Progressive implementation

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scheduled subjects :

Porting : Implement drawing support (Aqua only)

Does concern : native Mac OS X port only Skills : good knowledge of languages C / C++ , using Carbon/Cocoa API (Quartz 2D ) No description available yet

Stephan Schaefer ( ssa at openoffice dot org )

Porting : Implement native font support, using native Apple API (Aqua / X11)

Does concern : 2.0.3 or superior, for Mac OS X port (both Aqua and X11 versions) Skills : knowledge of languages C / C++ , using Carbon/Cocoa API, knowledge of font systems and font technology Subject proposed by : none yet Tasks : (1) analyze current implementation : design, concerned modules, isolate classes and parameters (2) propose a design for the new one, using Apple API (3) write and test a proof of concept If enough time : (4) implement the solution, with possible backport to X11 version.

Eric Bachard (ericb at openoffice dot org)
Porting : Implement printing support (Aqua / X11)

Subject proposed by : none yet, but Oliver Braun was working on that subject Concerns : 2.0.3 or superior, for Mac OS X port (both Aqua and X11 versions) Skills : knowledge of languages C / C++ , using Carbon/Cocoa API Tasks : write specs describe current implementation : design, concerned modules, isolate classes and parameters to manage propose a new design using Apple API write and test a proof of concept

Oliver Braun ( nerd at warpsite dot de )

Porting : Integrate the native Mac OS X FilePicker into (Aqua/X11)

Concerns : 2.0.3 or superior, for Mac OS X port (both Aqua and X11 versions) Skills : knowledge of languages C / C++ , using Carbon/Cocoa API Proposed by : Tino Rachui Tino.Rachui@Sun.COM Integrate the native Mac OS X FilePicker into The OOo FilePicker is already designed as a UNO component. What is needed is a new implementation of the FilePicker component based on the native Mac OS X FilePicker as it has been done on MS Windows for instance. On current Mac OS X port of, the current FilePicker is not native, less ergonomic. Possible tasks : Familiarize with the native Mac OS X FilePicker API and the OOo UNO interfaces for the FilePicker Describe current implementation : design, concerned modules, isolate classes and parameters to manage propose a new design using Apple API write and test a proof of concept

Contact Tino Rachui ( Tino dot Rachui at Sun dot COM )

Porting : Mac OS X Address book integration (Aqua / X11)

Subject proposed by: Oliver Braun nerd at warpsite dot de Synopsis: OOo currently is integrated with the Mozilla address book but not with the native Mac OS X address book. This is annoying for Mac OS X user. For better system integration it would be desirable to integrate with the Mac OS X address book. Concerns: 2.x for Mac OS X (both Aqua and X11 versions) Skills: Knowledge of languages C/C++, Mac OS X APIs and Application frameworks like Carbon or Cocoa for instance, knowledge of the Mac OS X address book APIs Tasks: Familiarize with the Mac OS X address book API's Familiarize with the current OOo Mozilla address book integration Make a prototype for OOo Mac OS X address book integration

Oliver Braun ( nerd at warpsite dot de )
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