Quality Assurance
General Information
Quality Assurance (QA) is more than testing! You can find some interesting articles about Software Quality and Software Testing at WikiPedia.
The Apache OpenOffice community members working on quality assurance (QA) functions perform important actions for the group effort overall.
If you are interested in doing QA for OpenOffice, please feel free, and encouraged, to join the community. You can find all relevant information about joining the team at How-To-Start page.
Helpful links
- Homepage of the QA project on Apache OpenOffice : https://openoffice.apache.org/qa.html
- Mailing list of the QA project:
- Subscribe: dev-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org
- Archives Markmail Apache
- Query for existing bugs in Bugzilla : https://bz.apache.org/ooo/
- Writing a new issue in Bugzilla : Bugzilla New Issue
- Issue_lifecycle, a workflow for Bugzilla
- QA category on OOo wiki : Quality Assurance
- Test Automation
- Build Verification Test
- Performance Verification Test
- Performance/AOO3.4.1_PVT_Introduction
- System Verification Test(SVT)
- SVT/SVT Report
- Installation test cases
Issue Tracking
- Issue_lifecycle, a workflow for Bugzilla
- QA/HowToFileIssue, a guide for how to open an issue in Bugzilla.
Test Case
- a guide for how to write a test case,
- template for test case,
- a sample test case,
- a guide for test management.
- Database Test Matrix.
- General Testing.
Automation Test
- Automation Guide
- BVT(Build Verification Test)
- PVT(Performance Verification Test)
- SVT(System Verification Test)
- FVT(Function Verification Test)
- Automation ToDos
Routine Test Report
- Daily Build Verification Test Report
- Daily Performance Verification Test Report
- Function Verification Test(FVT)
- Weekly Report
- Defect Status Report
Release testing
Apache OpenOffice 3.4
If you have interesting in Apache OpenOffice 3.4 release and plan contribute your QA effort to it, please go to below links for test cases update and testing result update.
- AOO 3.4 latest build:
- AOO 3.4 Dev Snapshots build:
- AOO 3.4 test plan:
- AOO 3.4 test cases (in multiple languages):
- AOO 3.4 test results:
- AOO 3.4 RC Build test plan
- AOO 3.4 RC Build test result
Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1
If you are interested in Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 release and plan to contribute your effort on QA work, please go to below link for test case update and test result update