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This page lists several FAQ how to use the AOO-BUGZILLA

Attachments and Sample Documents

How to use attached sample documents for multiple Bug Reports

If an appropriate document to reproduce the problem or to show the problem (screenshot) already does exist in Bugzilla, please cite the document instead of attaching it again. That saves time, because other users, who might know the existing attachment, do not need to check whether the new attachment contains new information (and only looks similar) or simply is a clone.

Bug Summary

Meaning of pseudo key words (often in brackets)


Bug related to WW8 import filter (for Word.Document.8)



Should I report new bugs with initial Status CONFIRMED?

Generally no! Even if you are pretty sure that you found a real bug and added lots of relevant information, generally following the Two Men Rule results in better reports, what leads to faster bug fixing costing less developer resources. But of course, if you are an experienced bug tester (relevant contribution in more than 100 bugs or similar qualification), you might find good reasons to ignore the Two Men Rule and to select initial Status CONFIRMED

When should I change Status from UNCONFIRMED to CONFIRMED?

Please do not change to CONFIRMED only because you were able to reproduce reporter's observations. The right moment for CONFIRMED is when all relevant information has been gained.

  1. Report is a Good Bug Report
    1. Check for duplicates has been proceeded?
    2. Summary is clear and specific enough to distinguish the reported bug from other similar ones
    3. Sample Document available? Even if it seems to be simple for QA staff to create own sample documents, it saves a lot of time if a sample is attached. and Additionally the sample document can contribute additional relevant information (Localization, Language, Formatting caused by repoerter's very special New Document Templates, ...
  2. Other selectors with correct contents?
    1. Relation to Operating System checked?
    2. Most early OO Version with what the bug has been observed selected (if possible, do your own tests with older versions)
    3. Appropriate Importance?
    4. Keywords appropriate?
  3. All or at least most relevant aspects of the bug are listed in the report

If these conditions are fulfilled you should select CONFIRMED. But of course, it's a matter of consideration, an important CRASH-Regression should be taken by developers as soon as possible, here it would be inappropriate to leave Status UNCONFIRMED because some minor questions are without answer.


From where can I download latest test versions?

You can test latest bug fixes with unstable test builds from here.

How To Crash AOO

For some investigations it is necessary to provoke a crash. You can find possibilities how to crash AOO with this Bugzilla query, what shows current crash-bugs.

What is the appropriate Version in Bugzilla Version selector?

The most early AOO or OOo version with what the problem has been observed. For Regression bugs Version information will help developers to find the code change what causes the problem.

In August 2013 the syntax for AOO versions in the selector has been changed, the AOO prefix has been dropped for most AOO versions. For historical reasons (?)some Versions with AOO prefix remained. If you work on such a bug report please always think about switching to a "modern" version.

How to connect a Bug report to a Tracking Bug

If you want to add a Bug report (like Bug 122762) to a TASK Tracking Bug (like Tracking Bug 122364), the best way is

  1. Add Bug number to Depends on field in tracking bug
  2. Cite complete Heading line of "Depends-On-Bug" in a Comment in the TASK Tracking Bug.
So all interested users listed in CC of Tracking Bug will get a summary of the new bug with mail from bugzilla@apache.org and can see immediately what the reported problem is - no need for a detour to the tracking Bug (and several clicks).
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