OOoES/Traduccion/Calc: Funciones Fecha Hora

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Lista de las funciones Fecha & Hora de Calc

HOY devuelve la fecha de hoy.
AHORA devuelve la fecha y la hora actual.
AÑO devuelve el año de una fecha determinada.
MES devuelve el mes de una fecha determinada.
DIA devuelve el día de una fecha determinada.
DIASEM devuelve el día de la semana para una fecha determinada.
HORA devuelve la hora de un momento determinado.
MINUTO devuelve el minuto de un momento determinado.
SEGUNDO returns the seconds of a given time.
FECHA returns the date, given the year, month and day of the month.
FECHANUMERO returns a date-time serial number from a text date.
HORA returns the time, given hours, minutes and seconds.
HORANUMERO returns a date-time serial number from a text time.
FIN.MES returns the date of the last day of a month.
EDATE returns a date a number of months away.
DIA.LAB returns a date a given number of workdays away.
DIAS.LAB returns the number of workdays between two dates.
DIAS returns the number of days between two dates.
DIAS360 returns the number of days between two dates, using the 360 day year.
DIASENMES returns the number of days in the month of the given date.
DIASENAÑO returns the number of days in the year of the given date.
SEMANAS returns the number of weeks between two dates.
SEMANASENAÑO returns the number of weeks in the year of the given date.
SEMANANUMERO returns the ISO week number of a given date.
WEEKNUM_ADD returns the non-ISO week number of a given date.
MESES returns the number of months between two dates.
AÑOS returns the number of years between two dates.
ESAÑOBISIESTO tests if a date is in a leap year.
DOMINGOPASCUA returns the date of Easter Sunday in a given year.
FRAC.AÑO returns the number of years including fraction between two dates.

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