ReleaseStatus Minutes 2008-10-20 IRC log

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(14:58:10) ja_: Moin
(14:59:18) mla [n=ml93712@nat/sun/x-e276e69a5fd3070b] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:16) _Nesshof_ [n=_Nesshof@nat/sun/x-6a43725e5815772f] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:31) _Nesshof_: moin
(15:00:54) bettina-h: moin
(15:03:05) _rene_: moin. I wonder why we do this meeting at all if we don't follow the procedure in the wiki ;-)
(15:03:46) blauwal [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:04:09) ***_rene_ so far planned with doing an update to 2.4.2 but can't do it yet due to those many either "internal issue" or "just integrated" cwses (ok, no problem, I'll skip 2.4.2 for Debian). but...
(15:04:33) mdamboldt [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:07:00) _Nesshof_: i think the internal issues should have their corresponding issue in OOo IZ
(15:07:07) _Nesshof_: so that all is documented
(15:07:26) _Nesshof_: Sun is just keeping the internal issue for their housekeeping
(15:10:05) ja_: anyone interested into the list of localizations that have been uploaded as release for 3.0 ?
(15:10:59) sophi: ja_: yes but I would be even more interesting by the space left to upload more localizations ;-)
(15:11:17) ja_: ../stable/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/da/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/de/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/fr/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/it/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/ja/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/nb/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/nl/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/nn/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/ru/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/sv/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../localized/vi/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../extended/localized/tr/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../extended/localized/es/3.0.0
(15:11:17) ja_: ../extended/localized/ku/3.0.0
(15:12:36) ja_: on main mirror master we have a disk usage of 91% means that there's space for 1.3 GB in the moment
(15:13:08) ja_: on ..extended there's much more space
(15:13:43) sophi: ja_: you'll need space for the 2.4.2?
(15:14:13) sophi: ja_: thanks for this info
(15:14:50) ja_: sophi: that's the reason why I've asked to remove older builds
(15:19:41) _rene_: _Nesshof_: and the cwses/issues not even told about here?
(15:19:59) _rene_: _Nesshof_: while the wiki says issues would/should be discussed here?
(15:21:10) SimonAW hat den Raum verlassen (quit: ).
(15:24:49) _rene_: _Nesshof_: and afair there are cwses with an internal issue but no "real" issue in it
(15:25:21) _Nesshof_: all issues for 2.4.2 may be discussed here
(15:25:31) _Nesshof_: _rene_: do you have an example ?
(15:25:44) _Nesshof_: this should not be the case
(15:25:45) _rene_: for the non-discussion or the no issue?
(15:26:13) _rene_: if the first: almost all which went into m18 :)
(15:26:18) _Nesshof_: for no issue
(15:27:30) _rene_: native204. i can guess what it does, but still :)
(15:27:41) _rene_: and e.g. c07v019
(15:27:51) _rene_: has more internal issues than public ones
(15:29:00) _Nesshof_: native204 is an example where an SO only fix was included
(15:30:20) _Nesshof_: in c07v019 some xhtml issues were collected in one public issue
(15:31:09) ***_Nesshof_ is indeed not sure if b6713815 is really covered in a public issue, mla ?
(15:31:51) mla: _nesshof_: let me see
(15:33:23) _rene_: anyway, you would have saved me some time if you could have said that loads of other cwses get integrated for 2.4.2
(15:33:42) _rene_: so I didn't waste time to try to coordinate to get 2.4.2 into the next Debian release.
(15:34:12) mla: _rene_: it was a fix for a bookmark (labels) issue in writer
(15:34:24) mla: I'm sorry that there is no public isse fr that
(15:34:27) _rene_: I trusted "ll issues with target "OOo 2.4.2" will be reviewed by the ReleaseStatus meeting."
(15:34:42) _rene_: which obviously will not happen :/
(15:47:51) mla: _rene_: you are right, not all cws's have as much public issues than internal once, but sometimes some are double or at least very similar, next time we will document these 1:1
(15:49:34) ***blauwal got to leave the meeting: RE duty this week: DEV300 (hr), SRX645 (ihi), OOH680(kz), OOO300 if needed (to be determined)
(15:50:15) blauwal hat den Raum verlassen ("Leaving").
