ReleaseStatus Minutes 2008-02-11 IRC log

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(15:00:39) ja_: hi
(15:00:50) rtimm [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:32) _Nesshof_: moin
(15:01:35) mdamboldt: Hi
(15:01:42) paveljanik: Hi
(15:01:44) blauwal [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:55) _Nesshof_: UweL: what does that status for 2.4 looks like ?
(15:02:21) _rene_: hi
(15:02:22) _rene_: rtimm: I have a question which you can answer at the closing SRC680 RE mentioning, when will DEV300 be created? (tor some technical reasons I need DEV300_m1 for starting 3.0 work)
(15:02:27) UweL: no stopper as far as I can see
(15:04:49) _Nesshof_: rtimm: ja_ so we ready to upload an rc tuesday or wednesday ?
(15:05:12) rtimm: _Nesshof_: I think so, yes.
(15:05:29) _rene_: no m7 (rc1) will be ready today? or tomorrow?
(15:05:34) _rene_: s/no/so/
(15:06:15) rtimm: _rene_: today late, or tomorrow in th morning, I'd guess
(15:06:28) ja_: _Nesshof_: yes. On wednesday
(15:06:58) _rene_: rtimm: ok
(15:07:52) _Nesshof_: release engineering duties this week ?
(15:08:03) rtimm: Vladimir on SRC680
(15:08:22) rtimm: If we should need OOh680 m8 it's Heiner's
(15:08:25) rtimm: ;-)
(15:08:53) _rene_: 15:02 < _rene_> rtimm: I have a question which you can answer at the closing SRC680 RE mentioning, when will DEV300 be created? (tor some technical reasons I need DEV300_m1 for starting 3.0 work)
(15:09:03) ***rtimm needs a grammar checker for if clauses ...
(15:09:31) rtimm: _rene_: Yes,I've read that. Was stopped by 'at the closing' :-)
(15:09:59) rtimm: _rene_: Unfortunately, I do not know. Technically we could do that now.
(15:10:06) _rene_: "SRC680 RE mentioning" ;-)
(15:10:14) rtimm: _Nesshof_: what are your plans / ideas here?
(15:11:27) _Nesshof_: rtimm: plan was to do this before feature freeze
(15:11:28) rtimm: At least we should start with DEV300 before beta, I think
(15:11:56) _Nesshof_: rtimm: so I'm waiting for suggestion for when to do it
(15:12:17) rtimm: _Nesshof_: ... which is March 6th
(15:13:38) _Nesshof_: yes
(15:13:39) rtimm: Do we need some handling time before that switch? Announcements, ...?
(15:13:56) _Nesshof_: I would expect so
(15:14:15) _Nesshof_: rtimm: what do we need to announce, do you have a prepared list
(15:14:35) rtimm: _Nesshof_: No. Do you have?
(15:15:21) _Nesshof_: from my side I do not see any dependencies
(15:15:40) _Nesshof_: but I'm not a buildenv expert and do not know about all consequences
(15:15:44) _rene_: well, you at least should write a mail to dev@, but that is trivia
(15:16:05) _rene_: but I don't know either what needs fixing in the buildsystem for DEV300, so...
(15:16:59) rtimm: So we should be sane with one week between announcement and m1.
(15:17:33) rtimm: Let's announce it it today.
(15:18:23) rtimm: What shall we write: first DEV300 next week (calender week 08) or one week later (09)?
(15:19:16) _Nesshof_: 09
(15:19:40) rtimm: _Nesshof_: agreed
(15:20:31) rtimm: I'll send an email to dev@
(15:20:57) _Nesshof_: rtimm: thanks
(15:21:26) rtimm: What I will not do (but porbably someone has to do) is adapting several OOo html pages speaking about SRC680 as current trunk ...
(15:21:44) _Nesshof_: :-)
(15:22:15) _Nesshof_: ok I have another topic for 3.0:
(15:22:38) _Nesshof_: there is a suggestion to drop Win98 support with the release of OOo 3.0
(15:22:45) _Nesshof_: any thought about this
(15:22:54) _rene_: +1
(15:23:57) rtimm: +1
(15:24:07) mdamboldt: +1
(15:24:18) ***_rene_ would even vote for < XP, but... ;-)
(15:24:34) UweL: +1
(15:25:17) ***rtimm would not be astonished if _rene_ voted for for all windows  ;-)
(15:25:32) _Nesshof_ heißt jetzt mh_away
(15:25:39) _rene_: rtimm: that's the seond step :-P
(15:26:13) blauwal: +1
(15:26:15) bettina-h: +1
(15:27:18) _rene_: blauwal: tl didn't answer at all, fwiw...
