Specification Common find toolbar

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Revision as of 11:18, 18 November 2009 by Clu (Talk | contribs)

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Specification Status
Author Christoph Lukasiak (Clu)
Last Change 16. November 2009
Status (Help) Preliminary


The 'Common Find toolbar' should be an addition to the 'Find & Replace' dialog, which provides a fast and easy text search without covering the search text.


Reference Document Check Location (URL)
Prerequisites in progress: [passed/failed] n/a
Product Requirement, RFE, Issue ID (required) [available/not available] <PLEASE ENTER LOCATION HERE>
Accessibility Check (required) See accessibility section for check list
Test case specification (required) [available/not available] <PLEASE ENTER LOCATION HERE>
IDL Specification [available/not available] <PLEASE ENTER LOCATION HERE>
Software Specification Rules in progress n/a
Other, e.g. references to related specs, Product Concept Document specification: search toolbar
Release Roadmap OOo 3.3 http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OOoRelease33


Role Name E-Mail Address
Developer Carsten Driesner cd@openoffice.org
shizhoubo(robertzhou) robertzhou@openoffice.org
Quality Assurance Stefan Baltzer sba@openoffice.org
Documentation Uwe Fischer Uwe.Fischer@sun.com
User Experience Christoph Lukasiak Christoph.Lukasiak@Sun.com
Jaron Kuppers jaronbaron@gmail.com

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym / Abbreviation Definition
<WYSIWYG> <What You See Is What You Get>


From the 'usage tracking' data of the 'find & replace' dialog we have learned that 76% of oo user just want to search inside the text, so we have to propose a fast & easy way to do so. Also it was often mentioned that the search & replace dialog covers the search area in an annoying way, so we must found an other solution for it. The other search settings like 'match case' etc. are used less than 0.1%, so we decided to leave them out in this toolbar, but like the replacing function they will still stay available in the find & replace dialog.

Detailed Specification


The common find toolbar is a standard toolbar containing a text search field, a next and forward button. It is located right next to the 'application standard' toolbar, is active by default and behave like every other toolbar (d&d, docking etc.).
By clicking into the search field, the info text disappear and the search text can be inputted. By entering the search field, the next and the previous button get active. After entering the search text, the search can be started by hitting the return key on keyboard or pushing the 'next' button. If anything is found, the first result is selected and can be edited or the next button can be clicked for searching for the next result. If nothing is found (buttons get inactive) or it is searched to the end of the document, you get an info dialog similar to the behavior of the 'find & replace' dialog.

Find Toolbar

Property State Comment
Toolbar Name: Common Find Toolbar
<Other Language (Optional)>
Has Closer: no
Style: Icon/Icon
Initial State: docked
Initial Docking Position: next to toolbar 'Standard'
Initial Floating Position: no
List in "View/Toolbars": yes
Is Context Sensitive: no
Toolbar Items:
Item Name: Find Textfield, Next & Previous Button
<Other Language (Optional)>
Item Icon: used mockup icons for buttons only placeholder <Link to Image here> -> Stella
Action: buttons: go to next/previous phrase
Other Properties: <Specify properties here>

Find Textfield

Property State Comment
Enabled: always enabled
Disabled: never disabled
Read Only: no
Initial String: find light grey
String Preselected: no
Caret Position: <0>
Characters Not Allowed all characters allowed
Tip Help: Find Textfield
TextField Label: no
Other: <Specify Other Properties Here>

Next Button

Property State Comment
Enabled: by entering the find text field
Disabled: initially before entering the find text field and if text field gets empty
On Click: go to next found phrase and select it
Tip Help: Find Next
Button Label: no only icon button
Icon: <Link to Image here>
Other: <Specify Other Properties Here>

Previous Button

Property State Comment
Enabled: by entering the find text field
Disabled: initially before entering the find text field and if text field gets empty
On Click: go to previous found phrase and select it
Tip Help: Find Previous
Button Label: no only icon button
Icon: <Link to Image here>
Other: <Specify Other Properties Here>


Accessibility is the responsibility of the I-Team, beginning with UX, DEV and QA, to ensure that the following requirements are fulfilled:

  1. Is the feature fully keyboard accessible?
    (Ex: "I can go everywhere and use every function using the keyboard only"

  2. Have I specified visual alternatives for the case that the specified feature includes audio as output?
  3. Are text alternatives for all icons and graphics available?
    <Start typing here>
  4. Don't provide important information in colors alone
    (Ex: marking important information hard coded in red)

  5. Does the specified feature respect system settings for font, size, and color for all windows and user interface elements?
  6. Have I ensured that flash rates do not exceed 2 hertz for blinking text, objects, or other elements? In any case, try to avoid flashing UI elements
  7. Ensure that assistive technology (AT) (like ZoomText or Orca) is able to read everything.


If you need help while designing, implementing or testing the accessibility of the UI, ask/visit:

  1. The accessibility check list at the OpenOffice.org Wiki
  2. accessibility@ui.openoffice.org (The accessibility mailing lists, preferred)
  3. For specific implementation details, architecture: mt@openoffice.org (Malte Timmermann)
  4. For specific UX and testing questions: es@openoffice.org (Éric Savary)


Common find toolbar should be migrateable (adaptable) for all oo applications (Writer, Calc, Draw/Impress) over uno api, while the 'Find & Replace' button get set inactive in the standard toolbar if find toolbar is active. In Impress the 'Präsentation' toolbar must travel into the second toolbar section (pic) to make space for the find toolbar and keep consistency.



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