(15:55:45) sophi: would it be possible to have l10n test builds before 3.1 translation integration in Pootle, just to check that fixes integrated since 3.0 make it for sure (and close our issues) into 3.1 before we are lost into translation?
(15:56:34) _Nesshof_: sophi: I think this should be possible
(15:56:50) sophi: _Nesshof_: thanks :)
(15:56:53) ***_Nesshof_ will ask ivo for this
(15:57:29) es [n=es@nat/sun/x-6580a04a10a790d9] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:01:13) ja_: Do we have anything else to discuss for today's meeting ?
(16:01:57) sophi: ja_: it's ok for me, thanks and bye all
(16:02:02) sophi hat den Raum verlassen
(16:02:23) ***_rene_ has. and he so far was completely ignored.
(16:02:24) _rene_: :/
(16:02:43) _rene_: what about the rule "*All* ssues with target "OOo 2.4.2" will be reviewed by the ReleaseStatus meeting."
(16:02:46) ***ericb2 just wanted to say the release process is not good.
(16:03:00) ericb2: but since nobody probably cares, I'll shut up
(16:03:42) ericb2: for example, the fr version of Mac OS X is a complete mess
(16:03:44) _Nesshof_: ericb2: whats the problem ?
(16:04:05) ericb2: _Nesshof_: I'm not happy to see 3, or 4 locales delivered while fr is not
(16:04:34) _Nesshof_: mla: ja_, can we list all issues for 2.4.2 we did not covered already in the wiki
(16:04:49) _Nesshof_: so that we have a basis to agree on ?
(16:04:52) ericb2: _Nesshof_: without any serious reason
(16:05:02) ericb2: _Nesshof_: I'm not sure today it works
(16:05:14) ericb2: this is not serious
(16:05:25) _Nesshof_: ericb2: did we got a QA approval from the French QA folks in time ?
(16:06:02) ericb2: _Nesshof_: I have read it was approved in some issue, but looking at :
(16:06:09) _Nesshof_: if we missed that I'm soory about that
(16:06:13) ericb2: _Nesshof_: is still does not work as expected
(16:06:13) mla: _nesshof_: yes, we can prepare a list of these issues
(16:06:42) _rene_: _Nesshof_: the problem is that rules written on the wiki are completely ignored.
(16:06:49) ericb2: _Nesshof_: and I strongly disagree the fact all locales are not relesed together
(16:06:58) ericb2: _Nesshof_: just my opinion
(16:07:01) _rene_: where were any of the issues (except the masterfixes and chart28) discussed *HERE*?
(16:07:06) _rene_: right, they were NOT
(16:07:10) MechtiIde: ericb2, here it is released
(16:07:24) _Nesshof_: but if we wait for approvals from all native lang community, the release would be delayed forever
(16:07:26) ericb2: MechtiIde: yes, and if you try to download it ?
(16:07:36) SimonAW [] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:07:51) _rene_: if you mean "reviewed in the release status meeting" as "rewieveed inside Sun and the RSM has to take whatever we decide" tell that this way
(16:08:00) MechtiIde: ericb2, then the download start
(16:08:02) ericb2: _Nesshof_: + will we have a day figures about how many downloads for every locales have been done ?
(16:09:45) ericb2: ok, I have said what I wanted to say. Have a nice day all
(16:09:46) _Nesshof_: ericb2: I don't understand your last question
(16:09:53) _Nesshof_: ericb2: stop
(16:10:20) ericb2: _Nesshof_: simple : I'd like to know how many fr sets, for Mac OS X have been downloaded. Where can I find the figures ?
(16:10:29) ja_: ericb: what's your problem ? The French files are listed at
(16:11:04) ja_: ericb2: just count the logfiles at for each day of the 3.0 release
(16:11:04) ericb2: ja_: please read above
(16:11:20) ericb2: ja_: is it the only trace we have ?
