QUASTEe TCS Tool Tutorial

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Every new feature or enhancement needs a specification and this specification, to be final, must refer to a Test Case Specification (TCS)
which describes a number of manipulations, actions to execute in the application to test its functionality.

For commodity reasons (readability, ease of analysis), a TCS is segmented into smaller units: the Test Cases (TC).

TCS are stored in a database and can be edited, deleted or queried over a web front-end in QUASTe.
This web front-end is called TCS Tool.

The current tutorial explains how to use it.

How to create and edit a new TCS

Login and Create

00 Login.JPG

01 Start.JPG

  • In the Left navigation panel, click on 'Create Test case specification (2)

Define the Properties of the TCS

02 Properties.JPG

  • First define the Properties [A] of the TCS using two fields:
    • (3) Product: This is the release in which the enhancement has been introduced.
    • (4) Title: a short and "meaningful" summary for your TCS

Tip: avoid using the word "test" here! Every TCS are "tests" or are written in order to "test" something...

    • Click the [N]ext button to move to the next step.

Tip: Letters between [] are shortcuts which in most browser are reachable over Alt+letter.

03 Properties Details 01.JPG

  • Component (5): choose which application or areas your TCS will apply to.
  • Test run frequency (6): corresponds Automation Categories and means "how often should this TCS be run when it has been automated?"

Tip: If you don't known what to choose... Choose everything you want but To run on all builds an releases...

  • Motivation (7): A kind of justification of the TCS... We need references to know that the TCS really covers what it should.
    • Own initiative: it's ok not to have a reference, for instance when you decide to write a TCS which covers existing fetures... But if you have a reference please choose...
    • Specification: If your TCS is based on a specification, choose this entry.
      You will be prompted for the URL to this specification in the next step.
    • Issue: typically when you want to create a TCS which should avoid an already occurred defect to happen again (regression).
      You will be prompted for the URL to this issue in the next step.

05 Properties Details 03.JPG

  • URL (8): depending on your choice at last step, the URL to the specification or the issue.
  • Summary (9): a more detailed description than the TCS title.
  • CWS (10): the name of the CWS the feature has been implemented in.
  • Preconditions (11): There you can explain about the context of the TCS, what should others know before testing?
    Examples: "should something special (extension?) be installed to test the feature?", "OS specific?", "Locale specific?"...
  • Comment on changes (12): feel free to document what you are changing and why.

06 Properties after save.JPG

As soon as you you have saved the properties form and created a TCS, more Tabs appear which will help you editing the TCS:

  • Testcases [B]: there you will start writing TCs.
  • Preview [C]: how the whole TCS will look like (i.e. when printed)
  • History [D]: a changes tracking which can be useful when others edit your TCS.

Now click on the Testcases [B] for the next step...

Add TCs

07 TC empty.JPG

Click on [N]ew as mentioned...

08 TC first.JPG

  • Title (13): enter here a title for the test case.

Tip: it's just a usage of the Automation folk but it's good practice to write a title...
... with a small "t" at the beginning (meaning "tEstCase")
...to WriteAllWordsTogether
...to WriteInCamelCase...
...Else feel free to write whatever you want! But PLEASE, be very SHORT! Without full sentences!

  • Status (14):
    • Preliminary: meaning "Please, don't use it yet! I'm not finished with writing!"
    • Standard: meaning "I am finished! Can be tested!"
    • Obsolete: meaning "Well, the function does not exist anymore, but I'd like to keep this TC for my records..."
  • Published (15): check this when you want your TC to appear in the Preview [C] tab page.
  • Description (16): write here the scenario of your TC.
How to write a TC?:
  • Use as far as possible short sentences
  • Write in form of an enumeration using hyphens.
  • Follow the model: "do this, do that -> check that you get that"
  • Note: this field does not allow any HTML (or whatever) formatting. This is done is Purpose! The TCS tool needs to keep a certain export flexibility (to Wiki, HTML...) and a certain level of standardization.

09 TC saved.JPG

After saving the TC for the first time, the view prompts back to the TC list view, showing a summary of the TC in table format.

10 TC preview.JPG

Click on the Preview [C] tab page in order to see how the TCS looks like.

Upload Test Documents

11 TC testdoc upload.JPG

If you need to add a test document to your TC:

  • Click on the Browse (17) button and choose your document
  • Click on [U]pload (18) to send the document to the database.

Note: you need to save any changes made to the TC before being able to upload. The form cannot both save data and upload documents in a same operation!

12 TC testdoc uploaded.JPG

After having uploaded the document, the form looks like the screen shot above. The document can be [D]ownloaded or [R]emoved,

13 TC preview testdoc.JPG

In the TC list view, a document icon reveals the presence one or more uploaded documents. A mouse over this icon shows a list of the uploaded documents.

Delete TCs

14 TC delete01.JPG

15 TC delete02.JPG

To delete TCs, click in the TCs list view the check box in front of the TCs to delete (19) or the upper check box (20) if you want to select all TCS.

After a check box has been selected the [D]elete (21) button appears.

Find TCSs

16 TC Find Start.JPG

  • In the Left navigation panel, click on View test case specifications

17 TC Find List.JPG

  • Choose a product and a component in order to refine the query.
  • You can also check the option Show my test case specifications only
  • The query result displays as a table in which you can sort the rows by Title and Owner
  • If you are owner of a TCS you can [E]dit and [D]elete it.
  • if you are not the owner of a TCS, you can only [E]dit it.
  • Click on the hyperlink of the title to view the TCS

18 TC Find Preview.JPG

From the preview, you can choose to [E]dit or [D]elete (if you own it) the TCS.

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