User talk:Softadm

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Revision as of 07:31, 21 May 2009 by Softadm (Talk | contribs)

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XSLT question

Hi, I'm not sure if I understand the following (your work):

Is this about transformin XML data via XSLT to ODT or vice versa? Thanks, --BayerMeister 06:34, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

Re: XSLT question

The problem with odt and XSLT is, that odt is a zip file comprised of multiple XML files (styles.xml, content.xml, ...)

However, OOo XSLT files target a "flat" XML file, which is a merged form of all xml files. (@see OpenDocument specs).

Our library is able to merge the parts of an odt file, pass it to an XSLT filter and split the output again into multiple XML files.

The library is not actively maintained, but you may get write access to the repositories, if you like the functionality and need to extend it ;-)


Re: Re: XSLT question

Ok, thanks. I know ODF files are like JAR files. The question is: Is it common to transform XML data to ODF using XSLT or XSL-FO? (ok, the transformation might result into the internal content.xml (and others) which would be later packed like a JAR file)

Is the library about this or is it about to ODF something else? ...seems I'll have a look to the sourcecode soon again :) I looked them throug before, but was not sure.

Re: XSLT question

The library is about:

a) merging the parts of an OpenDocument file into a flat XML file. b) applying an XSLT file to the flat XML file. (This is xalan, nothing else ;-) c) Splitting the flat XML file, possibly resulting from mentioned XSLT transformation.

AFAIK the library is designed in a way, that you may use these steps individually.

However, I never deployed this library in production, so it is likely, that you have to adapt the API...


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