Контроль качества: Приложение А: Справочник команд
- 1 Internal Commands, Methods and Functions for TestTool
- 2 Testscript Structure
- 3 Global
- 4 Commands on The Office Side
- 5 Windows, Controls and Objects
- 5.1 Any Control, Window, Object
- 5.2 CheckBox
- 5.3 Image-CheckBox
- 5.4 ComboBox
- 5.5 Dialog
- 5.6 ModelessDialog
- 5.7 DockingWin
- 5.8 EditWindow
- 5.9 Edit-Field
- 5.10 MultiLineEdit-Field
- 5.11 FloatWin (Flyer)
- 5.12 ListBox
- 5.13 MultiListBox
- 5.14 MenuButton
- 5.15 Menu and Context Menu
- 5.16 MessBox / InfoBox
- 5.17 WarningBox / ErrorBox
- 5.18 QueryBox
- 5.19 MoreButton
- 5.20 PushButton, ImageButton
- 5.21 RadioButton, ImageRadioButton
- 5.22 SpinField
- 5.23 PatternField
- 5.24 NumericField
- 5.25 MetricField
- 5.26 CurrencyField
- 5.27 DateField
- 5.28 TimeField
- 5.29 StatusBar
- 5.30 System Dialog
- 5.31 TabPage
- 5.32 Toolbar
- 5.33 ValueSet
- 5.34 BrowseBox
- 5.35 TreeListBox
- 5.36 TriStateBox
- 5.37 EditBrowseBox
- 5.38 Roadmap
- 6 Working With XML Files
- 7 Typekeys Instruction
- 8 GetMouseStyle
- 9 Resource Types of all Controls and Windows
Internal Commands, Methods and Functions for TestTool
The programming language used is StarBasic. In addition to the general commands of StarBasic, the commands on this page work with VCL TestTool.
Testscript Structure
Kontext String:Window | Specifies the dialog or window that you want to test. You can use all of the controls in the dialog or windows, so long as you declared the 'Kontext' in the win-files. Furthermore, if you do not declare the 'Kontext', you cannot work with the dialog or window. For example, If you want to write to a Writerdocument, you must include the following: Kontext "DokumentWriter" DokumentWriter.TypeKeys "This is a test." |
sub main ... end sub |
Specifies the main routine for the TestTool. Write 'sub main' in lowercase letters with only one space between the two words. As the 'LoadIncludeFiles' routine is called at the start of a test script, the routine must be in the bas-file that contains the 'sub main' routine. |
sub LoadIncludeFiles use "inc\gvariabl.inc" use "inc\master.inc" call GetUseFiles () ... end sub |
This routine must be included in the bas-file that contains the 'sub main' routine. |
sub TestEnter
... end sub |
The TestEnter routine is located in the master.inc file and is automatically called when the testscript enters a testcase routine. |
sub TestExit
... end sub |
The TestExit routine is located in the master.inc file and is automatically called when a testscript exits a testcase-routine. |
testcase ... endcase |
A special test routine that tests one item, such as a control. The words testcase and endcase must be written in lowercase. If an error occurs in a testcase, the testcase ends and OpenOffice.org is reset to a base state. The error is then written to the resultfile. |
try ... catch ... endcatch |
If you want to circumvent an error, use the try-catch-endcatch method. If an error occurs during the try-part, the test breaks and jumps to the catch-part. You can only branch this method once, that is, you can add a try..catch..endcatch in the try- or in the catch-part, but only in one level. |
sub startTheOffice ... end sub |
The startTheOffice routine is located in the master.inc file and is automaticall called when TestTool does not find an running OpenOffice.org to communicate with. It needs to contain at least the command 'start'. |
ActivateDocument nNr | Activates the document window that has the number that you specify. Note: The list of document windows does not correspond to the order in which the windows are opened, that is, you do not know which document corresponds to which number. |
AppAbort | Deletes all communication-instructions in the queue between the TestTool and OpenOffice.org. |
AppDelay nNr | Waits in OpenOffice.org (not in TestTool) for the number of milliseconds that you specify. |
Boolean ApplicationBusy | Returns 'FALSE' if the OpenOffice.org is in the waitcursor state, otherwise returns 'TRUE'. |
Assert [Text] | Outputs an assertion from TestTool. |
AutoExecute = Boolean | If AutoExecute = FALSE, all commands behind it are collected, otherwise the commands are executed. You can also use Execute to run the collected commands. |
CaptureAssertions [Bool] | To catch the assertions in TestTool, set this variable to TRUE, otherwise set the variable to FALSE to throw the assertions back to OpenOffice.org. |
caselog "" | Stops the output at startup (used behind the win-declaration output) |
