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Revision as of 07:23, 16 February 2007 by Jl (Talk | contribs)

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This page is intended to give answers to problems when using the OOoBean.

  1. The office window does not get keyboard focus.

  1. The office window does not get keyboard focus. This happens when using gtk on Linux/Solaris and a Sun JRE 5. This can be workarounded by setting the property sun.awt.noxembed to true. For example, start java with -Dsun.awt.noxembed=true

    When using OOoBean in a Java applet which is displayed by a web browser, then it is necessary to add an entry in the Java Control Panel of the JRE. On Windows it can be found in the Windows Control Panel and on Linux it can be found in the bin directory of the Java installation. Select the "Java" tab and press the "View" button in the "Java Applet Runtime Settings" section. In the "Java Runtime Parameters" column add -Dsun.awt.noxembed=true

    It was reported that this workaround causes another focus errors, that happens with all applets. For example, it can happen that HTML text boxes does not receive keyboard focus anymore.

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