Education ClassRoom/Previous Logs/framework part1

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[11:28] <ericb2> mba_: why not present the begining today. Say a 30 min max presentation ?

[11:29] <mba_> I can do that. I will give a brief overview of what I could talk about.

[11:29] <ericb2> mba_: thank you :)

[11:29] <mba_> So, let's start.

[11:29] <FelixZ> mba_: Thanks

[11:30] <mba_> First of all, the Framework module is very privileged - because it is largely documented in our DevGuide.

[11:31] <mba_> If you look on the coarse diagram in our wiki ( ) you can see what the Framework basically is meant to do

[11:32] <mba_> It cares for the general managing of documents, task windows, the (high level) file handling, and more.

[11:32] <mba_> An important part of the Framework also is Embedding. But as I consider this to be "advanced", I will not go into details there.

[11:33] <mba_> If you are a macro developer or anybody else using OOo API you ususally will start with Framework API calls before you can do anything further.

[11:33] <mba_> Quite often this is the XDesktop::loadComponentFromURL method

[11:35] <mba_> This method belongs to an interface css.frame.XDesktop that not surprisingly is implemented by a service css.frame.Desktop, but also by all "frame" services (currently there is only one css.frame.Frame service but we always thought there could be more in the future).

[11:36] <mba_> The Desktop object does a lot more that I don't want to touch now, for a first reference I recommend to study the DevGuide (

[11:38] * mod_ ( has joined

[11:38] <mba_> loadComponentFromURL is expected to return a Component. The only interface that is mandatory for a compoent is the css.lang.XComponent interface that allows to control the components' life time.

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