catchGPF [Bool] | Usually the VCL TestTool Application tries to handle crashes (default: TRUE). With FALSE this is disabled, and the crash is handled by the OpenOffice.org crashreporter. |
DialogHandler String | Old instruction – N/A |
DisplayHid [TRUE] | Call DisplayHid to display a window in OpenOffice.org that lets you select the windows that you want get the UniqueIDs for. To declare windows, use the declare.bas script. |
Window.DisplayPercent | A method on Windows for returning information about the mouse position in the window. The position is given as a percentage of the distance between the top left corner of the window (0,0) and the bottom (0,100) and right (100,0) edges of the window. |
ErrorLog | Writes the last error to the resultfile (without a callstack). |
ExceptLog | Writes the last error to the resultfile with a callstack. |
Execute | Executes the collected commands when AutoExecute = FALSE |
Object findObject String | Returns the object of String. E.g.: x = findObject “FormWizard”; print x.name |
String GetApplicationPath | Returns the correct path to TestTool.ini / .TestToolrc. |
String GetChildEnv String
Gets an environment variable that was previous set by SetChildEnv. |
String GetClipboard | Returns the string from the OpenOffice.org clipboard. If the clipboard contains a picture, nothing is returned. |
[tt_env] String GetClipboardText | Supplies the real string from the clipboard. Use this function to return the information that is selected in a document. This function is not an internal TestTool command, but rather a function from the TestTool Environment. |
String GetCommonApplicationPath | Returns the correct path to sversion.ini / .sversionrc and testtool.ini / .testtoolrc in case of a 'all user installation mode'. |
USHORT GetDocumentCount | Returns the number of open documents in the OpenOffice.org installation that you are testing. |
String GetLinkDestination String | Linux/Unix: Return the destination of a link. Win32: String is returned. |
String getRegistryValue (String1, String2) | Win32: Read a string value from the registry. String1 is a path schemata of either HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. String2 is the key name to read. Linux/Unix: return string is always empty. |
String GetTestCaseFileName | Returns the file name of the current testcase, otherwise this function returns an empty string. This file name is useful for the statistics output in the recover routine. |
Nr GetTestCaseLineNr | Returns the line number of the current testcase. |
String GetTestcaseName | Returns the name of the current testcase. Outside a testcase it returns an empty string. The testcase name is useful for the statistics output in the recover routine. |
GPF | Crashes OpenOffice.org. |
Integer HTTPSend (String Host, String Path, Integer Port [,String Filename]) | Retrieve a web page. For example: to save the page: http://www.heise.de/HttpSend(“www.heise.de”,”/”,80,”/opt/heise.html”); The returnvalue is the HTTP result (200 if OK). |
HTTPSetProxy (String Host, Integer Port) | Set a proxy to use by HTTPSend. |
Bool IsProduct | Returns FALSE if OpenOffice.org is a debug / non product build, else TRUE. |
KillApp | Kill the OOo application that was started by the command Start. |
String MakeIniFileName (String BaseName) | Returns the correct name of an ini-file on the current operating platform.For example, MakeIniFileName (“TestTool”) returns TestTool.ini on Windows and .TestToolrc on UNIX. |
NoDebug / Debug | Deprecated. |
PrintLog String | Writes a string to the resultfile |
Profile [Bool][,nNr1][,nNr2][,nNr3][,nNr4][,String] | Get system-information. File is written to Resultdirectory with extension PRF.
RemoteCommandDelay [msec][,msec] |TRUE | FALSE | Delays the execution of OpenOffice.org commands (=remote) (not local BASIC routines).
String ResetApplication | Returns OpenOffice.org to its base state and returns the taken actions of which windows were closed and how as string. |
SetChildEnv String1, String2
Sets an environment variable that will get passed to the childprocess started by start. |
SetClipboard String | Copies a string to the clipboard |
Start exe-file [, String2 ] | Starts OpenOffice.org and opens the communication between OpenOffice.org and the TestTool. Use start sAppExe in a script file to specify the OpenOffice.org application that you want to start. |
TypeKeysDelay Nr1 [,Nr2] | Bool | Sets a delay in ms between 2 characters typed by the .typeKeys method.
