MacOSX: Address book integration

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This page is part of Google Summer_of_Code_2007 proposal by Omer Bar-or and mentored by Sebastien Plisson


I propose to integrate the Mac OS X Address Book with (both Aqua and X11 versions), as described on the project page for the Google Summer of Code. This task would provide the equivalent of the Mozilla address book integration already found in, but using the Mac OS X Address Book API. Additionally, not mentioned in the project page, is the issue of combining two address books (Mozilla and OS X), which would require handling collisions or selecting one of the two address books to use.

This project has four phases, the first three of which are described briefly on's project page. a) Familiarize oneself with the current OOo Mozilla Address Book integration - this task belongs first because it will be a guide for exactly which parts of the Max OS X Address Book API are important (see (b)). This task involves first experimenting with the Mozilla address book implementation by changing bits of the code and seeing how those changes manifest in the OOo address book functionality, then creating an equivalent to the Mozilla address book integration that works with a text file (since nothing makes a person more familiar with code than building it). b) Familiarize oneself with the Mac OS X Address Book API - after (a), the information needed from the Mac OS X Address Book should be known, so this task is largely a matter of reading up on the API and seeing what is available and in what forms. One place to look, if the API itself is unclear, is Quicksilver's Apple Address Book Module, which uses the API. The result of this task is a small program that uses the Mac OS X Address Book API to create the text file from which the section of code created in task (a) reads. c) Make a prototype for OOo Mac OS X address book integration - given (a) and (b), this process is straightforward. One replaces the reading from and writing to a text file from (a) with the interaction with the Mac OS X Address Book API from (b). d) Develop strategies for handling conflicts between the two address books - this task first entails familiarizing oneself with OOo's strategies for conflict resolution, especially if a strategy is already in place for address book integration. If a strategy is not in place, the second part of this task involves creating a strategy specific to address books. And, finally, if time permits, completing this task means prototyping the strategy using the Mac OS X Address Book and Mozilla integrations.

Current Status

This project has not yet begun.

Student Task List

No detailed task list yet exists. For a general task list, please see the #Proposal.

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