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UX ToDo List: UX@OOo Project Tasks - OOo Product Tasks


Look&Feel needs to be reworked

Look&Feel in general needs to be reworked to a more pleasing appearance. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...') J.S. Martin made some pretty nice sketches. Also, Trollen Lord made a sketch of the formatting and status bar. No floating box, just context sensitivity and theme -> styles -> minor manual edit options context sensitively. It should provide all the same options for users, but often with less effort and with more intuitive ui. Also the status bar has been cleared of redundant, irrelevant and confusing items (the zoom percentage is still missing from magnifier glass), giving more valuable space vertically.

Styles and Formatting not usable intuitively

The 'Styles and Formatting' floating window is not usable intuitively. The differentiation of styles and hard formatting is not obvious for a user; a solution could be the implementation of style themes (customizable). (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...')

Provide In-Place Manipulation For Special Objects

At the moment there are many ways to interact with special objects like Hyperlinks, Smart Tags, AutoCorrection. The Wiki page Proposal_DirectManipulationSnippets tries to address those issues for both objects in the document and the document itself.

Customizable font list

Make the fonts list customizable, so that the user only sees his favorite used fonts. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...')

Rulers on demand

Offer the functionality of hiding the rulers and calling them temporarily if required. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...') Also, Trollen Lord made proposals (1, 2) about possible rulers and how some parts of context sensitivity might work.

Modern Color Palette

Change the standard color palette to a modern look. That is planned. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...')

More intuitive color management

Color management: Setting, changing or exchanging colors /color palettes is not at all intuitive. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...')

Selection color scheme

A new color scheme for selections in OOo. Let's get rid of simple inverted XOR white on black.

  • What's needed is a competitive analysis. What's typical for other applications on Windows and Linux?
  • What are the system's default selection colors for different themes?
  • How do we use the selection color provided?
  • Where do we apply it? eg. Text in Writer, Tables in Writer, Cells in Calc...
  • What is the difference for windows with/without focus? What about tool windows?
  • What about consistency with controls like text boxes and list boxes?
  • What about High Contrast for A11y?
7512: Selection colour
78181: Calc: Highlight Current Row + Advanced Table Formatting

Fresh looking icons

Icons: There is an ongoing project on new icons, have a look [here]. (see discussion 'My user experience with OOo...')


  • Individual Header and Footer page editing should be improved/made easier (e.g. dissconnecting header of one page with the one on the next page - like in MS Word). As I deal a lot with writing papers and need this function everyday, it seems quite important.
  • Also integrating Reference Management software, like JabRef, would be highly appreciated. (or just making the transfer process from the BibTex file less time consuming and complicated).
  • Accessing the Thesaurus is far more difficult for users than in competitive office suites. Access to the thesaurus via a right click context menu far more handy than it is implemented in Please see Bug [51258]
  • I know several persons who tried to rotate an image in Writer, but it is impossible. It is very unintuitive to describe: "Please import the image into draw, rotate it, copy it, paste it into writer" Please refer to the very old bug [3545].


  • Math is in terms of User experience quite terrible. Most people do not even find the floating toolbars in order to click together their formulas. Moreover, there is no help at all regarding the formula syntax. I believe that the idea of the assisted command line is great, but not nicely at all put into practice. An idea is given by the bug [34183].


  • Calc has a very nice feature to import (or link) tables in webpages to the spreadsheet; however it is not nice done regarding the user experience. The dialog does not display a preview of the tables on the webpage, but gives a list of ALL tables on the webpage (e.g. table0, table1, table2, ..... table xy). Always you have to try out which table is the one you actually want. Please see bug [70062].

Impress / Draw

  • ...

Compatibility with Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentations could be improved, because there are some minor bugs that cause presentation layout to distort.



  • ...

Even More Lists With OOo Product Related Tasks


  • See issues that result from our last usability test: IssueTracker query; before starting to work on any of these tasks, please contact the owner of the respective issue.

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