WarnLog String | Writes a warning to the resultfile. |
QAErrorLog String | Writes the string that you specify when this function is encountered in a test script or by internal TestTool code (Example: Extracting an XML package over existing XML files returns a QAError that tells the QA engineer that the directory is not empty). You enable or disabled the logging of these QA errors/notes with EnableQAErrors. |
EnableQAErrors = [Bool] | Enables or disables the logging of QAErrorLogs. The default value is TRUE (=on). See the QAErrorLog command. |
WinTree | Shows the complete window hierarchy of OpenOffice.org, so long as you set the output to a variable. Use the following structure to show the complete tree: Dim sInterim sInterim = WinTree Printlog sInterim |
Use Include file | If you want to use inc-file in a subroutine, you must add the files with the use-instruction. If you want, you can use relative pathnames (relative to TestTool path in TestTool.ini/.TestToolrc) or absolute pathnames. |
UseBindings = TRUE UseBindings = FALSE |
A test script aborts if you call a menu item slot that requires parameters. In this case, set 'UseBindings=TRUE' before the slot call. If the scripts still crashes, write the bug UseBindings => FALSE in each ResetApplication-Routine in TestEnter and TestExit. |
usePostEvents Bool | The implementation in the TestTool for .typeKeys, .MouseUp, .MouseDown and .MouseMove changed from OOo 2.1 to 2.2; To change to the old behaviour use FALSE |
Ushort waitSlot [msec] | Returns WSTimeout or WSFinished, depending on the state of the last called slot. The command will return after msec or when the slot is finished. |
Statistic | |
Integer getErrorCount | Returns the matching count of errors in the running test. |
Integer getWarningCount | Returns the matching count of warnings in the running test. |
Integer getUseFileWarningCount | Returns the matching count of warnings out of the declaration part in the running test. |
String getErrorList | Return an array of strings. Each item consists of fields seperated by a colon.The fields are:1. Path to source file where Error ocurs2. Line number in source file3. cvs Revision, if available4. Error message |
String getWarningList | Same as above, but for Warnings. |
Commands on The Office Side
String app.Dir Filename | You can get the information if a file/directory exists or not. For example: for the files: if app.dir ("d:\officedir\program\soffice.exe") <> "" than print "The file exists!"for directories: if app.dir ("d:\officedir\", 16) <> "" than print "the directory exists!" |
app.Kill Filename | Deletes a file. |
app.rmDir Filename | Deletes a directory (only an empty directory) |
app.mkDir Filename | Creates a new directory. |
app.FileCopy Old_filename, New_filename | Copies a file. |
app.Name Old_filename, New_filename | Renames a file. |
nSize app.FileLen Filename | Returns the length of a file. |
Date app.FileDateTime Filename | Returns the date that a file was created. |
GetSystemLanguage | Returns the ISO language code (Integer) of the system that the OpenOffice.org application is running on. |
Windows, Controls and Objects
Any Control, Window, Object
String Object.Caption | Returns the name of dialogs (name on the titlebar of a dialog) or controls. For controls that do not have a name, the returnvalue is empty. Only the fixedtext belongs to a control. |
Bool Object.Exists [Timeout in Sek.] | Checks to see if a dialog or a control exists. |
String Window.GetFixedText [Nr] | Returns the content of the nth fixed text. If you do not specify the [Nr] parameter, the first fixed text is returned. |
Nr Window.GetFixedTextCount | Returns the number of fixed texts on a given window or control and associated child windows or controls. |
Nr Object.GetRT | Returns the resource type of the object, window, or control |
Nr Window.GetPosX | Returns the x-position of the edge at the top left (in pixels). |
Nr Window.GetPosY | Returns the y-position of the edge at the top left (in pixels). |
Nr Window.GetSizeX | Returns the x-size of a dialog (in pixels). |
Nr Window.GetSizeY | Returns the y-size of a dialog (in pixels). |
Nr Object.ID | Returns the UniqueID of a window or a control. |
Bool Object.IsEnabled | Checks if a control is enabled. |
Bool Object.IsVisible | Checks if a control or a window is visible. |
Objekt.MouseDown x, y [, nButton ] [,Focus] | Presses the mouse button at the specified x/y-position (in percent) in a window. Ensure that you use the mouseup command after each instance of the mousedown command.nButton is:
The default (without nButton) is the left mouse button. If the MouseDown and MouseUp combination does not work like a normal mouse click, then set the Focus parameter to TRUE. (x,y):= (1,1) top left; (99,99) bottom right |
