Documentation/How Tos/Calc: PERCENTRANK function

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Returns the percentage rank of a number in a list of numbers.


PERCENTRANK(numberlist; number)

number is the number whose percentage rank is to be found within the unordered range or array of numbers numberlist.
PERCENTRANK internally assigns a rank to number, where 0 is the rank of the lowest number, 1 of the next lowest and so on. If number, is not in numberlist, it is assigned a fractional rank proportionately between the rank of the numbers on either side (see the examples). Where N is the count of numbers in numberlist, PERCENTRANK returns assigned_rank / (N-1), which is a fraction between 0 and 1 inclusive.
This function is of limited use with a small list of numbers. It may be useful for example when determining where a score lies within all scores for a test, in which case the formula returned can be stated as L / (N-1), where L is the count of numbers which are lower than number.


PERCENTRANK({3; 4; 9; 11; 12}; 4)

returns 0.25.

PERCENTRANK({9; 3; 7; 8}; 6)

returns 0.25. The lowest number 3 is assigned rank 0; the next highest number 7 is assigned rank 1. 6 is assigned a rank proportionately between these, 0.75. There are 4 numbers in the list, so the result is calculated as 0.75/(4-1) = 0.75/3 = 0.25.

See also:


Statistical functions


  • Despite its name, PERCENTRANK returns a fraction, not a percentage.
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