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Revision as of 09:47, 12 March 2009 by Md (Talk | contribs)

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(10:15:40) mdamboldt: Sorry Pidgin broke.....
(10:16:10) mdamboldt: b_osi: Any update on the Template Repository ToDo List?
(10:16:25) b_osi_away: I asked andreas for comments for the 'contact us' page below each page - waiting for feedback...And I found that a template forum exists already where we can direct users to; see: http://templates.services.openoffice.org/websitecontact
(10:16:50) mdamboldt: interesting.....
(10:17:31) b_osi_away: that was the major stuff from my site.
(10:17:44) b_osi_away: s/site/side
(10:17:56) mdamboldt: Ok! Thanks! Nothing else from my end for today....
(10:18:13) mdamboldt: Talk to you next meeting again. I will make a note to promote the meeting again on the list.
(10:18:25) b_osi_away: your proposal you posted is not shown... no second try?
(10:24:55) mdamboldt: You mean the details I just posted before Pidgin crashed?
(10:26:29) VA [n=volker_a@nat/sun/x-c2f80b082bf3012c] entered the room.
(10:27:13) b_osi_away: mdambold1: yes
(10:27:21) mdamboldt: Ok, second try.....
(10:27:32) mdamboldt: Topic: Dictionarys in Extension Repostiory
(10:27:41) mdamboldt: I constantly noted feedback about the issue of how to find dictionarys within the Extension Repository.
(10:27:41) mdamboldt: This seems to be very complicated for many users since the dictionarys hare some kind of hidden between all other extensions. Only the tag cloud offers little hints, but even by this users will only access any of the but not specially sorted.
(10:27:51) mdamboldt: So I've been sitting down with b_osi and we had a look what we can do. This is what we would like to propose:
(10:27:59) mdamboldt: - Add the ability to select the category "Dictionary" when uploading an extension and to enter the language name in english and in native writing, too. For example "Finnish" -> "suomi".
(10:28:10) mdamboldt: - Add a link called "Dictioneries" on the left of the Extension site below "By Operating System" and above "Highest Rated".
(10:28:17) mdamboldt: - The link named above will show a special page within the main page body of the extension site. This page will be a sorted list of all available extensions marked as "dictionary". The sorting will be A-Z by the english language name. For example the first entry might be "Afrikaans" followed by "English (Australian)", "English (US)", "German (Austria)", "German (Germany), and so on.....
(10:28:23) mdamboldt: - In addition to the english name of the language, we plan to diplays the native name too, for example "Dutch" -> "Dansk", "Finnish" -> "suomi", "German" -> "Deutsch", and so on.
(10:28:44) ***mdamboldt hope everything has been send into the IRC channel......
(10:28:48) sts_ [n=irchon@tmo-100-201.customers.d1-online.com] entered the room.
(10:29:01) mdamboldt: b_osi: everything received?
(10:29:27) b_osi_away: mdambold1: yes :-) we told everybody know. :-)
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