Documentation/Building Guide/Building on MacOSX

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Building OpenOffice for MacOSX using Aqua, or the Story of svdem ...

This Document tries to wrap-up the Buildprocess for OpenOffice on MacOS X using the native Windowing Toolkit of the Platform Aqua. The main goal is to get the demonstration programs 'svdem' build. They act as fairly good starting point to further endaevours, since they are used to test the capabilities of the underlying VCL Layer.

The base for this Document is the Description of the X11 Build thanksworthy provided by Eric Hoch in this Document: MacOSXBuildInstructions

I use the bash-shell in all examples only, since to my believe users of the c-shell are smart enough to figure the differences anyway.

Many thanks for help & assistance go to Pavel Janik and Eric Bachard.

Introduction (what the h* is aquavcl, EIS, etc.)

Gettting the code (checkout, merge and patch the puppy)

One-Time preparations and scripts

Doing the build

Testing the result, running svdem

Some Pointers

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