OOo and Subversion

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OOo and Subversion


see Subversion Migration

Setting Up Subversion Access

see Setting up Subversion Access.

CWS tooling

The CWS tooling has been reworked to adapt to SVN. The basic CWS tool is now simply called cws and is invoked as cws <subcommand> in the style of the SVN client, there are no longer separate tools like cwsadd, cwsresync etc etc.

Note: the cws script will probably change over time as we learn how the usage patterns evolve. If you got a problem with the cws script, it might be worthwhile to rebase it to the latest version

$ cd <your_CWS>/ooo/solenv/bin
$ svn merge svn+ssh://
$ cd modules
$ svn merge svn+ssh://

The most important change in the way CWSs are handled now is that there is no longer a need nor possibility to add modules. Well, there is still a sw and config_office but all modules of old are now just top level directories, at least as far as SVN is concerned.

CWS config file

Please keep all your entries in your $HOME/.cwsrc for now, you'll need them if you want to work with CWSs for OOo-3.0. Just add the following line to refer to the SVN server:


Example of a complete .cwsrc file:

# Network proxy for EIS connections. 
# Comment in if you need to access EIS via a proxy.
# Note: This is just for accessing the EIS database. For SVN have a look here:
# Example: PROXY=

# CWS Database server (SOAP). It's possible specify to several backup server,
# currently there are none.

# Your CVS login (for authentication with the CWS database).

# Your scrambled CVS password (for authentication with the CWS database).
# Take this one from .cvsrc

# OOo CVS tunnel
# Example:

# Path to the cvs binary (optional)
# Example: CVS_BINARY=/usr/bin/cvs

# SVN server for OOo-3.1 child workspaces
# r/w access via svn+ssh pprotocol
# r/o access via svn protocol

Working with the new cws tool

Help can be invoked with:

cws help

which yields

cws -- version:
usage: cws <subcommand> [options] [args]
Type 'cws help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.

Available subcommands:
        help (h,?)
        fetch (f)
        rebase (rb)
        analyze (an)
        query (q)
        task (t)
        integrate *** release engineers only ***
        eisclone *** release engineers only ***
help (h, ?): Describe the usage of this script or its subcommands
usage: help [subcommand]

The subcommands do more or less what their CVS predecessors did.

Create a CWS

Create a CWS with the cws create subcommand. Please note that this commands only creates a CWS branch on the OOo server and registers it with EIS. It changes nothing on your hard disk.

Example: create CWS foo on the latest published milestone of master DEV300.

cws create DEV300 foo

Of course you can specify which milestone you want to use, here is the complete command reference:

cws -- version:
create: Create a new child workspace
usage: create [-m milestone] <master workspace> <child workspace>
       -m milestone:          Milestone to base the child workspace on. If ommitted the
                              last published milestone will be used.
       --milestone milestone: Same as -m milestone.

Your CWS branch is then available as


for check out.

Check out a CWS

$ cws fetch -c foo <workspace name>

Currently this simply checks out your cws foo just as if you had issued the command. <workspace name> specifies the name of the folder where the cws shall be created in.

$ svn checkout svn+ssh://

A milestone can be fetched with

$ cws fetch -m DEV300_m32

this is equivalent to

$ svn checkout svn+ssh://

Over time I'll add a number of convenience functions to cws fetch, like configurable partial checkouts, use of prebuild solvers, switching CWSs etc etc.

Please note that if you have already a OOo SVN working copy lying around, you can save considerable checkout time with the svn switch command.

cd <wc>
svn switch svn+ssh://

will fetch the differences between your working copy in <wc> and the CWS foo

Rebasing a CWS

Updating CWS Tooling
Documentation caution.png If your CWS is based on a milestone earlier than m36, please upgrade the cws utilities first before attempting to rebase. Utility revisions of m36 or later contain vital fixes.

To upgrade the CWS utilities issue the commands

cd my_working_copy
cd solenv/bin
svn merge svn+ssh://
cd modules
svn merge svn+ssh://
svn merge svn+ssh://
Merging changes from master to working copy

The successor of the cwsresync tool is called cws rebase. rebasing is now a two step operation:

export CWS_WORK_STAM=<name of the CWS>
cws rebase -m latest <path to the CWS checkout>

merge the changes from latest milestone available on the mws into CWS. Please note that PATH_TO_SVN_CHECKOUT is the path of the directory where your CWS is located. A REBASE.LOG logfile will be created for your records in the root directory of the repository. A file named REBASE.CONFIG_DONT_DELETE will also be created after successful merging. This file will be needed by the subsequent cws rebase -C command.

Documentation caution.png If you don't see the file named REBASE.CONFIG_DONT_DELETE, that means that the merge was not successfully completed.
Resolving conflicts

SVN requires you to mark files with conflicts as 'resolved' before you can commit the result of the conflict resolution:

svn resolve --accept=working <file_with_resolved_conflicts>

Other possible conflict resolutions are:

svn resolve --accept=theirs_full <file_with_conflicts>
svn resolve --accept=mine_full <file_with_conflicts>

for taking the un-merged MWS version resp. the un-merged CWS version of the file as conflict resolution.

Commiting merged changes

After resolving possible conflicts, the next step:

svn up
cws rebase -C <path to the CWS checkout>

commits the merge into your cws.

How to migrate still active CVS based child workspaces destined for DEV300 to SVN?

Let's assume your CVS based CWS is called 'foo42'.

