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Build Verification Testing, BVT for short, is a set of tests that run on new build to verify that whether the build is testable or not. It is done prior to its release to test team for further testing. This testing is done for Build Validation and Build Acceptance.




Test machine with OS in below list: WindowsXP, Windows7 32bit, Windows7 64bit,Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat,Mac

Environment tools

  • SVN Client:

On Windows: Download and Install TortoiseSVN as SVN Client to checkout sourcecode.

Soft Skills

  • Basic skills about Windows Command line, Linux/Mac Terminal
  • Basic knowledge of Java

How to run BVT

Getting the source code

Anyone can checkout source code from our Subversion repository. Run the following command.

svn co test

Run testing

As a normal user, how to run testing against an installed OpenOffice?
Firstly compile the project with the command under test module.

ant -Dopenoffice.home="OpenOffice installation directory" compile

Then start testing with the command "run". e.g. Run all test classes under package bvt

run -Dopenoffice.home="/Applications/" -tp bvt

e.g. Run the given test classes

run -Dopenoffice.home="/Applications/" -tc bvt.gui.BasicFunctionTest

Where to get the testing result?

By default, the testing output is stored in "test/testspace/output***". Open "test/testspace/output/result.html" in your browser to see the testing report.

Special stuff in the output directory.

result.xml: Test result in XML. Every case's detail result, may include case error stack.
result.html: Test result in HTML. Collect all case's result, to report as HTML.
screenshot/: Screenshot pictures when test assert is failed.


Template:Documentation/Note Template:Documentation/Note

Task Process

1)Track your execution task on [BVT Report ]

  • Platform: Platform which you can run BVT on it.
  • Volunteer: Volunteer's name who take this execution task.
  • Revision: build version of AOO4.0
  • Status: Pass/Fail
  • Task ID:Task ID in Bugzilla.
Revision Platform Volunteer Status Task ID
Windows7 32bit
Windows7 64bit

2)Update your execution result on "Status" column, and add detail HTML result in new link(Record link on [BVT Report ] ).
3)If have fail/error case, you need check it manually. To confirm it's exact a bug. (For some BVT cases write via GUI(Graphical User Interface), it have some offset).
In this step, you need study to read cases. [Dev GUI Test] [A step by step example]
4)If there is a defect, you can open it on [Bugzilla],select specific editor as it's category

BVT Case Detail


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