Previous Education Meetings logs/February 2008/1st February

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[15:00] <ericb2> Meeting time ?

[15:00] <Remaille> yes

[15:00] <Remaille> won't stay further than 15:30 am afraid..

[15:01] <ericb2> Remaille: the meeting shouldn't be too long

[15:01] * ericb2 would like to do some sport outside ;)

[15:01] <ericb2> Agenda for 1st of February 2008 meeting

[15:01] <ericb2> 1. Welcome people and devs joining Education project

[15:01] <ericb2> 2. Organize a cycle of IRC presentations, mainly development oriented ( part 2)

[15:01] <ericb2> 3. Education Project Effort : tasks to be scheduled

[15:01] <ericb2> 4. Events: some words about Solution Linux (Paris )

[15:02] <ericb2> Let's start with new devs and people joining the Education Project

[15:03] >ChanServ< access add louis_to 10

[15:03] -ChanServ- [louis_to] has been added to the access list for with level [10]

[15:03] -ChanServ/ ericb2! ACCESS [] ADD louis_to 10

[15:03] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to louis_to

[15:04] >sorry,< I did some wrong experience with chanserv

[15:04] * sorry :No such nick/channel

[15:04] <rbircher> Hello at all

[15:04] >louis_to< sorry, I did some wrong experience with chanserv

[15:04] <ericb2> no new people around ?

[15:05] <rbircher> I think no

[15:06] <ericb2> I think we should have some (needs confirmation), because some schools are interested to work with us. I'll say more in point 4

[15:06] <ericb2> Point 2. Organize a cycle of IRC presentations, mainly development oriented ( part 2)

[15:06] <ericb2> I received feedback from several people. Not all btw

[15:07] * ericb2 searching the wiki page about that ..

[15:07] <ericb2>

[15:08] <ericb2> as you can see, this is work in progress

[15:08] <ericb2> the other important thing, is : some of the people I tried to invite, think IRC is not the best medium

[15:09] <ericb2> but we have to start little, and make available everything to a maximum of people

[15:09] <rbircher> Wath he propose as medium?

[15:10] <ericb2> rbircher: Martin Hollmichel (I'll answer him asap) was proposing some Virtual Desktop. I'll ask for further infos

[15:11] <ericb2> That's all for today about the point 2 . Questions ?

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