Infrastructure Maintenance

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Revision as of 10:51, 19 July 2006 by St (Talk | contribs)

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Planned Infrastructure Maintenace Work

Past maintenance timeframes

Main Site: 2006-07-18

A board has to be replaced in the main site machine. This will take about an hour.

Main Site: 2006-07-14

The main site will be updated to CEE 3.5.1 Patch 7. The downtime will be about 2 hours.

Wiki: Starting 2006-06-30

Starting at 16:00 UTC lasting about 1 hour, the wiki will be donw. Site upgrade and category plugin installation

Main Site: Starting 2006-06-20

On Tuesday 2006-06-20 in evening (GMT) the upgrade of the main site is planned. The complete upgrade process takes about 48 hours. The site will be available a bit earlier with some testing and aftertreatment going on. For SSH users it might be helpful to know that the upgraded production site will have a new IP address.

anoncvs, eis, wiki: Saturday and Sunday 2006-04-29

Downtime due to rewiring. Most of the machines will not be available.

Main Site: Friday 2006-04-28

Starting at 16:00 UTC on Friday, 28 April, and lasting for about 20 minutes, the site will be down for maintenance. During this period, email, IssueZilla, CVS, and other site functionality will be unavailable.

wiki: Tuesday 2006-04-18 Evening (GMT)

The software running the wiki needs an upgrade to mediawiki 1.6.3. Credits go to User:Mikeleib for the installation of the new version of mediawiki.

Main Site: Monday 2006-04-17

The main site will be undergoing maintenance from 17:30 - 18:00 UTC. It will be off-line.
(This didn't happen).

Main Site: Saturday Early Morning (GMT) 2006-04-01

Downtime starting at 01:00 (GMT) for about 8 hours due to site maintance.

anoncvs, eis, wiki: Saturday and Sunday 2006-04-01

Downtime due to rewiring. Most of the machines will not be available.

anoncvs: Tuesday 2006-03-21

Our CVS repository for anonymous access ( moved to a new machine under a new IP address. / Monday 2006-03-13

During Monday evening (GMT) and will move to a new IP addresses. This will need a short downtime. Additionally transitional unavailability might be experienced until the new IP addresses have propagated to DNS servers.

Main Site: Saturday 2006-02-18

The main site will not be available Saturday 2006-02-18 starting 8:00 GMT for approximately 2 hours.

EIS: Friday 2006-02-17

During Friday afternoon (GMT) will move to a new IP address ( This will need a short downtime. Additionally transitional unavailability might be experienced until the new IP address has propagated to DNS servers.

See also

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