AOO Social Data - ooo-dev Mailing List Data

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ooo-dev Mailing List Subject Analysis

June 2012 Wordcloud
Word cloud of top 1000 terms used in ooo-dev post since the project moved to Apache in June 2011. Term 'Re:' was removed.
2012 06 - ooo-dev Mailing List Work Cloud.png

ooo-dev Mailing List Data

Our ooo-dev mailing list is a great source of usage insight and feedback. This page contains excerpts of user research-oriented data harvested from the ooo-dev mailing list discussions and comments.

Date Discussion Thread Title Submitted By Description AOO UX Notes
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>
<<Insert date here>> <<Insert discussion thread title here>> <<Insert name of thread submitter here>> <<Capture notable excerpts from discussion thread here>> <<Capture AOO UX notes here>

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