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function countTags(n) { var numtags=0; if (n.nodeType == 1 /*Node.ELEMENT_NODE*/) numtags++; var children = n.childNodes; for (var i=0 ; i < children.length; i++) { numtags += countTags(children[i]); } return numtags; }

// myform = form object // myselect = select object name

function formHandler1(myLang) {

if (myLang == 'English') return; nag2myURL="contribute.html?lang="+myLang; window.location.href = nag2myURL; //;


function formHandler2(myIdx) { nag2myURL="contribute.html?idx="+myIdx+"&os="+whatOS; window.location.href = nag2myURL; //;


var whatOs=""

var OSinfo = new Object; = new Array(2);[0] = new Array();[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.mac = new Array(2); OSinfo.mac[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.mac[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.ppclinux = new Array(2); OSinfo.ppclinux[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.ppclinux[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.freebsd = new Array(2); OSinfo.freebsd[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.freebsd[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.linux = new Array(2); OSinfo.linux[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.linux[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.solaris = new Array(2); OSinfo.solaris[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.solaris[1] = new Array(); OSinfo.solarisIntel = new Array(2); OSinfo.solarisIntel[0] = new Array(); OSinfo.solarisIntel[1] = new Array(); //wants to do column load // aha--perl like array processing--this does row loads //windows=[['0','1'],['2','3'],['4','5'],['6','7']];[ ['Australia-Pacific Internet', ''], ['Australia-Planet Mirror', ''], ['Austria-Vienna UT', ''], ['Belgium-Belnet', ''], ['Belgium-Scarlet', ''], ['Brazil-Linorg', ''], ['Brazil-Pontifica U.Catòlica do Paranà', ''], ['Bulgaria-SpectrumNet', ''], ['Canada (Québec)-GULUS (Sherbrooke LUG)', ''], ['Czech Republic-CVUT', ''], ['Denmark-Sunsite', ''], ['Finland-FUNET', ''], ['France-Proxad', ''], ['France-CICT', ''], ['Germany-Aachen', ''], ['Germany-Chemitz', ''], ['Germany-Esslingen', ''], ['Germany-TU-BS', ''], ['Germany-XaraNet', ''], ['Greece-EllaK', ''], ['Greece-NTUA', ''], ['Hungary-FSF Hungary', ''], ['Iceland-RHNet', ''], ['Ireland-HEANet', ''], ['Italy-GARR', ''], ['Japan-KDDI', ''], ['Japan-Ring', ''], ['Lithuania', ''], ['Netherlands-UUG', ''], ['Netherlands-SNT Server', ''], ['Netherlands-Ninja', ''], ['Netherlands-Borft', ''], ['Poland-Poznan', ''], ['Portugal-NEACM', ''], ['Romania-Idlis', ''], ['Russia-CHG', ''], ['', ''], ['Slovenia-Bevc', ''], ['South Africa-IS', ''], ['South Africa-SAIX', ''], ['South Korea-kr.freebsd', ''], ['Spain-Rediris', ''], ['Sweden-Sunet', ''], ['Switzerland-SolNet', ''], ['Switzerland-SWITCHmirror', ''], ['UK-UK Mirror Service', ''], ['USA-ISC', ''], ['USA-TDS', ''], ['USA-Indiana U', ''], ['USA-Secs Up', ''], ['Taiwan-NCTU', ''] ]; //end windows mirrors

OSinfo.linux=[ ['Australia-Pacific Internet', ''], ['Australia-Planet Mirror', ''], ['Austria-Vienna UT', ''], ['Belgium-Belnet', ''], ['Belgium-Scarlet', ''], ['Brazil-Linorg', ''], ['Brazil-Pontifica U.Catòlica do Paranà', ''], ['Bulgaria-SpectrumNet', ''], ['Canada (Québec)-GULUS (Sherbrooke LUG)', ''], ['Czech Republic-CVUT', ''], ['Denmark-Sunsite', ''], ['Finland-FUNET', ''], ['France-Proxad', ''], ['France-CICT', ''], ['Germany-Aachen', ''], ['Germany-Chemitz', ''], ['Germany-Esslingen', ''], ['Germany-TU-BS', ''], ['Germany-XaraNet', ''], ['Greece-EllaK', ''], ['Greece-NTUA', ''], ['Hungary-FSF Hungary', ''], ['Iceland-RHNet', ''], ['Ireland-HEANet', ''], ['Italy-GARR', ''], ['Japan-KDDI', ''], ['Japan-Ring', ''], ['Lithuania', ''], ['Netherlands-UUG', ''], ['Netherlands-SNT Server', ''], ['Netherlands-Ninja', ''], ['Netherlands-Borft', ''], ['Poland-Poznan', ''], ['Portugal-NEACM', ''], ['Romania-Idlis', ''], ['Romania-RoEduNet', ''], ['Russia-CHG', ''], ['', ''], ['Slovenia-Bevc', ''], ['South Africa-IS', ''], ['South Africa-SAIX', ''], ['South Korea-kr.freebsd', ''], ['Spain-Rediris', ''], ['Sweden-Sunet', ''], ['Switzerland-SolNet', ''], ['Switzerland-SWITCHmirror', ''], ['UK-UK Mirror Service', ''], ['USA-Indiana U', ''], ['USA-ISC', ''], ['USA-Secs Up', ''], ['USA-WRPN', ''], ['USA-TDS', ''], ['Taiwan-NCTU', ''] ]; //end linux mirrors