(16:11:46) ja_: ericb2: yes. It's the only trace that I know of
(16:12:37) _rene_: to take a private answer public as I think the issue is important, _Nesshof_ just said that it would have needed a release status meeting inbetween to approve the issues? so what? then do one
(16:12:45) _rene_: (or move all those approvals to today)
(16:13:00) _rene_: but doing it this way when the wiki clearly says all issues are reviewed here is bad
(16:13:16) _Nesshof_: _rene_: agreed
(16:16:56) _Nesshof_: mla: ja_ will we have the complete list today or do we need to do an extra meeting tomorror ?
(16:18:06) mla: _nesshof_: tomorrow would be better, then I'll prepare the list
(16:18:57) _Nesshof_: ok, tomorrow, same time ?
(16:19:02) _Nesshof_: 1500 German time
(16:19:24) ja_: this doesn't work for me
(16:19:30) mla: no, 1500 is not good
(16:19:40) _Nesshof_: 1600 ?
(16:19:53) mla: sorry, not for me
(16:20:02) mla: maybe before 1430 ?
(16:20:05) _Nesshof_: 1400 ?
(16:20:46) mla: if 30 min are ok, then yes
(16:20:51) ja_: just for half an hour if we start at 14:00
(16:21:19) _Nesshof_: ok
(16:23:59) paveljanik [n=Pavel@unaffiliated/paveljanik] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:24:22) _Nesshof_: paveljanik seems to be a little bit late
(16:24:48) khirano [] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:25:46) ericb2: ja_: are the numbers set to 0 after midnight ?
(16:25:54) ericb2: e.g. :
(16:26:52) ja_: ericb: I don't know about details. These are the Apache logs of OSUOSL.
(16:28:49) ericb2: ja_: so finally, there is no information :/ And whom ask to be sure ? Is there someone who knows ?
(16:29:25) _rene_: ah, and now I also know who are to blame :)
(16:29:36) _rene_: (don't take it public, but those people should know)
(16:29:40) _rene_: s/don/won/
(16:29:54) _rene_: as if I didn't guess :)
(16:30:00) ja_: ericb2: The one to ask is Lance Albertson (via
(16:32:44) ericb2: ja_: is Lance Albertson external to OOo or ? Sorry, I don't understand all
(16:33:02) paveljanik: _Nesshof_: yes :-(
(16:34:18) paveljanik hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(16:34:28) paveljanik [n=Pavel@unaffiliated/paveljanik] hat den Raum betreten.
(16:34:29) ***ericb2 does not understand how 3 millions of downloads have been made, while we cannot count them
(16:34:44) _Nesshof_: ericb2: lance ist external
(16:34:57) ja_: ericb2: he's sysop at university of oregon. The only relation to OOo is that they provide their load balancing service.
(16:35:12) ericb2: ja_: ok. Now I see
(16:35:40) _Nesshof_: ericb2: what is the problem with the logs and to sum up the data ?
(16:36:07) _Nesshof_: would be nice to have some scripts for that, yes, but surely they exist somewhere
(16:36:48) ja_: _Nesshof_: if there is a script then I'm the first person who would like to have it
(16:36:50) ericb2: _Nesshof_: I'd like to follow the Mac downloads. Currently, the only source of information I have is the one ja_ gave to me. So how do the people who announced 3 millions of downloads ?
(16:37:10) ericb2: ja_: first, we need to be sure the values are dayly values
(16:37:39) ja_: ericb2: I'm sure about that
(16:37:41) ericb2: _Nesshof_: I mean
(16:37:50) ericb2: ja_: ok, then this is a good basis :)
(16:39:09) ja_: ericb2: what you cannot count is the people using P2P and those who take direct download links
(16:40:36) SimonAW hat den Raum verlassen (quit: ).
(16:42:20) ja_: anything else ?
(16:44:53) _Nesshof_: no
(16:44:59) _Nesshof_: cu tomorrow
(16:45:15) ja_: bye bye

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