Objekt.MouseDoubleClick x, y [, nButton ] [,Focus] | Double-clicks with a mouse button at the x/y-position (in percent) of a window.If MouseDoubleClick does not work like a normal mouse double click, set the Focus parameter to TRUE. |
Objekt.MouseMove x, y [, nButton ] [,Focus] | Moves the mouse. To perform a mouse drag and move or drag and copy, add the MouseDown command before the MouseMove. |
Objekt.MouseUp x, y [, nButton ] [,Focus] | Releases the mouse button.If the MouseDown and MouseUp commands do not work like a normal mouse click, set the Focus parameter to TRUE. |
Autoexecute = FALSE Objekt.MouseDown x, y [, nButton ] [,Focus] Objekt.MouseUp x, y [,nButton] [,Focus] Autoexecute = TRUE |
Use this construction for a rapid mouse click.By setting the appropriate gApplication, you can use the following subroutine for every OpenOffice.org document.gMouseClick (x, y) |
[nNr.] GetMouseStyle | Returns the actual state/look of the cursor, from a list of 85 possible values. Some important states: ARROW = 0, TEXT = 3, MOVE = 6 (moving objects), REFHAND = 28 (links/references) and FILL = 31(fillbox). |
String Object.Name | Returns the name of the object from the declaration. |
Bool Object.NotExists [Timeout in Sek.] | Checks to see if a control or window does not exist. |
Objekt.OpenContextMenu [Focus] | Opens the context menu of a window. If you set the Focus parameter to TRUE, the context menu opens at the position of the mouse.To open the context menu at a specific position in a window, you have to first move the mouse to the position before using the OpenContextMenu command. |
Object.SnapShot String:Dateiname [PosX, PosY, SizeX, SizeY ] | Takes a screenshot of a control or a window. If you want, you can also specify the position and size of the screenshot in pixels. |
Dokumentobject.TypeKeys String [Nr.] [, Focus] | Prints a string on the document, where Nr. is the number of times that you want to print the string.To use special keys, enclose them with "<>". For example: DokumentWriter.TypeKeys "<Shift F1>"
The Focus parameter is a Boolean expression. Normally, typekeys works without this parameter; however, to set the typekeys command directly in this window, set the Focus parameter to 'TRUE'. Use this parameter only when the normal command does not work correctly. |
[ Restype: 336 ], [ Restype: ??? ]
Object.Check | Selects the check box. |
Object.Click | Changes to the next state of the check box, that is, removes the check mark from a selected check box. |
Bool Object.IsChecked | Returns the state of the check box (TRUE = selected). |
Object.UnCheck | Clears the check box. |
[ Restype: 340 ]
Nr Object.GetItemCount | Returns the numbers of entries in the combo box. |
String Object.GetItemText Nr | Return the text of Nr. entry that you specify, including an entry that is not selected. |
Nr Object.GetSelCount | Returns the numbers of the entries that are selected in a combo box (You can select more than one entry). |
Nr Object.GetSelIndex [Nr] | Returns the index of the selected entry in the list. |
String Object.GetSelText [Nr] | Returns the text of the selected entry. |
Object.Select Nr | Selects an entry with the index number that you specify. |
Object.Select String | Selects the entry that has the same text as the String that you specify. |
Object.SetNoSelection | Sets no selection in a list (sometimes this corresponds to the first entry in the list). |
Object.SetText [String] | Enters the text string that you specify in a combo box. If the combo box contains an entry that matches the string, the entry is selected. |
[ Restype: 314 - 316 ]
Dialog.Cancel | Closes a dialog by pressing the Cancel button. |
Dialog.Close | Closes a dialog with the Close button. |
Dialog.Default | Not important |
Dialog.Help | Presses the Help button to open the help topic for the dialog. |
Dialog.Move Nr:x, Nr:y | Moves a dialog in OpenOffice.org by the number of pixels that you specify. |
Dialog.OK | Closes a dialog with the OK button. |
[ Restype: 370 ]
Window.Close | Closes a window by pressing the X button in the title bar of the window. |
Window.Dock | Docks a window on one edge of the StarDesktop. |
Window.Help | Opens the Help viewer. |
Bool Window.IsDocked | Returns the docking state. |
Bool Window.IsMax | Returns the state of the window (maximize or minimize). |
Window.Maximize | Maximizes a window so that the contents of the window are visible. |
Window.Minimize | Minimizes a window so that only the title bar of the window is visible. |
Window.Move Nr:x, Nr:y | Moves a window. |
Window.Size Nr:x, Nr:y | Resizes a window. |
Window.Undock | Undocks a window. |
=== Splitting Windows ===
(in dockingmode) | |
Bool Office.IsPin [Align] | Returns the state of the pin. |
Bool Office.IsFadeIn [Align] | Returns the state of a window (visible or not). |
Office.Pin Bool [Align] | Presses the pin. |
Office.FadeOut [Align] | Fades out a window (visible). |