CVS tasks

1) Find out the CVS branch tag and anchor tag of your CWS.

$ cd <added_module>
$ cvs log <some_file_which_already_existed_before_your_cws> | grep -i foo42
        CWS_SRC680_FOO42_ANCHOR: 1.36

The first tag (CWS_SRC680_FOO42_ANCHOR) is your anchor tag, the second tag (cws_src680_foo42) is your branch tag. Note them down.

2) Rebase your CVS based CWS to milestone DEV300 m31 with the old CWS tools

$ cwsresync -m m31 all
... solve conflicts ...
$ cwsresync -c all

3) Create a patch containing all modules. It is recommend to use the "rdiff" CVS command. A "rdiff" is quite handy for this purpose, because it allows the creation of one patch for all "added" modules. Use the "-u" switch for creating a so called "unified context patch".

$ cvs -d <your_tunnel_setup> rdiff -u -rCWS_SRC680_FOO42_ANCHOR -rcws_src680_foo42 `cwsquery modules` > foo42.patch

4) Check the patch for consistency. It should contain only stuff you did on your CWS. Throw out trivial changes.

5) Search the patch for lines which starts with

diff -u /dev/null <some_file>:<some_revision>

These files have been added to your CWS. Note the filenames down, you'll need them later.

6) Search the patch for lines which end with :removed

diff -u <some_file>:<some_revision> <some_file>:removed

These files have been removed in your CWS. Note the filenames down, you'll need them later.

SVN tasks

7) Check out the OOo trunk with

$ svn checkout svn+ssh:// my_working_copy

8) Configure and source the configured script as usual

$ cd my_working_copy/config_office
$ configure
$ cd ..
$ source  # YMMV

9) Create the CWS branch in SVN

$ cws create --migration -m m32 DEV300 foo42

This command creates the CWS branch in Subversion based on milestone DEV300 m32 and updates the "current milestone" information in EIS. Milestone DEV300 m32 is essentially the same as DEV300 m31 (just a few fixes for SVN and CWS tooling).

The --migration switch tells the cws create command that an existing CWS is migrated. Without the switch, EIS will complain that your CWS already exists.

10) Switch your working copy to your CWS branch

$ cd my_working_copy
$ svn switch svn+ssh://
$ svn info
Path: .
URL: svn+ssh://
Repository Root: svn+ssh://
Repository UUID: 8da58560-a4e7-4996-a0c2-a735b94b261c

Check the URL: line of the output of svn info. It should point to your CWS branch. Please be extra certain that you never commit anything on trunk. You can always check the branch on which you are working with svn info.

11) Apply the patch

$ cd my_working_copy
$ patch -p1 < foo42.diff

Since DEV300 m31 and DEV300 m32 are almost identical, your patch should apply cleanly. If you get rejects you'll need to fix them manually. The patch tool handles added and removed files quite nicely, the first ones are created by patch, the latter ones appear as zero byte sized files in the tree.

12) Handle added and removed files

This is pretty straight forward. You need to tell SVN which files have been added or removed by your patch.

$ svn add <list_of_added_files>
$ rm <list_of_removed_files>
$ svn remove <list_of_removed_files>

13) Commit the changes to your CWS branch

Review all changes with

$ svn status
$ svn diff

and if everything is OK, commit them to your branch

$ svn commit -m"#iXXXXX#: migrate CWS foo42 to SVN."

Remember, always check that your working copy has been switched to the CWS branch before committing.

Do I really need to resync first to DEV300 m31 in CVS? Can I use a later milestone than DEV300 m32 in SVN?

No and yes resp. If you are certain that your patch applies cleanly or you are prepared to handle the rejects, you can skip the resync part of the recipe or/and start of from a newer SVN based milestone. Working with DEV300 m31 (CVS) and DEV300 m32 (SVN) almost ensures that the patch applies cleanly which is why we recommend to work with them.

Subversion Usage Examples

Checking out a milestone

Check out a milestone DEV300 m32 with:

svn checkout svn://

Switching between milestones

Switch from milestone DEV300_m32 to DEV300_m35 (safes potentially a lot of checkout time):

cd DEV300_m32
svn switch svn://
cd ..
mv DEV300_m32 DEV300_m35

Checking out a cws

Check out a child workspace foo:

svn checkout svn://

Updating a working copy

Update working copy of foo:

cd foo
svn update

Find out where a working copy originated

Find out the base (milestone or cws) of working copy wc:

cd wc
svn info

List milestones/cws

List all available milestone and release tags:

svn list svn://

List all available child workspaces:

svn list svn://

(Probably EIS is better suited for these tasks.)


View commit log on a single file:

svn log file.cxx

View only changes on a branch (for example a cws)

svn log --stop-on-copy file.cxx

Include all paths affected by change sets in log command:

svn log --verbose file.cxx

Attribute blame:

svn annotate file.cxx

Showing the differences between a milestone on the master and a cws

$ svn diff

Showing the differences in a module or directory between a milestone on the master and a cws

$ svn diff

This shows the differences in module sw between the milestone DEV300_m32 (a tagged version in svn-speech) and the most current checkin on cws swrefactormarks2. Since modules are only directories in svn (not in any way special as they where with CVS), this can be used to compare any directory too. For example:

$ svn diff

A specific revision can be compared to the master like this:

$ svn diff

This compares the cws at revision 4711 to the milestone m32

File:Headline text

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