OSinfo.solaris=[ ['Australia-Pacific Internet', ''], ['Australia-Planet Mirror', ''], ['Austria-Vienna UT', ''], ['Belgium-Belnet', ''], ['Belgium-Scarlet', ''], ['Brazil-Linorg', ''], ['Brazil-Pontifica U.Catòlica do Paranà', ''], ['Canada (Québec)-GULUS (Sherbrooke LUG)', ''], ['Czech Republic-CVUT', ''], ['Denmark-Sunsite', ''], ['Finland-FUNET', ''], ['France-Proxad', ''], ['France-CICT', ''], ['Germany-Aachen', ''], ['Germany-Chemitz', ''], ['Germany-Esslingen', ''], ['Germany-TU-BS', ''], ['Germany-XaraNet', ''], ['Greece-EllaK', ''], ['Greece-NTUA', ''], ['Hungary-FSF Hungary', ''], ['Iceland-RHNet', ''], ['Ireland-HEANet', ''], ['Italy-GARR', ''], ['Japan-KDDI', ''], ['Japan-Ring', ''], ['Lithuania', ''], ['Netherlands-UUG', ''], ['Netherlands-SNT Server', ''], ['Netherlands-Ninja', ''], ['Netherlands-Borft', ''], ['Poland-Poznan', ''], ['Portugal-NEACM', ''], ['Romania-Idlis', ''], ['Romania-RoEduNet', ''], ['Russia-CHG', ''], ['Slovenia-Bevc', ''], ['South Africa-IS', ''], ['South Africa-SAIX', ''], ['South Korea-kr.freebsd', ''], ['Spain-Rediris', ''], ['Sweden-Sunet', ''], ['Switzerland-SolNet', ''], ['Switzerland-SWITCHmirror', ''], ['UK-UK Mirror Service', ''], ['USA-Indiana U', ''], ['USA-ISC', ''], ['USA-Secs Up', ''], ['USA-WRPN', ''], ['USA-TDS', ''], ['Taiwan-NCTU', ''] ]; //end SolarisSparc mirrors

OSinfo.ppclinux=[ ['PPC Linux page', ''] ]; //end ppc linux

OSinfo.freebsd=[ ['FreeBSD page', ''] ]; //end freebsd

OSinfo.mac =[ ['Mac OS X page', ''] ]; //end Mac

OSinfo.solarisIntel =[ ['Australia-Pacific Internet', ''], ['Australia-Planet Mirror', ''], ['Austria-Vienna UT', ''], ['Belgium-Belnet', ''], ['Belgium-Scarlet', ''], ['Brazil-Linorg', ''], ['Brazil-Pontifica U.Catòlica do Paranà', ''], ['Canada (Québec)-GULUS (Sherbrooke LUG)', ''], ['Czech Republic-CVUT', ''], ['Denmark-Sunsite', ''], ['Finland-FUNET', ''], ['France-Proxad', ''], ['France-CICT', ''], ['Germany-Aachen', ''], ['Germany-Chemitz', ''], ['Germany-Esslingen', ''], ['Germany-TU-BS', ''], ['Germany-XaraNet', ''], ['Greece-EllaK', ''], ['Greece-NTUA', ''], ['Hungary-FSF Hungary', ''], ['Iceland-RHNet', ''], ['Ireland-HEANet', ''], ['Italy-GARR', ''], ['Japan-KDDI', ''], ['Japan-Ring', ''], ['Lithuania', ''], ['Netherlands-UUG', ''], ['Netherlands-SNT Server', ''], ['Netherlands-Ninja', ''], ['Netherlands-Borft', ''], ['Poland-Poznan', ''], ['Portugal-NEACM', ''], ['Romania-Idlis', ''], ['Russia-CHG', ''], ['Slovenia-Bevc', ''], ['South Africa-IS', ''], ['South Africa-SAIX', ''], ['South Korea-kr.freebsd', ''], ['Spain-Rediris', ''], ['Sweden-Sunet', ''], ['Switzerland-SolNet', ''], ['Switzerland-SWITCHmirror', ''], ['UK-UK Mirror Service', ''], ['USA-Indiana U', ''], ['USA-ISC', ''], ['USA-Secs Up', ''], ['USA-TDS', ''], ['Taiwan-NCTU', ''] ] //end SolarisIntel

function makeOSMirrors (s_index) {

var myOS= new Array('windows','linux','ppclinux','solaris','solarisIntel','freebsd','mac');

//input hopefully whatOS=myOS[s_index-1]; //alert("s_index: " + s_index); //alert("whatOS: " + whatOS);

//length of current options var opt_counter=1; //alert("Array length for whatOS: " + OSinfo[whatOS].length); // reset options;

OSinfo[whatOS].sort(); for (var i=0; i < OSinfo[whatOS].length ; i++) { var new_item=new Option(OSinfo[whatOS][i][0],i);[opt_counter] = new_item; // alert(opt_counter + "new value :" +[opt_counter].value); opt_counter++; }

} // end mirror gen options function // $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2007/03/20 11:31:27 $

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