Office.FadeIn [Align] | Fades in a window (not visible). |
If there is more than one splitting window in a docking window, you must set the following Align operators. - AlignLeft- AlignRight- AlignTop- AlignBottom |
(Documents - the active SDI window) [ Restype: 312 ]
Special Note:The first document is not enabled for the TestTool - most of the slot (calls of menu items) and TypeKeys commands do not work. This is a feature and not a bug. | |
Boolean Documentobject.HasScrollbar [Align] | If the document has a scrollbar => TRUE |
Boolean Documentobject.IsScrollBarEnabled [Align] | If the document has a scrollbar and it is enabled => TRUE |
If more than one scrollbar is visible, use the following parameters to define the position of the scrollbar. The default is AlignRight. - AlignLeft- AlignRight- AlignTop- AlignBottom | For example:if (DocumentWriter.IsScrollBarEnabled AlignLeft) = TRUE then ... |
Documentobject.Close | Close document. |
Boolean Documentobject.IsMax | If document is maximized => TRUE |
Boolean Documentobject.IsMin | If document is minimized => TRUE |
Boolean Documentobject.IsRestore | If document is restored => TRUE |
Documentobject.Maximize | Maximize document. |
Documentobject.Minimize | Minimize document. |
Documentobject.Restore | Restore document. |
[ Restype: 338 ], [ Restype: 339 ]
String Object.GetText | Returns the text from the edit field. |
Object.SetText String | Enters the text string in the edit field. |
Bool Object.IsWritable | Checks if a control is writable (only for visible Edit- and MultiLine Edit- fields). |
FloatWin (Flyer)
[ Restype: 313 ]
Window.Close | Closes the window (x-button in the title bar of the window). |
Window.Help | Opens the help for the current window (help button). |
Bool Window.IsMax | Returns the state of the window (maximize or minimize). |
Window.Maximize | Maximizes the window. |
Window.Minimize | Minimizes the window so that only the title bar is visible. |
Window.Move Nr:x, Nr:y | Moves the window by the number of pixels that you specify. |
Window.Size Nr:x, Nr:y | Resizes the window. |
[ Restype: 341 ], [ Restype: 342 ]
Nr Object.GetItemCount | Returns the number of entries in a list box. |
String Object.GetItemText Nr | Return the text of entry Nr. in the list box. |
Nr Object.GetSelCount | Returns the number of selected entries in a multi-list box (you can select more than one entry). |
Nr Object.GetSelIndex [Nr] | Returns the index number of the selected entry in the list. |
String Object.GetSelText [Nr] | Returns the text of the selected entry. If more than one item is selected, use Nr. to specify which entry to return. |
Boolean Documentobject.HasScrollbar [Align] | If the document has a scrollbar => TRUE |
Boolean Documentobject.IsScrollBarEnabled [Align] | If the document has a scrollbar and it is enabled => TRUE |
If more than one scrollbar is visible, you have to use the following parameters to add the position. The default is AlignRight. - AlignLeft- AlignRight- AlignTop- AlignBottom | Example:if (DocumentWriter.IsScrollBarEnabled AlignLeft) = TRUE then ... |
Object.Select Nr | Selects an entry and its index. |
Object.Select String | Selects the text of an entry. |
Object.SetNoSelection | Set no selection in a list (sometimes this corresponds to the first entry). |
[ Restype: 331 ]
Button.Click | 1. Performs the function that is assigned to a menu button, otherwise the menu of the button is not opened.2. For menu buttons that are accessed through a context menu, use the [all_commands_short.sxw#menu menu-instructions]. |
Button.Open | Opens the context menu of the menu button so that you can use the [all_commands_short.sxw#menu menu-instructions]. |
Button.OpenMenu | Opens the context menu of the menu button so that you can use the [all_commands_short.sxw#menu menu-instructions]. To close the menu on a toolbox item, call .openMenu again. |
Toolbox.OpenMenu ButtonID | Opens the context menu of the menu button in Toolbars so that you can use the [all_commands_short.sxw#menu menu-instructions]. |
Menu and Context Menu
Special notes:The following instructions can only be carried out on an open context menu or an open sub context menu, otherwise and error is returned. Only use these instructions if you cannot find an equivalent instruction in the menu.inc file. Warning: Make sure that you close each context menu after the instruction has been carried out, otherwise the test encounters a GPF (crashes). | |
Objekt.OpenContextMenu [Bool] | Opens a context menu for a window or a document.The Boolean parameter in StarSchedule and in base documents must be set to TRUE. The default value is FALSE. |
nNr MenuGetItemCount | Returns the numbers of menu entries (including the menu separators) |
nID MenuGetItemID nPos | Returns the ID of an menu entry (the ID is required for the remaining menu instructions). |
