Mac OS X Porting - Native Audio and Video

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  • Eric Bachard (ericb at openoffice dot org )
  • Mox Soini: Mox


Kai's Mail Work started discussing with Kai Ahrens (author of avmedia). As adviced by Kai we will reuse Windows implementation (copied/pasted from Kai's mail):

"... Beside the 'common' avmedia part, that is the same on all platforms and used from the high level application side, there are several backend (actually two, one for Windows and one for JMF backends) implementations already realized or to be realized like a Xine, GStreamer etc. backend..."

"...What you did so far, is absolutely the right way. Taking the existing Windows implementation and fill it with the appropriate Quicktime or whatever pieces. After finishing your new backend you should adjust the code in MediaWindowBaseImpl::createPlayer (avmedia/source/viewer/mediawindowbase_impl.cxx) accordingly to get your new component initialized instead of the existing ones.

Having a 'status' struct is already realized within mediawindowbase_impl.cxx and the corresponding methods MediaWindowBaseImpl::updateMediaItem and MediaWindowBaseImpl::executeMediaItem , I think, but maybe I didn't get you right here.

Please feel free to ask if you have any detailed questions.

With best regards,


Recently, Radek Doulik and Cedric Bosdonnat did a conference at OOoCon, about GStreamer work on Linux

Use Radek Doulik and Cedric Bosdonnat gstreamer work: OOoCon 2006 presentation, slides (ODP)

As part of native for Mac OS X, a Quicktime backend for avmedia module will be created, to support native audio and video on Mac OS X. Although this implementation concentrates on Mac OS X, it should be possible to make Quicktime backend work on Windows-platform too.


OOo scope: avmedia module

The main issue used for this task will be #i66170#. Everything concerning this task will be commited using this issue number.

All contributions are welcome, and all people interested for this task are invited to contribute.

The conditions to be respected are : accepted JCA, and provide code respecting LGPL license used for

EricB started the work and proposed patches : Aqua player implementation.

Mox proposed an initial structure for the quicktime backend has been put up to issue 69665. It is based on the stub of Xine -backend, OOo milestone m184.

Implementation starting point:

Related issues: Quicktime will not be able to play all windows .avi and .wma files, because it does not support them. We may need xine or some other player backend to see some of the OOo documents created on Windows/Linux OOo.

For other backends, make sure that we don't build backends that we don't need (i.e. if defined QUARTZ/MACOSX)

affected files (at least): avmedia/source/xine/


  • create manager ( using UNO services) [ done ]
    • create uno layer [ done ]
    • implement correct service name / implementation name using UNO [ done ]
    • create player (using QuickTime API) [ work in progress ]
  • Missing (to be adapted for QuickTime) :

using avmedia::quicktime::

Player::Player()    // Ctor
Player::~PLayer() // Dtor
bool Player::create()
const Player::getVideoWindow()
void Player::setNotifyWnd()
void Player::setDDrawParams()  // maybe not needed
long Player::processEvent()
void Player::start()
void Player::stop()
sal_Bool Player::isPlaying()
double Player::getDuration()
void Player::setMediaTime()
double Player::getMediaTime()
void Player::setStopTime()
double Player::getStopTime()
void Player::setRate()
void Player::getRate()
void Player::setPlaybackLoop()
void Player::isPlaybackLoop()
void Player::setMute()
sal_Bool Player::isMute()
void Player::setVolumeDB()
sal_Int16 Player::getVolumeDB()

[FIXME] Other methods to be implemented ?

  • all headers are defined [ Done (using existing Xine/Win implementation) ]
  • usefull functions are identifed in Apple's API

Found in System/Library/Framework/QuickTime.framework/Headers/Movies.h :

Frees any memory being used by a movie, including the memory used by the movie's tracks and media structures.
Initializes the Movie Toolbox and creates a private storage area for your application.
Returns the duration of a movie.
Returns a movie's playback rate.
Returns a movie's current time both as a time value and in a time structure. 
Returns a movie's current volume setting.
Determines if a particular movie has completely finished playing.
Establishes a movie's display coordinate system by setting the graphics world for displaying the movie.

[FIXME] not complete

Other work in progress :

  • discuss with ka about new implementation and fix dark points
  • new implementation of -already defined- methods used in the player
  • Todo : find infos about framegrabber.cxx ?

Component Context

[FIXME] use Radek and Cedric description, very interesting

Component Design

[FIXME] use Radek and Cedric description, very interesting

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