open files encrypted with "SHA256 / AES". Instead, they will report a read error.
Macro Source
Option Explicit Sub EncryptionToggle REM Toggle encryption mode between SHA1/Blowfish and SHA256/AES. REM Author: T.J. Frazier 2012-April REM License: ALv2 Const sPathODF as String = "/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/ODF" Const sAES as String = "SHA256 / AES" Const sBlow as String = "SHA1 / Blowfish" Dim Args(0) as New 'params for update Args(0).Name = "nodePath" Args(0).Value = sPathODF Dim bNew as Boolean 'New option value Dim bOld as Boolean 'Previous option setting Dim iAnswer as Integer 'Msgbox reply Dim oConfig as Object 'Partial configuration data Dim oProvider as Object 'Configuration Provider Dim s as String 'scratch Dim sWas as String 'describes previous option Dim sNew as String 'describes new option s = "" oProvider = createUnoService(s) s = "" oConfig = oProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(s, Args()) bOld = oConfig.UseBlowfishInODF12 If bOld Then 'Blowfish is current sWas = sBlow sNew = sAES Else 'AES is current sWas = sAES sNew = sBlow EndIf 'Blowfish active iAnswer = Msgbox( "Current encryption is " & sWas & "." & chr(13) _ & "Change to " & sNew & " instead?" & chr(13), _ MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_DEFBUTTON2, _ "Change File Encryption" ) If iAnswer = IDYES Then bNew = Not bOld oConfig.UseBlowfishInODF12 = bNew oConfig.UseSHA1InODF12 = bNew oConfig.commitChanges() Msgbox "When you drop and restart OpenOffice (including the Quickstarter)," _ & "this change will take effect.", MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION, _ "File Encryption Changed to " & sNew EndIf 'user said Yes End Sub 'EncryptionToggle