nNr MenuGetItemText nID | Returns the text of the menu entry that has the same nID as the one that you specify (from MenuGetItemID). |
nNr MenuGetItemPos nID | Returns the position of the menu entry that has the same nID as the one you specify (from MenugetItemID). |
Bool MenuHasSubMenu nID | Returns TRUE if the menu entry opens a submenu. |
Bool MenuIsItemChecked nID | Returns the state of a menu entry with a hook (from MenugetItemID). |
nNr MenuIsItemEnabled nID | Returns the state “disabled” or “enabled” (from MenugetItemID) |
Bool MenuIsSeperator nPos | Returns TRUE if the menu entry is a separator. |
MenuSelect nID | Activates the menu item that has the same nID as the one that you specify. If the menu does not automatically close after you activate it, you must close the menu using MenuSelect (0). |
MenuSelect (0) | Closes all active menus. |
=== special methods ===
| |
DocumentWindow.UseMenu | Use this method before you activate a menu in a document. For example: Kontext “DocumentWriter”DocumentWriter.UseMenuAfter you apply this method, you can then use the normal [all_commands_short.sxw#menu menu-methods]. |
String MenuGetItemCommand nItemID | Reads out the command of a MenuItem. This is useful for determining the UNO URLs so you can declare the UNO Slots. |
Description: The first menu is the menu bar with the entries (File, Edit, View ...). To open the File-Menu, open the submenu of the first menu entry. |
MessBox / InfoBox
WarningBox / ErrorBox
[ Restype: 304 - 308 ] (Messagebox)(these boxes are handled by the active-operator)
Active.Cancel | Closes the box with the Cancel button. |
Active.Click ButtonID | Not important |
Active.Default | Closes the box with the Default button (that has the focus). |
Active.GetText | Returns the text from the messagebox. |
Active.No | Closes the box with the No button. |
Active.OK | Closes the box with the OK button. |
Active.Repeat | Closes the box with the Repeat button. |
Active.Yes | Closes the box with the Yes button. |
with checkbox(es) | |
String Active.GetCheckBoxText | Puts the text of the check box into a string. |
BOOL Active.IsChecked | Returns TRUE if the box is checked, otherwise FALSE is returned. |
Int Active.GetState | Returns the state of the checkbox as integer |
Active.Check | Selects the check box on the message/info/warning/error/query box. |
Active.UnCheck | Clears the check box on the message/info/warning/error/query box. |
(for additions in a dialog)
[ Restype: 332 ]
String Object.Caption | Returns the text of the button. |
Object.Click | Clicks the button. |
Object.Close | Closes the addition window. |
Bool Object.IsOpen | Returns the state of the addition window (TRUE == Open). |
Object.Open | Opens the addition window. |
PushButton, ImageButton
[ Restype: 326 ], [ Restype: 330 ]
Object.Click | Clicks the button. |
RadioButton, ImageRadioButton
[ Restype: 334 ],[ Restype: 335]
Object.Check | Selects the radio button. |
Bool Object.IsChecked | Returns the state of the radio button (TRUE = checked). |
[ Restype: 353 - 359 ]
String Object.GetText | Returns the text from the field. |
Object.More [ Nr ] | Moves one entry higher. |
Object.Less [ Nr ] | Moves one entry lower. |
Object.SetText String | Prints text in the field (only in the right format). |
Object.ToMax | Goes to the maximum value. |
Object.ToMin | Goes to the minimum value. |
(on edit-windows - documents)
Int DocumentWindow.StatusGetItemCount | Returns the number of items on the status bar. |
Int DocumentWindow.StatusGetItemID nNr | Returns the ItemID of a control on the status bar. |
String DocumentWindow.StatusGetText [ ItemID ] | Returns the text of the status bar or of the item that has the ItemID that is not on the status bar. |
Bool DocumentWindow.StatusIsProgress | Returns true if the status bar is a progress bar. |
System Dialog
(system File- or Folder-dialogs - only for Win32)
Boolean ExistsSysDialog (which) | Returns TRUE if a system dialog is open (which = FolderPicker or FilePicker). |
CloseSysDialog (which) | Closes the system dialog (which = FolderPicker or FilePicker). |
FolderPicker | If you want to handle a system folder dialog, you have to substitute the FolderPicker method for the 'which' statement in the above methods. |
FilePicker | If you want to handle a system file dialog, you have to substitute the FilePicker method for the 'which' statement in the above methods. |
[ Restype: 372 ]
for activating a Tabpage with the 'Active'-Operator (normal TabDialogs) | for activating a Tabpage with the TabControl-Operator (only special dialogs) |
Active.SetPage TabZeichenKontext "TabZeichen" |
Kontext "XYZ-Dialog"
TabControl.SetPage TabZeichenXYZNote: Do not use Kontext "Active" before Active.SetPage – this no longer works. |
Nr Active.GetPage | Returns the UniqueID for the active tab page. |
