QA/AOO341 TestCase/Installation

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Test case

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Clean Install

RPM packages: Install: dev snapshot build: rpm –ivh *.rpm

normal release build: rpm –ivh *.rpm desktop-integration/<dist>-menus-<release>.noarch.rpm

Verification Point:

  1. Openoffice installed smoothly, no wraning or error messages in terminal
  2. run command: rpm –qa | grep ooo or rpm –qa | grep openoffice, verify version No. of packages are correct
  3. normal build only: verify desktop integration menu created

Launch: /opt/ooo-dev3/program/soffice or click the menu

Verification Point:

  1. Openoffice launched and the home page loaded, no unwanted warnings or errors
  2. No Quickstarter in system tray
  3. Tools->Options->ooo-dev->Memory: “Enable systray Quickstarter” is unchecked.
  4. Click help->about, verify version No. is correct
  5. Click each button/link on home page, verify they works
  6. Click Tools->Extension manager to check the bundled extensions: one English dic(Which one?), Presentation Minimizer, Presenter Console

Remove: rpm –e `rpm –qa | grep ooo` or remove via system package managers

Verification Point:

  1. Remove with openoffice running: there should be proper messages to warn this
  2. Remove with quickstarter running: quickstarter should be killed automatically and openoffice removed
  3. Neither openoffice nor quickstarter running, normal removal
  4. After removal finishes, /opt/ooo-dev, /opt/ooo-dev3 or /opt/, /opt/openoffice.org3 are removed
  5. Normal build: desktop integration menu removed

DEB packages:

Similar with RPM packages, except that:

Install: dpkg –i packages;

Check installed packages: dpkg –l | grep ooo or dpkg –l | grep openoffice;

Remove: dpkg –P packageName

Windows .exe packages

Double-click the .exe files and follow the wizard to install.

Verification Point:

  1. Vista/win7 with UAC on, the publisher should not be “unknown”. (As I know, Aoo 3.4 is not signed, not sure when the certification will be ready)
  2. Install for all users or current user only
  3. the shortcut created in start menu and desktop

Launch from shortcut

Verification Point:

  1. Openoffice launched and the home page loaded, no unwanted warnings or errors
  2. No Quickstarter in system tray
  3. Tools->Options->ooo-dev->Memory: “Enable systray Quickstarter” is unchecked.
  4. Click help->about, verify version No. is correct
  5. Click each button/link on home page, verify they works
  6. Click Tools->Extension manager to check the bundled extensions: one English dic(Which one?), Presentation Minimizer, Presenter Console

Remove from add/remove panel

Verification Point:

  1. Remove with openoffice running: there should be proper messages to warn this
  2. Remove with quickstarter running: quickstarter should be killed automatically and openoffice removed
  3. Neither openoffice nor quickstarter running, normal removal
  4. After removal finishes, the destination folder are removed
  5. shortcut removed



RPM packages:

install old release

  1. new/open/save files then recent file list not empty
  2. do some customizations in Tools->options


rpm –Uvh *.rpm desktop-integration/<dist>-menus-<release>.noarch.rpm

Verification Point:

  1. Upgrade with openoffice running, there should be proper message to warn this
  2. Upgrade with quickstarter running: quickstarter should be killed automatically and openoffice upgraded
  3. Normal upgrade
  4. Openoffice upgraded smoothly, no wraning or error messages in terminal
  5. run command: rpm –qa | grep ooo or rpm –qa | grep openoffice, verify version No. of packages are correct, and there are only one version for each packages. The old version should have been removed
  6. verify desktop integration menu updated.

Launch: click the menu

Verification Point:

  1. each button/link on home page, verify they Openoffice launched and the home page loaded, no unwanted warnings or errors
  2. Recent file list remains
  3. Tools->Options: user customization remains
  4. Click help->about, verify version No. is updated
  5. Click works
  6. Click Tools->Extension manager to check the bundled extensions: one English dic(Which one?), Presentation Minimizer, Presenter Console

Remove: rpm –e `rpm –qa | grep ooo` or remove via system package managers

Verification Point:

  1. After removal finishes, /opt/, /opt/openoffice.org3 are removed
  2. desktop integration menu removed

Bug 119162

Bug 119158

DEB packages:

Similar with RPM packages, except that:

Upgrade: dpkg –i packages;

Check installed packages: dpkg –l | grep ooo or dpkg –l | grep openoffice;

Remove: dpkg –P packageName

Windows .exe packages

install old release

  1. new/open/save files then recent file list not empty
  2. do some customizations in Tools->options

Double-click the .exe files and follow the wizard to install.

Verification Point:

  1. Upgrade with openoffice running, there should be proper message to warn this
  2. Upgrade with quickstarter running: quickstarter should be killed automatically and openoffice upgraded
  3. Normal upgrade
  4. the shortcut in start menu and desktop updated
  5. packages of old release in installation folder removed

Launch from shortcut

Verification Point:

  1. each button/link on home page, verify they Openoffice launched and the home page loaded, no unwanted warnings or errors
  2. Recent file list remains
  3. Tools->Options: user customization remains
  4. Click help->about, verify version No. is updated
  5. Click works
  6. Click Tools->Extension manager to check the bundled extensions: one English dic(Which one?), Presentation Minimizer, Presenter Console

Remove from add/remove panel

Verification Point:

  1. After removal finishes, the destination folder are removed
  2. shortcut removed

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