(15:28:54) blauwal: _rene_: well, I ask him to at least answer, that I can do.
(15:30:35) ja_: +1
(15:31:27) mdamboldt: Ok, _Nesshof_ had to leave spontaneously today. Is there anything else for today?
(15:32:29) rtimm: mdamboldt: No, not from my side
(15:33:53) UweL: what about "hyphenexternal" ?
(15:35:22) _rene_: that's the cws where I need a windows-build knowledgeable person to look at for months(?) now
(15:35:39) _rene_: if not two months, at last a few weeks
(15:37:57) UweL: nobody able/willing?
(15:38:57) UweL: I do not like to release with this CWS in the background
(15:39:22) UweL: change target?
(15:40:10) _rene_: especially as it fixed a license problem...
(15:41:01) _rene_: UweL: no idea, ask windows guys. I don't use Windows since almost 7 years and didn't do Windows building at lal anyway
(15:42:39) UweL: seems to me that nobody beside rene will have a problem when I change the target, right?
(15:43:33) _rene_: if that will make someone actually look at it...
(15:43:46) _rene_: I have no hope this getting into 2.4 at all, unfortuately
(15:44:17) UweL: 3, 2, 1,..... ;-)
(15:44:49) mh_away heißt jetzt _Nesshof_
(15:46:02) _Nesshof_: finished ?
(15:46:54) mdamboldt: I think, yes.
(15:47:24) UweL: So I will change the target
(15:47:43) ***_rene_ sighs
(15:48:08) UweL: I'm sooooooo sorry
(15:49:07) ***_Nesshof_ doesn't believe UweL
(15:49:21) _rene_: UweL: don't lie, please
(15:49:28) UweL: :-(
(15:49:38) _rene_: UweL: I am 100% sure you don't mean it like this
(15:51:03) UweL: but it sounds better
(15:51:25) _rene_: yeah, it shoulds better is a good excue to lie. yeah, really.
(15:51:55) UweL: are we getting serious?
(15:52:06) _rene_: I mean it serious.
(15:52:40) _rene_: well, not the last sentence, which obviously is irony.
(15:53:22) _Nesshof_: _rene_: we should try to fix it next monday if you're in Hamburg
(15:53:46) _Nesshof_: paveljanik: will you also be available next week for ESC ?
(15:54:16) _rene_: we could do. I'll arrive at 8 at Altona, need to check-in at the Hotel, We couuld meet eralier than 11
(15:54:25) paveljanik: _Nesshof_: yes
(15:54:33) paveljanik: in HBG?
(15:54:35) paveljanik: uff ;-)
(15:55:03) _Nesshof_: _rene_: I will try to be in the office around 9
(15:55:14) paveljanik: I'm able to make it offline, but we have a 3D ultrasound with my wife in the afternoon, so...
(15:55:20) _Nesshof_: paveljanik: what does uff mean ?
(15:55:41) paveljanik: _Nesshof_: uff means that I was surprised by the online ESC.. ;-)
(15:55:56) paveljanik: "online" == f2f...
(15:56:08) _rene_: it was discussed the last few meetings :)
(15:56:13) _Nesshof_: paveljanik: we will miss you
(15:56:25) paveljanik: ;-)
(15:56:33) paveljanik: yes, I was a bit busy :-(
(15:58:09) _rene_: _Nesshof_: ok, an we of course need a windows build person there, too :)
(15:59:19) _rene_: _Nesshof_: but I'll then try to be there asap this morning
(15:59:36) UweL: maybe you meet somebody in Altona :-)
(16:00:34) UweL hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
(16:01:40) _Nesshof_: by
(16:01:55) blauwal: bye
(16:02:00) ja_: bye
(16:02:02) stefan_b: buy!
(16:02:11) blauwal hat den Raum verlassen ("Leaving").
(16:02:30) rtimm: bye
(16:02:38) paveljanik: bye

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