Nr Active.GetPageCount | Returns the number of tab pages in the dialog. |
Nr Active.GetPageId [Nr] | Returns the TabpageID from the dialog. This not the UniqueID and is only needed for the SetPageID instruction. |
Active.SetPage TabpageObjekt | Changes to the tab page that you specify. |
Active.SetPageId Nr | Changes to the tab page that has the TabpageID that you specify. |
Active.SetPageNr Nr | Not important |
[ Restype: 369 ]
Button.Click | Activates or deactivates a button. |
String Button.GetItemText nNr | Returns the text of a button (if available). |
nNr Button.GetState nType | Returns the state of a button in dependent on nType.nType = 0 => HelpID (0 = Separator)nType = 1 => ItemTyp (1=Button, 3=Separator ...)nType = 2 => ItemState (1=pressed, 0=not pressed)nType = 3 => ItemIDelse => HelpID |
String Toolbar.GetText | Returns the internal name of a toolbar. |
Button.TearOff | Tears off a toolbar, but only after a toolbar has been opened by clicking on a button.(You do not need to click click the button a second time) |
Nr Toolbar.GetItemCount | Returns the number of items in a toolbar (buttons and separators). |
String Toolbar.GetNextToolbox | Returns the next toolbar if you can change to another toolbar that has a button on it. |
Toolbar.SetNextToolbox [ String ] | Changes to the next toolbar, or to the toolbar whose name you enter. |
[ Restype: 376 ]
The column number is optional. If it is not given, the first found appropiate column is chosen. If you take an action for a checkbox, the first found checkbox is used. If a checkbox is not found, an error is thrown. If the column number is given, you use an action for a checkbox, the item is no checkbox, an error is thrown.
| |
Integer Object.GetItemCount | Returns the number of rows. |
ItemType Object .getItemType [row Integer [, column Integer]] | Returns the item type. ItemType can be of the following defined constants:
String Object.GetItemText row Integer [, column Integer] | Returns the text. |
Integer Object.GetSelCount | Returns the number of selected entries. |
Integer Object.GetSelIndex [Integer] | Returns the index of the selected entry in the list. |
String Object.GetSelText ([row Integer [,column Integer]]) | GetSelText returns the text of the selected entry.GetSelText 1,2 returns the second text of the first selected entry (if the list box has more than one column.GetSelText 2 returns the first text of the second selected entry. |
String Objekt.GetText | Returns the text of the selected entry. |
Object.Select Nr [, Bool ] | Selects an entry by number. |
Object.Select String | Selects an entry by string. |
Object.setNoSelection | Unselect all. |
with Checkbox(es) | |
Boolean Object.IsChecked Integer row [, Integer column] | If the check box is selected => TRUE else FALSE |
Boolean Object.IsTriState Integer row [, Integer column] | If the check box is in tri state => TRUE else FALSE |
Nr Object.getState Integer row [, Integer column] | Returns the state of the box:
Unchecked == 0 Checked == 1 TriState == 2 |
Object.Check Integer row [, Integer column] | Selects the check box. |
Object.Uncheck Integer row [, Integer column] | Clears the check box. |
Object.TriState Integer row [, Integer column] | Sets the check box in tri state. |
[ Restype: 337 ]
Object.Check | Selects the tristatebox. |
Object.Click | Changes to the next state of the tristatebox. |
Nr Object.GetState | Returns the state of the box: Unchecked == 0 Checked == 1 TriState == 2 |
Bool Object.IsChecked | Returns the checkstate (TRUE == checked). |
Bool Object.IsTriState | Returns the tristate (TRUE == in tristate). |
Object.TriState | Puts the object in the tristate. |
Object.UnCheck | Clears the tristatebox. |
[ Restype: ]
String Object.getSelText | Returns the text of the selected field. |
Integer Object.getColumnCount | Returns the number of columns. |
Integer Object.getRowCount | Returns the number of rows. |
Bool Object.isEditing | Returns TRUE if the field is in edit mode. |
Object.select (Integer Row, Integer Column) | Go to the given field. |
[ Restype: ]
Integer Object.GetItemCount | Returns the number of entries in a list. |
String Object.GetItemText Integer row | Return the text of entry row in the list. |
Integer Object.GetSelIndex | Returns the index number of the selected entry in the list. |
String Object.GetSelText | Returns the text of the selected entry. |
Boolean Object.isItemEnabled Integer row | If the item is enabled => TRUE |
Object.select Integer row | Select the item in row. |
Working With XML Files
In the SAX interface that is included in OpenOffice.org, you can use the XML parser "eXpat" so that you can easily work with XML files in the TestTool environment. The SAXReadFile command creates a DOM (Document Object Model; a tree like 'view') where you can navigate with TestTool commands.
