How do I get Sheet1 to print as portrait and Sheet2 to print as landscape?

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How do I get Sheet1 to print as portrait and Sheet2 to print as landscape?

You can assign a different page style to each sheet. To print out different page orientations, you first create a new page style with the desired format options and then apply it to the corresponding sheet(s).

  1. Select Format → Styles and Formatting or press  F11 
  2. Click the Page Styles icon (2nd from the left) in the Styles and Formatting window
  3. Right-click in the page style list and select New…
  4. In the Page Style window, give the new page style a descriptive name, such as Landscape Page
  5. Click on the Page tab and change Orientation to Landscape
  6. Click  OK  to close the window
  7. Select the sheet that you want to print in landscape orientation
  8. Double-click the newly created page style (e.g. Landscape Page) to assign that style to the sheet.

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