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Revision as of 09:34, 30 August 2007 by Lgodard (Talk | contribs)

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(10:07:53) SunNF: we already opened the conf call
(10:08:47) mdamboldt: I'm sorry we have some trouble with the phone line and can't open the Conference call :(
(10:09:52) lgodard: mdamboldt: lets play with IRC ;-)
(10:10:06) mdamboldt: Stefan is traveling thru the AI's from last week currently
(10:11:35) lgodard: here are the AI for IRC reader
(10:11:49) lgodard: 1_2007-7-5: How could an update feed be generated on the extensions.services.opennoffice.org site?	 TBO 
(10:11:49) lgodard: 2_2007-7-19: take care of appropriate input for the new getmore page 	ST 	
(10:11:49) lgodard: 3_2007-7-26: create links to point people to the extension section of the developers guide within the extension repository 	JSC/TBO 
(10:11:49) lgodard: 1_2007-8-03: Compile content about versioning, naming etc. of extensions for the documentation 	MD 	in progress 
(10:12:02) lgodard: 2_2007-8-09: Correct layout when image is visible within the overview 	TBO 	
(10:12:02) lgodard: 1_2007-8-16: implement platform fields for submitting extensions 	TBO 	
(10:12:02) lgodard: 2_2007-8-16: make a picture of: How is the information flow on Extension Repository Site 	MD/BH 	in progress 
(10:12:02) lgodard: 1_2007-8-23: find out whether ClamAV is available for the platform our extension site server is running on 	MD 	
(10:12:02) lgodard: 2_2007-8-23: solve open site layout issues according to todo list 	TBO 	
(10:12:02) lgodard: 3_2007-8-23: provide Action plan for Localization Framework 	Simon Lopez 	
(10:12:26) SunNF: 3_2007-7-26: Done by Juergen
(10:12:33) lgodard: can someone give a status at each AI while being discussed
(10:13:05) lgodard: SunNF: thx
(10:13:44) lgodard: which one is actually discussed ? any discussion point ?
(10:14:11) SunNF: 1_2007-8-03: Martin has investigated into this. Currently no fix naming theme, but it is possible to have a display name beside the filename
(10:15:43) lgodard: the display name is localizable ?
(10:16:30) mdamboldt: Currently the Extension Manager simply displays the filename
(10:16:52) mdamboldt: For the future we plan to have a Description of the Extension to be diplayed
(10:17:11) lgodard: mdamboldt: yes for the description, but optionally and localized
(10:17:21) mdamboldt: We planthat this description can be localized.
(10:17:30) lgodard: ok for shortName instead of Filename
(10:19:30) SunNF: Speaking about 2_2007-8-09: Correct layout when image is visible within the overview, now
(10:19:41) SunNF: this is more or less done by Thorsten
(10:19:52) SunNF: 1_2007-8-16: implement platform fields for submitting extensions
(10:19:56) SunNF: Also done
(10:20:22) lgodard: 1_2007-8-16 : is it a free field or a list ?
(10:21:11) SunNF: A list
(10:21:49) SunNF: Now talking about 2_2007-8-16: make a picture of: How is the information flow on Extension Repository Site
(10:22:22) shaunmcdonald [n=shaunmcd@82-41-64-110.cable.ubr09.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] est entré dans le salon
(10:22:25) lgodard: SunNF: i sent iirc a mozilla view some week ago showing thos
(10:25:39) mdamboldt: lgodard: Can you tell me what you mean? Cant remember that.
(10:26:31) ***lgodard is searching the link again
(10:26:48) lgodard: was a picture of mozilal's addon mechanism
(10:26:59) lgodard: workflow
(10:27:11) mdamboldt: lgodard: On the extension discuss list?
(10:28:11) lgodard: can't remember
(10:28:24) lgodard: i note to find it 
(10:29:53) mdamboldt: Currently a discussion started about the update feed generation
(10:30:34) mdamboldt: whether it would be possible to provide an update feed service for Extensions where the binary is not hosted in the reporsitory
(10:30:44) lgodard: mdamboldt: http://blog.fligtar.com/2006/11/21/reviewing-the-review-process/
(10:31:49) lgodard: mdamboldt: what is the point/problem of this external feed generator ?
(10:32:11) lgodard: mdamboldt: question related : can the extension manager have multiple sources/feed ?
(10:32:53) mdamboldt: Well we are just thinking of the case where people would like to put basic informations about the Extension into the repository
(10:32:56) slopez: I've got to left in about a minute but I'll look at the minutes.
