Education Courses

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Revision as of 14:34, 12 November 2007 by Ericb (Talk | contribs)

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FIXME: define a better look


We must know, as preliminary, what is teached in the most common situations

Courses must have pre requisites

Courses must follow objectives :

  • knowledge
  • know how
  • experimental know how

Authors of courses must be visible

A clear progression must be defined

Define, for every courses, developers who can be contacted as technical contacts

Create applications illustrating the courses, including code sample


1) not project / applications dependant

  • Structure of the project

Projects, organisation, life, decisions .. etc

  • Tools:

source code: checkout (cvs / git / svn ) , extract infos ( cvs log ..etc ) , organisation

cwstools: cwsquery, create a cws, cws life

Build dependencies, configure time, needs for every OS, architecture

examples: AquaBuild

  • Source Code

extract cws, create patches, apply them, propose patches

  • interactions with tools:

buildtime, dependencies management (build.lst) , solver (d.lst)

  • Build issues: acquire skills, share and teach them

- known typical issues: build typical issues ( makefile relevant); code issues: fix warnings

- how find info: IssueZilla, IRC

- provide a buildfix (patch)

- avoid general buildbreaker: portability rules

  • Writing code

- Coding Guidelines

- source code distribution: where find what

Source code analyze ( + examples ) :

- vcl content and design -> use Mac OS X port

- svx content and design

- scp2: content and design

Feature implementation: how write specs, the process, integration process

Example of feature implementation: Native FilePicker on Mac OS X, for Aqua version of

Work in progress: new print dialog box


Personal tools