Talk:MarketingCampaign Q3-2007

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Revision as of 03:18, 12 October 2007 by Yorick (Talk | contribs)

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Let's get the discussion going here. In terms of Suns contribution to the project, they earmarked a proportion of it to merchandise, that part appears non-negotiable. 80% of the contribution has already been spent on online contextual text advertising aimed at increasing downloads. History is against us it seems. Turning clickthroughs into downloads being the challenge. Unfortunately we, the project, were too late into the mix to do anything about that even though I think there were able

We have a number of issues to resolve.

  • Type of merchandise

Florian has already worked on T-Shirts and USB drives and so we are a fair way down the track with that. Still don't know some critical info like quotes and sources.

  • Logistics- Distribution

Critical point will be the point of origin for the merchandise. Preferably as close to the the target localities. Even better if we can use local businesses to do the manufacture and get them in behind the programme, using their own local networks. Sending stuff globally is expensive and can be problematic. However this process is a whole new ballgame and my feeling is that Sun want their suppliers to do the merchandise although they haven't come out and said that. But given the history of communication on this particular initiative, they may have done but we haven't heard it.

  • Target market

Given that our distribution channels are necessarily limited, we either piggy back on someone else distribution channels (One reason I like the Kellogs CD idea) or we target groups in a single geographical area. Trade Shows are an obvious answer, unfortunately this often costs a fortune and while we have the funds for the merchandise we don't have any earmarked for booths and such like. Tertiary Education Institutions are another and the advantages I'm sure I don't need to enumerate

  • locality

I think will be governed to a degree by the physical support within the local OOo community or perhaps support from a Local Business Partner.

The critical point here is that in terms of a global campaign we have peanuts to play with. The upside of course is that we didn't even have crumbs before, and peanuts is better than crumbs in any mans language :)

We cannot hope to generate a global marketing impact with the same money that MS marketing spends worldwide every two minutes, so we have to be smart. As a couple of people pointed out, using the money to do a project that generates news coverage would be the best way to do things.

I like the South Africa idea. If we could figure out something that becomes worthy of a comment from Nelson Mandela, THAT would be the ultimate. Mr Mandela's every utterance is news.... Although I wouldn't approach him right now, he's praying hard that the Argentinian Pumas don't knock the Springboks out of the world cup. :)

Edit as you see fit

Graham Lauder Yorick 05:18, 12 October 2007 (CEST)

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