(10:33:17) mdamboldt: but like to point to a page with much mire details where the binary is hosted
(10:33:30) slopez: I'll be back in the aftrenoon when I'll start working on the things ;)
(10:33:39) slopez: ++
(10:33:56) mdamboldt: Question is if those external binaries can be put into the update feed, too
(10:34:39) SunNF: Now talking about 1_2007-8-23: find out whether ClamAV is available for the platform our extension site server is running on
(10:34:50) lgodard: mdamboldt: depend on the trustability of author
(10:35:48) SunNF: Idea is to implement a hook when uploading a new extension to be able to do a check at that point in time
(10:36:59) SunNF: Martin is waiting for feedbak who is able to work on this
(10:37:53) SunNF: As long as this feature is not available, the files will be checked within the file system
(10:38:41) SunNF: Now talking about 3_2007-8-23: provide Action plan for Localization Framework
(10:38:54) lgodard: SunNF: ok i report this AI for slopez
(10:39:01) SunNF: Thorsten is in contact with Simon to set up a environment to work on this
(10:39:05) lgodard: - drupal fremawork installed on his server
(10:39:11) lgodard: - site installed and running
(10:39:18) lgodard: - documented on drupal framework
(10:39:25) lgodard:  - starts coding experiences this afternoono
(10:39:33) lgodard: - will send a complete report before end of teh week
(10:39:51) lgodard: - might be more active on the chan, so do not hesitate looking at what he's saying 
(10:40:00) lgodard: - he will also communicate on ML
(10:40:14) lgodard: so the AI is in Progress
(10:40:44) SunNF: lgodard: Thanks, will be reflected to the minutes
(10:41:08) lgodard: may be put one other AI for "Prototype for translation"
(10:41:57) SunNF: who will own this?
(10:42:20) lgodard: SunNF: slopez as it this the normal continuatino
(10:42:33) lgodard: of its previous AI
(10:42:44) lgodard: its/his
(10:45:36) SunNF: We should follow up on this on the list, e.g. to collect requirements etc. Juergen will trigger this.
(10:45:57) lgodard: yep
(10:48:14) SunNF: In the meanwhile, we walked through the open issues list. Status will be within the minutes.
(10:49:17) lgodard: did you read the mail from Leonard Mada regarding UI
(10:49:28) lgodard: popsted on, ML the 28/08
(10:50:14) SunNF: Yes, but feedback is pending.
(10:50:26) lgodard: why
(10:50:34) lgodard: at least respond him ?
(10:50:41) SunNF: simply had no time so far
(10:50:55) lgodard: ok
(10:51:08) lgodard: i respond him that his suggestions ae under review
(10:51:17) SunNF: ok
(10:54:07) lgodard: done
(10:56:46) lgodard: and now ?
(10:57:20) lgodard: In the meanwhile, we walked through the open issues list. Status will be within the minutes. --> no way to have a small description here ?
(10:57:36) SunNF: discussing about when we like to go live - we will have the "get more extensions ..." button in 2.3, so this will be a good date
(10:59:28) lgodard: does the button send any language code ?
(10:59:40) mdamboldt: no
(10:59:43) lgodard: so that the the translation part can be de-coupled
(10:59:58) lgodard: mdamboldt: i think this will be a must have
(11:00:08) SunNF: good point!
(11:00:48) lgodard: what information are actually sent by the get more extension button ?
(11:02:11) SunNF: As far as i know, its simply a link to the site
(11:03:44) lgodard: problematic point as it may be seen as a "call home" feature. OTH, could be helpfull to send some basic informations
(11:04:19) lgodard: should be extensivelly discussed outside the extensions project
(11:05:12) lgodard: AI proposal : post a call for comments on ML (user experience, native-lang, ooo dev, extensions) ?
(11:05:39) SunNF: hey, it is just a http url?!
(11:06:11) mdamboldt: lgodard: Discuss opening a http URL in a browser??? - Not with me!
(11:06:36) lgodard: hum
(11:06:43) lgodard: may be i misunderstood
(11:07:20) lgodard: how would you transmit the language code ? by appendig to the URL  ?
(11:08:36) mdamboldt: As said there is no language code right now
(11:08:53) mdamboldt: We simply open one url language independent in a browser
(11:08:56) lgodard: and as said, there should be one
(11:09:09) lgodard: the url then should be localized
(11:09:20) mdamboldt: Probalby the default browser langauge will sometime define which language will be shown!??!
(11:09:21) lgodard: or forged from OOo UI language code
(11:09:32) lgodard: mdamboldt: no
(11:09:53) lgodard: browser language != OOo language
(11:09:59) mdamboldt: lgodard: How do you know?
(11:10:41) lgodard: mdamboldt: that is the point, we do not know
(11:15:15) mdamboldt: discussing again when to remove disclaimerfrom site and the test extensions
(11:22:53) SunNF: we should remove the disclaimer and clean up the repository until 2.3 latest after we asked for more feedback and testing on the list.
(11:25:40) SunNF: We should use issue tracker for feedback (extensions,www)
(11:26:38) SunNF: more?
(11:27:32) mdamboldt: ok, so talk to you next week latest
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