How do I get Sheet1 to print as portrait and Sheet2 to print as landscape?
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How do I get Sheet1 to print as portrait and Sheet2 to print as landscape?
You can assign a different page style to each sheet. To print out different page orientations, you first create a new page style with the desired format options and then apply it to the corresponding sheet(s).
- Select Format → Styles and Formatting or press F11
- Click the Page Styles icon (2nd from the left) in the Styles and Formatting window
- Right-click in the page style list and select New…
- In the Page Style window, give the new page style a descriptive name, such as Landscape Page
- Click on the Page tab and change Orientation to Landscape
- Click OK to close the window
- Select the sheet that you want to print in landscape orientation
- Double-click the newly created page style (e.g. Landscape Page) to assign that style to the sheet.