From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
Type: Specification State: Evolving Availability: URE 1.3 (SRC680_m212)
The Uno/Spec/Threading-Model for the C++ Uno runtime.
The C++ threading-model basically inherits most of its features from the Binary Uno threading-model, but leverage's some of C++ features regarding construction and destruction of values.
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Environment Stack
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Map Helpers
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Shield Helpers
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/FreeReference
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Environment Guard
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Environment Descriptor
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Environment AntiGuard
- Uno/Cpp/Spec/Purpose Bridge Implementation Helper