Documentation/OOoAuthors User Manual/Getting Started/Inserting columns and rows

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Inserting columns and rows

Columns and rows can be inserted in several different way and quantities.

Single column or row

A single column or row can be added using the Insert menu:

  1. Select the column or rows where you want the new column or row inserted.
  2. Select either Insert > Column or Insert > Row.

Note: When you insert a single new column, it is inserted to the left of the highlighted column. When you insert a single new row, it is inserted above the highlighted row.

A single column or row can also be added using the mouse:

  1. Select the column or row where you want the new column or row inserted.
  2. Right-click the header.
  3. Select Insert Row or Insert Column.

Multiple columns or rows

Multiple columns or rows can be inserted at once rather than inserting them one at a time.

  1. Highlight the required number of columns or rows by holding down the left mouse button on the first one and then dragging across the required number of identifiers.
  2. Proceed as for inserting a single column or row above.
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