Main Commands
SAXReadFile filename | Recommended command to open the XML file (or stream). The command checks well-formedness and creates a DOM. |
SAXRelease | After TestTool has finished using the XML file, this command closes the DOM. |
String SAXCheckWelltformed filename | Opens an XML file, checks the well-formedness of the file, and returns any errors in a string. This command does not create a DOM. Open DOMs are closed after this command is executed. |
Working With Elements, Attributes And Characters
String SAXGetNodeType | The operations that you can perform with nodes depends on the type of node. There are two types of nodes that are also constants:
String SAXGetElementName | Returns the name of the XML element at the current 'pointer' location. |
String SAXGetChars | Returns the characters from the node type: NodeTypeCharacter. |
String SAXGetAttributeValue integer | Returns the value of the nth attribute in the recent node. |
String SAXGetAttributeValue String | Returns the value of the named attribute in the recent node. |
Integer SAXGetAttributeCount | Returns the count of attributes in the recent node. |
String SAXGetAttributeName int | Returns the name of the nth attribute in the recent node. |
Integer SAXGetChildCount | Returns the count of child nodes (XML elements). |
SAXSeekElement integer | Searches for the nth element in the node.
To go to the parent node, set the integer to 0 (zero). |
SAXSeekElement string | Searches for the named element in the node. The string can be one of the following:
Boolean SAXHasElement integer | Checks if a child exists at the nth node. |
Boolean SAXHasElement string | Checks if a child exists at the named node. |
String SAXGetElementPath | Returns a special string for later navigation with the SAXSeekElement. |
Typekeys Instruction
This list includes all of the keyboard keys that you can use in the typekeys command, provided that you use the following structure:
This method allows you to simulate keyboard events such as [ESCape] or [ConTRoL] in the TestTool. For key combinations such as Alt AND F2, use the following structure:
Ensure that you leave a blank between the keyboard keys.
Y | Y | UNDO | Undo | |
0 | 0 | Z | Z | REPEAT | Repeat |
1 | 1 | |
FIND | Find | |
2 | 2 | DOWN | Cursor down | PROPERTIES | Properties |
3 | 3 | UP | Cursor up | FRONT | Front |
4 | 4 | LEFT | Cursor left | SHIFT | Shift |
5 | 5 | RIGHT | Cursor right | MOD1 | Ctrl / Strg |
6 | 6 | HOME | Pos 1 | MOD2 | Alt |
7 | 7 | END | End | MODTYPE | Alt Gr |
8 | 8 | PAGEUP | Page up | F1 | F1 |
9 | 9 | PAGEDOWN | Page down | F2 | F2 |
A | A | |
F3 | F3 | |
B | B | RETURN | Return | F4 | F4 |
C | C | ESCAPE | Escape | F5 | F5 |
D | D | TAB | Tab | F6 | F6 |
E | E | BACKSPACE | Backspace | F7 | F7 |
F | F | SPACE | Space / Blank | F8 | F8 |
G | G | INSERT | Insert | F9 | F9 |
H | H | DELETE | Delete | F10 | F10 |
I | I | |
F11 | F11 | |
J | J | ADD | + | F12 | F12 |
K | K | SUBTRACT | - | F13 | F13 |
L | L | MULTIPLY | * | F14 | F14 |
M | M | DIVIDE | : | F15 | F15 |
N | N | POINT | . | F16 | F16 |
O | O | COMMA | , | F17 | F17 |
P | P | LESS | < | F18 | F18 |
Q | Q | GREATER | > | F19 | F19 |
R | R | EQUAL | = | F20 | F20 |
S | S | |
F21 | F21 | |
T | T | OPEN | Open | F22 | F22 |
U | U | CUT | Cut | F23 | F23 |
V | V | COPY | Copy | F24 | F24 |
W | W | PASTE | Paste / Insert | F25 | F25 |
X | X | F26 | F26 |
All values of GetMouseStyle command which returns the actual look/state of the cursor.
There existing 85 values.
Arrowcursor |
NULL | 1
WAIT | 2
TEXT | 3
Entering text |
HELP | 4
MOVE | 6
Moving objects/images |
ESIZE | 10
HAND | 27
Links / References |
PEN | 29
FILL | 31
Fillbox |
CROOK | 36
CROP | 37
CHART | 65
CHAIN | 70
Resource Types of all Controls and Windows
To see the internal resource type ID for a control or a window (for example, a dialog) in the declaration window, run the declare.bas script in TestTool. You can then use the ID to identify the correct type of control or window to find the corresponding commands. You can also use window.GetRT to determine the resource type ID. The ID for control (324) is often used in OpenOffice.org and represents a special control, such as a treelistbox or a browsbox, that was created by a developer. Use trial and error to determine which commands can be used on a control.
BASE | |
EDIT | |
Taken from build environment file: 'res_type'
Content on this page is licensed under the Public Documentation License (PDL). |