Configmgr Refactoring/Design

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Documentation note.png The configmgr has been re-implemented for 3.3, see Performance/Configuration. This page describes an alternative approach that has not been implemented, so it is somewhat obsolete.

Please view Configmgr Refactoring about analysis. This document explain configmgr new design and some discussion

only .

The Configuration files placement

We will discuss the placement two scenarios:

Placement after OOo install

$BaseInstallation/share/registry/templates               ### Only xcs templates definition
                                 /data                    ### Complete configuration data
                                 /res/en-US               ### Multilingual configuration data
                                     /zh-CN               ### 
    /UnoSharedPackages/$(package_name)/templates  ### Only current UNO xcs templates definition
                                            /data  ### Only current UNO Complete configuration data(default language)
                                       /res/en-US  ### Only current UNO Multilingual configuration data
                                           /zh-CN  ###
$UserInstallation/user/registry/data              ###

Placement In UNO Package

/templates                     ### Only xcs templates definition
/data                          ### Complete configuration data
/res/en-US                     ### Multilingual configuration data

The Configuration Data Definition

According to the configuration file placement, Configuration data can be divided into two types:

Complete configuration data

With configuration information is Multilingual, it will contain current language information .

<group name="Option">
    <prop name="max" type="xs:int">
    <prop name="min" type="xs:int">
    <prop name="regard" type="xs:string" lang= "true" lang_name= "en-US">
        <user-value>hello world</user-value>

Multilingual configuration data

Only contains language related information (similar to the current OOo "res" multilingual directory)


<group name="Option">
    <prop name="regard" type="xs:string" lang= "true" lang_name= "zh-CN">


<group name="Option">
    <prop name="regard" type="xs:string" lang= "true" lang_name= "en-US">
        <user-value>hello world</user-value>


As we can see templat struct will be used only occurred in inserted new node. So can we split template struct from configuration data file.

    <templates name="LDAP" package="org.openoffice">
        <group name="ServerDefinition">
            <prop name="Server" type="xs:string"/>
            <prop name="Port" type="xs:int">
            <prop name="BaseDN" type="xs:string"/>
    <templates name="Views" package="org.openoffice.Office">
            <group name="DialogType">
                <prop name="WindowState" type="xs:string"/>
                <group name="UserData" extensible="true"/>
    <group name="TabDialogType">
            <prop name="WindowState" type="xs:string"/>
            <prop name="PageID" type="xs:int"/>
            <group name="UserData" extensible="true"/>
    <group name="TabPageType">
            <prop name="WindowState" type="xs:string"/>
            <group name="UserData" extensible="true"/>
    <group name="WindowType">
            <prop name="WindowState" type="xs:string"/>
            <prop name="Visible" type="xs:boolean"/>
            <group name="UserData" extensible="true"/>

The relationship of new schema nodes in OOo running

New schema use OOo schema as standard, and adjust some places .







group :

















Please note the inserted/removed attributes and user-value/default-value nodes ; and that will be describe below.

Configmgr design node relationship.PNG

Processing flow in OOo Runing

We can see the user configuration data file has a copy of default configuration data( admin configuration data) and user modification data.

By user-value/default-value nodes in user configuration data file, we can tell the value is user modification data or default data.

By inserted/removed attributes in user configuration data file, we can tell the node is user new data or user removed data or default data.

The below image is the processing flow about get configuration data from configuration data file. It is our complete solution after we discuss( It is not exactly same as our current source).

Configmgr read file flow.png

The below image is the processing flow about write configuration data from configuration data file. As mentioned above,It is our complete solution after we discuss( It is not exactly same as our current source).

Configmgr write file flow.png

Configuration data handling cases

Product Packaging Process

OOo source code Configuration data file:

        officecfg/registry/schema            ### configuration schema definition
                               /data             ###  configuration data
        filter/source/config/fragments      ###  org.openoffice.TypeDetection.Filter/GraphicFilter/Misc/Types/UISort/   data fragements

Configuration data file placement in package:

    /templates        ### Only xcs templates definition
        /data         ### Complete configuration data and language configuration information  with en-US 
        /res/en-US    ### Multilingual configuration data

Product Installation Process

Configuration data file placement after OOo install:

$BaseInstallation/share/registry/templates  ### Only xcs templates definition
                                 /data       ### Complete configuration data and language configuration information  with current UI language
                                 /res/en-US  ### Multilingual configuration data backup


a) Generate org.openoffice.System configuration data

b) Replace language configuration information in complete configuration data with current UI language.

c) Copy /templates & /res/en-US & /res/zh-CN & /res/zh-TW …

UNO Component Packing Process

UNO Component configuration data file placement in package:

    /templates                          ### Only xcs templates definition
    /data                               ### Complete configuration data
    /res/en-US                          ### Multilingual configuration data

UNO Component Installation Process

UNO Component configuration data file placement after UNO component install

$BaseInstallation/share/registry/UnoSharedPackages/$(package_name)/templates  ### Only current UNO xcs templates definition
                                                                   /data       ### Only current UNO Complete configuration data(default language)
                                                                   /res/en-US  ### Only current UNO Multilingual configuration data
                                                                       /zh-CN  ###


a) copy configuration data files from UNO packages to OOo “UnoSharedPackages” 。

b) merge UNO “templates” to OOo “templates”。

c)If UNO Component installed for current user, merge “$BaseInstallation/share/registry/data” or “$UserInstallation/user/data” with “/data” to “$UserInstallation/user/data”。

If UNO Component installed for every one, merge “$BaseInstallation/share/registry/data” with “/data” to “$BaseInstallation/share/registry/data”。

UNO Component Removal Process

a) Remove UNO “templates” from OOo “templates”。

b) If UNO Component installed for current user, match remove UNO data from “$UserInstallation/user/data”。

If UNO Component installed for every one, match remove UNO data from “$BaseInstallation/share/registry/data”

Change UI Language

Traverse UNO products and components multi-language directory, Replace "$UserInstallation/user/data" or "$BaseInstallation/share/registry/data" configuration multi-language information.

Merger multi-components

Now we define three types config item in “configmgr.ini” file.

    1. ARG_MERGER_COUNT:the count of multi-components merged files
    2. ARG_MERGER_MERGERNAME + n :the file name of the n-th merged configuration file
    3. ARG_MERGER_COMOPNENTS + n :the component name list which be merged to the n-th merger configuration file.


Could we compress user configuration data encryption. And also we can compress share configuration data for improve performance( )

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