Extensions development

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Revision as of 09:10, 19 March 2006 by Lgodard (Talk | contribs)

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Developping extensions is an efficient way to bring value to OpenOffice.org

OpenOffice.org enables third party tools creation through UNO bridges, allowing using many languages

The principle is to create UNO packages that can be listed in the OpenOffice.org Extensions repository and installed by end-users easilly

This section wants to give newcommers as well as experienced devloppers some hints to develop Extensions in their desired languages and provide them with tools and frameworks that ease and homogenize the development

Finally, popular Extensions may be integrated into OpenOffice;org so it is important to follow common policies from starting to ease this merging

Starting in a language

Addons can be written in various languages. Each section is here to give starting informations that let you create your addons. Each section is dedicated to a language. It deals with specific points concerning the Extensions aspact. Ressources regarding the OpenOffice.org API can be found on the API project and UNO bridges languages issues on th UDK project

The translations of these pages are welcommed and guidelines are available.

  • Starting in Python
  • Starting in Basic
  • Starting in Java
  • Starting in C++
  • Extensions packaging

Tools & Frameworks

  • Translation framework of addons
  • Extension Packager
  • Predefined wizards
Personal tools