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Revision as of 17:00, 10 June 2009 by Regina (Talk | contribs)

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What it the purpose of the chapter "Various Printer Options Dialogs"? The "Printer Options" dialog is a system dialog provided by the printer. OOo can it only use as it is, and cannot change anything there.Regina 16:51, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Yes, but: you mean "Properties...", not "Options...". "Options..." brings up application specific print settings, while "Properties..." brings up the native printer driver dialog. PhilippL

The chapter title is "Various Printer Options Dialogs". It seems to me, that it shows screenshots from a native printer driver dialog. If yes, then there are two problems: (1) Chapter title should be "Various Printer Properties Dialogs" (2) What is the purpose of that chapter?
ah, ok I understand, now PhilippL
Re (1): The captions below the graphics state both options and preferences, so I just removed options, okay?; Re (2): It is meant to better understand how printing works in OOo and what other dialogs/terminology/... is affected. You may notice that e.g. the "Warning Print Options Dialog" is pretty different from the other options (no trim, other wording). --ChristophNoack 22:43, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
As far as I see, it mixes up dialogs which are generated by OOo and dialogs, which are generated from the printer driver. I have added a row for the dialogs which are generated from the printer driver of my HP printer. Perhaps you make a similar row for your printer?
As far as I remember, the "Warning Print Options Dialog" was introduced as a short fix for the buggy implementation of the options settings in Draw. I think, those settings should be integrated into the printing dialog again. Regina 17:00, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Added more fields to adjust the N-Up pages like regina mentioned. This does not yet interact with the copy count (aka. one page document twice on paper). However the requested margins are available. The copy count interaction yet to come. PhilippL

Thanks, that is nice know. Regina 21:07, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
Mmh, this will require a clean up if we keep that. Concerning the latter functionality, I recommend to not implement it. --ChristophNoack 22:43, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
But copy count interaction would make OOo unique. You always need workarounds or special programs to get such printing. From my experience on user forums, I'm not the only one, who is interested in such a feature. Regina 17:00, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

I have added a screen shot from Acrobat Reader. It has two interesting ideas.

  1. A slider beneath the preview to scroll through the sheets.
  2. Four arrangement modes. That might be useful for languages with right-to-left or top-down direction. Regina 21:07, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

BTW, a Wiki formatting problem: I do not know how to set "clear:left" to the heading "Definition of Terms". Please help and delete this remark then. Regina 21:07, 9 June 2009 (UTC)

Hi Regina, is the "new" layout okay? --ChristophNoack 22:43, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
Yes, table layout is OK.

Added repeat count to N-Up

Added another control to the N-Up page to complete the feature set, you can set a repeat count now to repeat every page in the N-Up setup. In the example you see a 2 page A5 document printed in 3 culumns on A4. This should do the trick for regina. However I agree with Christoph we definitely need a simpler version of this; I suggest a "View advanced options" checkbox on the lower left.

I think OOo has to implement the four arrangement variants in addition. You find this variants in the Acrobat Reader printing dialog and too in my HP printer settings.
N-Up needs surely a simple and an advanced mode. All that together is too much for a simple use. What about a drop-down list like in Acrobat Reader. It has the choices 2,4,6,9,16,Custom. Is it possible to hide rows, columns, repeat. margins, and spacing and show it only if "Custom" is chosen? If yes, then I would keep in simple mode: drop-down for count of pages (including "Custom"), portrait/landscape, drop-down for arrangement, checkbox for border, all in the upper part. The other settings go to the lower part and are only shown in "Custom" mode. Regina 17:00, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
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