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This page gathers information about the new chart implementation of

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Compiling the new chart module

The first step anyone need to achieve before starting to develop on the chart module is compiling with the needed modifications for the new chart module. provides two main ways to compile it : the "Vanilla" way and the "OOoBuild" way. Let's explain what they are and the differences between those two ways.

Compiling : the theory


Vanilla is the "standard" way to compile OOo. To compile OOo the "Vanilla" way, you only need to download the sources, unzip them, and follow the instructions given on the page [Add a link to the build steps from]. We will give Chart-specific details about this in the following sections.


To make it simple, OOoBuild is a "wrapper" around the build process to make compiling OOo more straight-forward. Some of the enhancements added are :

  • patches for known compiling problems
  • integration with "ccache" and "icecream" to speed-up the process
  • linux distribution specific compiling steps (specific splash screen for Fedora...)

So, to compile OOo with OOoBuild, just just need to download OOoBuild and put the OOo standard sources in a specific directory.

Compiling : the practice

Commmon steps

First of all before starting to compile anything, you will need to install all the dependencies and tools needed for the compiling steps. On the Tools project page, you should find all the information on the "Building the source" section :

There, you should read the different sub-sections, they will give you a nice introduction on how everything works. You should also notice that the steps are different on each OS.


TODO : Describing the vanilla build process.


TODO : Describing the OOoBuild build process.

The bugs reported and the solutions.

During the compiling step, you will not be able to compile the whole code

Developping for the new chart module

The common steps.


Some useful information

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